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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Iso: I'm holding up alright ... I'm just a little ... ... I don't know exactly. This is probably the worst day of my entire life and yet I don't know how to feel. Katie was kidnapped and is probably dead by now, I was severed in the middle of a fight, I'm blind now, and I have no idea what to do about any of this. I got hit with too much at once ...


Lev: Okay, I'll take care of these.

Lev turned to the group again.

Lev: The rest of you just get back on the road. I'll catch up to you as soon as I finish up here. Anyone who wants to grab something for the road courtesy of these fine merchant here, feel free. Alright, time to get started. Kiev! Krin! Knock it off and get over here!

The two wyverns stopped and looked at each other. Kiev had a black eye from a well placed shot from Krinkov, and Krinkov had a small nosebleed from a well placed shot from Kiev. The two wyverns called a truce so they wouldn't get in trouble and walked over to the wagon. This caused the pink wyvern to spin around and become defensive! She quickly backed away from the wagon not sure what to do!

Lev: Flip these wagon back over so those horses can stand up. I'll deal with the girl.

EDIT: Fixed and amended Iso's lines.

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After the fighting, Aiya had followed along with the rest of the group. Damian was on the ground at the moment, and Aiya clutched the ballista wounds with a small whimper. It seems non-critical injuries were to wait for now, so she could bare it, although it was certainly a nuisance.

"A pink wyvern? What the hel-!" Aiya began, as Ulfhrahn began to act... different...

Kiev and Krinkov seemed to be fighting over the female wyvern already, and something came over Ulfhrahn, as he too launched himself into the chaos!

Aiya held on for dear life as Ulfhrahn landed and let out a menacing roar at the two other wyverns, spreading his wings wide and allowing a full bellow to carry his roar through the air with piercing volume!

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"Whats in this bottle?" He said holding it up and examining it. "Can you see if this is enchanted or something?" He asked the headmaster handing her the bottle.

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As the man started spouting his wears, she went over and looked through the items. When Lev mentioned the side-effects, she thought to herself. Maybe the Nomad will think I'm cute. :wub:



Seeing the pink wyvern approach the group, Cess looked around. Most people seemed to be stunned, but the other wyverns seemed to be fighting. "Please don't tell me what I think is about to happen. :facepalm: "



Pary slipped a few bottles into his bag. "Eh, might as well see if they work."

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"Nope. No enchantments." said the headmaster without even really trying. "At least none I can see. It's completely non-magical, besides a few strands of earth mana, which is expected if it has a berry base."

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Hearing Esphyr's voice nearby, it seemed the mercenary was telling her to jump.

'I trust Ulfy... but she's right, this is dangerous.'

"A-Alright..." Aiya replied, and saw Esphyr ready herself to try to soften the fall.

"Here goes!" She said to resolve herself, and jumped off of Ulfhrahn's back towards Esphyr.


Damian had been watching the scene unfold with a bit of confusion as to this odd salesman. Just watching in the beginning, Damian soon noticed Ulfhrahn land rather hastily, with Aiya looking... less than pleased.

"Oh shit... he isn't... Aiya!" Damian rushed toward the scene, Esphyr already there. If Ulfhrahn went on a mating frenzy with them this close... Damian didn't want to think about it.

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There wasn't much Kelas could say to that. Without really thinking, she shifted in the saddle, carefully swinging a leg over Amari's neck to sit sidesaddle for a moment so she could twist around backwards and hug her friend. "I'm sorry," she breathed, not really sure what else to say.

OOC: They're a little ways up the road, so out of Rita-fangirling range, before Psych tries it.

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OOC: Rudoberry increases estrogen levels and pheromone output(turns girls into women basically). Also probably tastes alright. Thing is, the medieval folks probably don't know about chemicals in the body like that so I'm ignorancing it up a bit with archaic terms.

The Wagon of mysterious stuff

It seemed as if Ulfhrahn was effected by the female as well and jumped into the fiasco! Kiev kept his head and tail low a bit being too young to be heavily invested in winning. Krinkov leaped back a bit and took a defensive stance, ready to fight back as best he could. If it wasn't his father stealing females, it was other bulls, and he was sick and tired of it.

Lev: Ah sh*t! Alright hold on a second! You guys can settle these later! Right now we need to flip these wagon and catch that wy-

The female quickly took off into the air and started flying up as high as she could!

Lev: She's not flying away ... hmm ... that means she's not actually scared. Grrr. I need the rest of those Rudoberry bottles. NOW.

Merchant: She only drank a few. I keep them in this case over he-

Lev: Hand it over ...

Meanwhile by the headstrong horse ... or rather on top of the headstrong horse ...

Iso: It's alright ... there wasn't much we could do ... ... I'm just not sure what to do now which is why I hate the thought of ... not being able to fight.

He didn't want to slip back into his blind fighting concerns but he couldn't help it.

Iso: What else can I do ...?

EDIT: Added Isotov because I didn't preview.

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"Goddammit," Alf muttered, glancing back at Reika and drawing his Tomahawk.

"Are you ok Aiya? I'll protect you if you need it. I know how to deal with mountain wyverns, and I think this shouldn't be any different."

