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##Plan: Approve

The only people that I would prefer bringing over Uhai are myself and zak. No one has any reason to trust me and Weapons is suspicious of zak so I'll stick with this one.

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Altenna looked at her three comrades, waiting to hear her plan on the assault.

"We've tried a sneak assault, and it failed. So to, did a direct assault. They're looking for an oppertunity to attack Chalphy. We have no choice, but to use that against them. We're making the assumption you four aren't spies for this mission, if you were, the mission would surely fail..."

Julius listened to her explanation, but grew impatient at her cryptic speech. "Just tell us what to do, please. We already know that."

"Ah... yes." Altenna replied, "Well, Prince Sety, Prince Arion, Prince Shanan, Sir Faval and Emperor Alvis have all been instructed to maintain an assault on Velthomer. No doubt the spies among them will inform Grandbell of this plan... meaning the assault will fail."

Corple jumped at the thought. "What? Why would you do that!?"

"Corple! Why do you think you're here? As the assault fails, an assault force from Grandbell and Velthomer will ride to Chalphy. Corple, you'll be waiting near Dozel, and your unit will put them to sleep. Ishtar and Julius will then ambush them while they're unprotected. If we're lucky, we'll take down Aless with them, and then I'll fly straight onto Velthomer and spearhead the remaining assault - with their assault force defeated and extra reinforcements in the form of us, they'll be forced to surrender."

Ishtar nodded in approval. "We can do this. Julius, shall we get ready?"

"Of course..."


Alvis, as he was instructed, lead the assault on Velthomer. As Altenna had predicted, reinforcements had come from Barhara, and the assault was stopped, and the crusaders were forced to retreat. As they did, Aless and his elite guard rode from the castle, and headed straight towards Chalphy. The plan was working.

Aless rode across the plains, past where Dozel used to stand, now just a ruined castle. To his side, Jabarro, his trusted bodyguard stood proud on his mount. They stopped to regroup and prepare for the assault. Nobody was tailing them.

Corple and his men stood out of sight - some in Dozel ruins, some in the forest, some across the mountains, but all in range. The flare went up. Aless watched for just a second, and realised he'd been led into a trap. But just as he went to draw Mistoltin, which would protect him from the sleep staves as well as many enemies, he began to feel drowsy, his eyelids heavy, and he fell asleep along with Jabarro and many of his men.

Ishtar and Julius emerged, and began their assault, while Altenna flew to Velthomer. The remaining awake knights were left confused, and were easily dispatched. So, to, was Aless himself by Ishtar's mighty Torhammer. The Velthomer army routed, Ishtar, Julius and Corple made their way to Velthomer as well.

"Begin the assault again!" Came Altenna's cry on the battlefield, "Aless has been defeated!" A cheer from the rebels, and they attacked with a renewed valour against the demoralised Empire troops. The battle was easy now, with the Empire's famed Black Knight dead. Velthomer fell to the rebels, and now, just Barhara stood in their way. The hardest castle of all to take.

It is now mission 5, the final mission. Lightning is the Rebel leader. This castle will take 6 rebels in the plan to defeat.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I've basically been as average as most mafias. Okay, so maybe I put myself instead of Darros in my own plan. Well, I felt I couldn't trust Darros with our lives...and, well, I could trust myself. I stand by my actions. And I'll break any Imperial that comes my way.

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