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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"Right then." Kelas dismounted, a bit awkwardly because she had to swing over Amari's neck rather than her back, but landed fine. She collected her saddlebags in one hand, paid a hostler, then helped Isotov down. "We should probably find some food or something," she said, steering him into the inn while Amari grudgingly followed the hostler.

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"In theory?" said the Headmaster, turning to Helios. "Yes. Aside from letting me rage out, holy magic of a soothing and curing nature, like that found in a restore stave, should be able to ease me back to normal. Otherwise, you would need to avoid me, or somehow confine me until I calm down, lest I maul everything in the area."


"Probably a restore stave. If that didn't work, I don't know. In medicine, there are literally thousands of ailments and each one has a unique cure. The wrong one could end up killing rather than healing. Why people bother with it is beyond me."

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"... Very well. Captain, lead the way," Derek said, dismounting Ann, and letting the others head to the visitors' center.

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Should I tell her? She probably wouldn't kill her. Maybe she won't tell Morgan or Damian. I need her to not tell anybody.

"I think we should discuss this somewhere else where she won't stare," said Alferis, pointing to Morgan.

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Morgan heard her name and turned to Alferis and Esphyr...who seemed to be moving away from her.

She leaned over and discreetly whispered to Heinz. "Find out what those two are talking about, all right?"

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"Esphyr, Reika was severed," said Alf, taking a deep breath.

"And I'm worried what will happen if they find out. Pary, Morgan, Chase, they might kill her if they find out. And I don't know what to do."

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"How reassuring." He snarked. "A restore stave huh? Healing you would be pretty hard if you were in that state. The healer would be ripped to shreds before they could reach you. Sending Pary out might work but the other two are important. I'll find a way to keep you from doing harm in your berserker stat, 'least i hope i find a way."

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Guard at the Gate

"Alright, now that that's settled, let's get you folks inside." Gran led the party to a large, two-story building not far inside the city, the horses and other mounts were allowed to stay at the stables nearby. The main area of the Visitor's Center was large, capable of holding three-times the amount of people in the party, with plenty of seating. Doors aligned to the right of the entrance, a dozen, with a dozen more visible on the second floor. A window at the far end had two men talking next to it. A door leading to a large room was next to them. There was a smaller door off to the left.

"Rooms on the right are beds, the little slides on the front indicate if something's occupied. Blue is yes, red is no. Letters have probably fallen off by now. Big room is the eatery, might wanna get something to eat there. Small room to the left is the washroom. Good luck with whatever. I'll be here if you need me, or one of my buys at least." Everyone was filed in, and as they based by Gran grabbed Fargo out of the crowd. "Well well, who do we have here?"

"Hiya Gran..." Fargo whimpered.

Captain Luc

"Excellent then," Luc led the fellow cavalier up the rising street. They passed another wall and gate, then another before reaching an obvious training field. To the sides trainees and veterans fought viciously. Luc led Derek in further, to a sizable estate with a giant of a man standing in front of it.

"General Mendozza sir! Captain Luc reporting in sir!" Luc saluted.

"At ease soldier," Mendozza commanded. The General's armor was chipped and dulled, the original purple coloring had faded to gray in the many years of use. But one piece of armor remained the same color as its original forging. A brilliant white gauntlet on his right hand. His hair was as white as the armor, and his face was a near intangible mess of battle scars. "We'll talk inside. And you," Mendozza refered to Derek, "Please mind your manners inside."

Luc dismounted his horse and handed it off to a handler before accompanying the General inside. The General led the two cavaliers upstairs, to Councilmen Richtor's office.

Councilmen Richtor was a chubby man, dressed in fine clothes. His black hair was thinning early. "Ah gentlemen welcome!"

"Councilmen Richtor, sir!" Captain Luc and General Mendozza both saluted.

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A faint look of glee overcame Esphyr's eyes as she heard those magical words. Reika had been severed! And with it, the weapon was gone! Gone! GONE! "She was severed!" she exclaimed, keeping her voice low. "You have to tell me how Alf! Tell me how so I can stop following Morgan's fat ass around and get on with my life! My real life!"


"You'd have to restrain me then. I could probably still beat you up though, but that's years of martial arts and training compared to your squishy mage body. Any of the melee fighters could probably pin me though, if it wasn't for my magical powers."

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"Well, I didn't see. One of the demons set me on fire and I was out and nearly died, so I didn't see what happened. She got slashed before and I guess when I was out, the demon just took the daggers."

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Passing through the gates of Directus, Heinz narrowed his eyes slightly. Seems like they protect this place well, Heinz noted. Figures, if this city is filled with veterans from the war.

Waiting around the Vistor's Center aimlessly, Heinz watched Morgan order Derek to act in position as leader for the group. He should be able to talk to military types, if that pegasus rider is any example.

He saw Alferis and Esphyr talking a little distance away, and the shaman whispered to the mercenary, requesting him to follow the two. Heinz nodded. "Sure," he replied quietly, walking vaguely in the same direction as the two.

He saw the female mercenary grin wildly, and Heinz squinted, trying to figure out what words she was mouthing. .... She's talking about severing? Morgan's fat ass and her real life? Wonder who she's talking about. She's employed to Damian though, isn't she? The shaman can't affect her that much. Heinz mulled for a few seconds, trying to recall which of the Crimson Weapon wielders had acted strangely.

The wind mage has been talking a lot to the headmaster recently, while the archer's still worrying over Morgan as usual. General Conrad seems the same, as well as Damian and his consort. Tessa was worrying over Reika earlier though, and Arrin complained about a headache.... perhaps they've been severed? Still puzzling over Esphyr's words, his gaze swept lazily past the pair, pretending to examine the patrols walking around the city boundaries.