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OOC: Sorry. Dinner delay

IC: Esphyr spread her arms wide, ready to intercept the flying wyvern girl. "OoPh!" With a sudden grunt as the weight of the armored rider came down upon her, Esphyr caught Aiya, dropping both ladies down into a unceremonious pile of arms and legs. Esphyr squirmed about, trying to slide out from under her, only to somehow get the two girls more knotted. "Alf! Damian! Help!"

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Alf quickly pulled Aiya off Esphyr and checked for any broken bones. Both seemed to be a bit bruised, but nothing too serious. Picking up his tomahawk, he prepared to throw it into the incoming wyverns if necessary.

"Should I or? I'm out of my element when it comes to mating, the pink wyvern can die, but yous might, well, eat me."

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As Aiya landed in a heap comprising of herself and Esphyr, they somehow managed to end up in some sort of elaborate knot. Alferis soon helped the pair out, and asked if he should attack.

"That... would be a horrible idea. They are already in fight mode Alf, if you attack they will think your competing with them to mate with the pink wyvern... and when wyverns fight over a mate, the weaker ones tend to die if they don't back off in time, and even armed, do you think you can kill something Ulfhrahn's size before you bite it?" Aiya said, frantic, at Alf's suggestion.

All of a sudden, Damian appeared as well!

"You guys okay?" he asked, before Krinkov took a defensive stance against Ulfhrahn! Kiev had backed off, but seeing that the older brother was still defying him, Ulfhrahn let out an even louder roar, and swung his tail in warning, the speed causing a near sonic boom!

"Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck... get out of here, now!" Damian said, now panicked, and backing away from the wyverns carefully.

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"For now... I guess we just keep moving," Kelas replied. "We'll get those damn tomes back, then kill off that demon so they're not needed anymore, and avenge everyone who's ever been dragged into this." She carefully let go of Isotov's shoulders and swung back around to sit normally, making sure he was still holding on. "...We should reach a town pretty soon," she told him, looking up the road.

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"Agree!" said Esphyr, standing up beside Aiya and nodding to Alf. "I don't want to get into a wyvern fight!"

"You guys run. I don't care so much. If they try something, I will be fine. I'll watch over them if you want." said the Headmaster.

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OOC: More info on what's happening:

The female is putting vertical distance between herself and the wyverns to see what they'll do. Wild wyverns would automatically follow her, but domesticated ones aren't completely insane so they can be calmed with ordinary discipline. If they don't follow her, she'll fly back down momentarily and try to lure them around more.


Iso: Alright. For now I'll just try to ignore the noise and ... get a little more rest ...

With the case of Rudoberry in hand, Levski placed the entire thing near Derek and Viveka, and then walked back over to the wagon.

Lev: Alright, we've got no time for these. Now that we've got the stuff, she won't bother you anymore ... in theory. One of you wyverns flip these damn wagon please.

He made a pushing gesture against the wagon to give them the idea, and Kiev was the first to volunteer. He quickly pushed the cart back over while Irina came over.

Irina: This is impossible. Domesticated wyverns never get this uppity over girls. It just never happens.

Lev: That wyvern's been chugging something that makes her more ... desirable that normal. She's the same size as Krinkov which means she's well fed ... and an adult. I wonder where she came from.

Meanwhile up in the sky, the female wyvern waited for a few more moments, and when it was clear that the wyverns hadn't abandoned the humans, she figured that they were all tamed wyverns. That wasn't good for her since they had duties to their humans and wouldn't be good providers. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do next. The wyverns' masters had stolen her precious drinks and she didn't know where to get more. She would have to steal them for herself, and then track down the merchant later it seemed.

EDIT: Added Iso because Kiryn is faster than I thought.

Also, the female is reaching a slightly different conclusion than I planned based on something obvious that I overlooked when starting this post.

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"All right," Kelas replied, turning back onto the road as the rest of the group began to catch up.

Arrin dug a canteen out of his saddlebags, remembering that he needed water, and followed after taking a drink.

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Taking a quick drink from the bottle, she put it back in her bag and ran over to Kelas and Iso. "Oh Mr. Nomad~ Notice anything different about me? <3"

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The Last Stand

Irina decided to see what she could do this time. She carefully approached both wyverns with her hands up and away from her body trying to show that she wasn't a threat.

Irina: Guys, listen! She's just one female! You two are friends, remember?! Don't hurt each other over a woman!

Krinkov's eyes wandered over to Irina but he stayed where he was! He couldn't afford to get blindsided by that bludgeoning device Ulfhrahn kept for a tail. As Irina came closer Krinkov became even more agitated. He understood that she was trying to break them up, and he would normally welcome it, but he didn't want to be punked by a wyvern that wasn't his father, especially not in this situation. He'd never live it down. Suddenly the female returned and grabbed one of the horses that was attached to the wagon and flew off with it ripping away the belts and straps tying it down!

Lev: ... what the f*ck was that?!

The horse neighed in terror as the female flew away with it and disappeared off into the distance!

Irina: Oh no ... that poor horse ...

Krinkov immediately let his guard down at the sight of the female leaving. He was so amused by her actions that he calmed down. Next he looked over to Ulfhrahn wondering how he felt about what had just happened.

OOC: The female stole the horse to A. get a meal in and B. try to get back at them for stealing the Rudoberry.

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