The mercenary had flung Alferis against the wall now, and although Heinz could no longer see her mouth anymore with her back to Heinz, some of her words were distantly audible. Demon? So she wants to be severed? Interesting... Figuring this was as good a time as any, Heinz continued walking unobtrusively in the background, heading into a random armor shop a few blocks away.

Edit: Added a bit.

Edit again: Argh grammar.

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"You got it all figured out dont you?" He sighed right after she finished. "Damian's spear might be able to bind you down while a healer goes up to you and restore you. That is if the spear can trap you."

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"We have to recreate that situation then!" she said, almost flinging him against the wall. "Flammable. Flammable. Something- No. That won't do. Alf. We need to find a demon. I want to be rid of this accursed blade, and if a demon can do it, then I must find a demon!"


"That spear is demonic power. So long as I'm in contact with it, I won't get any better. Only worse."

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"Well, you might get sick and die Esphyr. You really want that? And anyway, do you promise not to tell the others? They might kill her now that she doesn't have them anymore. Especially Chase."

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As the woman brushed her off, she saw the rest of the group wander inside the town. She walked over to them, and found Lev. "Oh hi there Mr. Lev. Hi Irina. Whatcha doing? Where's that friend of yours?"

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Once they were within the town, the wyvern riders dismounted and met up near the inn.

Lev: Alright, we've got two objectives here. First, we need to hire someone to build a wyvern cage. Second, we need to set up for when that female shows up.

Irina: Will she show up?

Lev: We've got what she wants. I don't know how a wyvern would develop an addiction like these in the first place, but it hardly matters now.

Irina: ... soooo I guess we should ask around?

Lev: *sigh* yeah. The longer we wait, the bigger the chance that wyvern shows up prematurely. Can't let that happen.

Ivanko's Crib

Dawn was still many many hours away and most of the activity in the dark tower had ceased though the thunderstorm was still happening. The two had ended up in another area of the chamber and were still talking. Shanice was still chained down when they arrived. As they entered the area, Shanice shook his head in disapproval.

Shanice: I can't believe it. THE BITCH IS BACK.

Miranda: Oh, Shanice! Quick, quick! Turn into gimp!

Shanice: Screw you!!

Ixion: Now what would you think if I told you that I planned on releasing this vermin back into the wild?

Miranda: I'd probably get all emotional and tell you that you're crazy ... among other things. Why not just kill him?

Ixion: I would ask you the same thing. You let this creature live many times when you had the opportunity to end him. Why didn't you finish it?

Miranda: I got a little cocky and it cost me ... big time. You're just sparing him because Ivanko told you too. Either that or you're stupid. Shanice is dangerous. Not as dangerous as me, but dangerous.

Ixion: Indeed he is ....

Shanice: <.< >.>

Ixion: He's going to go after Isotov's friends again ...

Miranda: Yep. That makes you their enemy.

She walked over to Shanice and put her hand forth, using the back of it to stroke his cheek. He quickly tried to bite her hand but couldn't move his head far enough, and she didn't even have to pull back to avoid the assault.

Miranda: *sigh* you poor purple bastard ...

Shanice: No ... pity. Not from you! Not from you, you lousy good for nothing psycho bitch!

She smiled and turned back to face Ixion.

Miranda: ... and where is Proxima?

Ixion: I'm not stupid. It's none of your business.

Miranda: ... I'm sorry, I was only wondering. It's not a big deal really-

Ixion: Isotov is blind, and possibly dying. You know this. You wouldn't ask about the tome unless you planned on returning it to him.

Miranda: You've got a better idea?

Ixion: You can bind crimson weapons just as Shanice can. You'll bind Proxima to the person of my choosing, understood?

Miranda: Still trying to turn Irina into her mother? That's cute.

Ixion brushed her off and headed over to the wooden desk to try and get some distance from the socially aggressive woman. He wasn't used to dealing with her kind, and it didn't help that he wanted her to serve under him. He wanted things to remain cordial. He could have overpowered her in the blink of an eye, but he preferred the use of words. Sadly, this was the very area where Miranda surpassed him, and she surpassed him by leagues. They both knew it and Ixion was still trying to find a way to make her his subordinate.

OOC: I have to break these into small segments so the rp doesn't suffer the longest monologue ever. Please bare with me people.

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"I really should, but... Being a merc, I have one loyalty. If you want me to keep silent, you need to offer me something." said Esphyr. "It's simple in how it works. I'll even throw in my trying to care for her just because I like you."

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"Morgan? Without a doubt. I don't think Damian would until she attacked someone. Aiya probably not. She's too much of a... well... submissive to do anything without his order. Beyond that, I don't know."

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Waving her hand in front of his face, Rita started getting a bit angry. "He-llooo~ Mr. Lev? Irina? What are you two doing?"



Seeing Viveka laying down, shivering, he walked over. "How are you feeling? A simple chill should have gone away by now. Let me get you some more medicine."

((I'm assuming she's lying down or something?))

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Iso: I'm not sure how useful I'll like this on a food search, Kelas. (Am I going to have to get a walking stick?)

He kept his head down subconsciously trying to see where his feet were going, but he was at a loss. It was bothering him a lot.

Irina and Levski

Lev: Rita? Did you need me for something?

Irina: Oi. We're trying to find a decent smither who can build us a wyvern cage. It's got to be strong enough to restrain an adult. That's a tall order.


OOC: Lying down is fine, but once again, she's not shivering. In fact she's already over her cough thanks to the merchant guy. Too bad it doesn't actually cure the fever. That you can blame on the herbs.

Viveka: Pary? Oh it's alright. I'd rather let the herbs kick in first if that's alright.

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