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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Morgan gave the Headmaster a look of disgust. "Ripping someone's heart out and drinking their blood will only give you a small amount of nourishment, not equivalent to actually draining their life force. Anyway, just...tend to the and I'll question them later."

Morgan walked over to Esphyr. "So, eager to sever our Crimson Weapons are we? Hand it over to the demons, do the exact thing we are fighting to prevent? What an utterly foolish notion." she said, hands on her hips, nostrils flaring.

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Chase wandered around, frowning that he couldn't find anyone he knew. He approached a Directus soldier, asking him, "I'm looking for someone... have you seen a shamaness, black hair, white dress, violet eyes?"


"Indeed. Directus is a very interesting military base. I'm impressed," Conrad remarked.

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"Hey. Unlike you, I didn't have a peachy perfect life made all the better by my weapon showing up. I hate this weapon and what it did to me with a passion. It's cursed, and I want it gone. Demons, spirits, it doesn't matter to me. If you want it, take it." said Esphyr defensively.


"You're just gonna have to trust me. Besides, if I wanted to snap, I would have already."

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"I've seen things that would have you defecating in your drawers and crawling up into the fetal position, girl." Morgan said icily. "Perfect and peachy are inaccurate descriptors. And the weapon cannot simply be transfered to others at a whim, fate has chosen you to wield the Crimson Sword." Fate likes to toy with me it seems, saddling me with a horde of incompetetent fools. "Attaching it to someone else has a high rate of failure, and also has an excellent chance of killing the recepient. By handing over your weapon to our enemies, you are betraying us. You are a selfish, spoiled, ignorant brat who would see everyone else perish for her own benefit. You disgust me."

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As Esphyr approached him, looking happier than he had seen her in a good while, Damian was... curious, to say the least.

She said she knew of a way to sever her sword.

"A-Are you sure? Esphyr... I know you hate that blade, and with good reason... but you saw what happened to Morgan when she was severed... and I suspect Isotov's condition has the same cause... we have no idea what might happen to you..." Damian trailed off, when Morgan appeared, obviously angry.

"Morgan, I understand your concerns, but that is not your decision to make... Gae-Borg is an excellent catalyst, and with it, we could likely bind the sword to a more willing host, so long as we can retrieve it after it is severed." Damian began, before hearing Morgan continue. His fists clenched at her choice of words and intent.

His hand moved. Not balled into a fist, but an open hand, and struck the shamaness across the face, sending her back slightly.

"Never. Say. Such. Things." Damian said, each word filled with rage, a slight red tinge beginning to taint his blue eyes.

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To Chase

"Eh, I've seen all those things. But not all on the same woman eh."

To Conrad

"We work hard for our peace," Luc said. "And we will fight hard to maintain it."

A Mansion of Trouble

Luc waited patiantly for the Directus healers to arrive. Though it wasn't like he could do anything else. Finally after far longer than Luc would expect, a half-dozen healers burst into the room. One of them being Jeanne.

"Out of the way, out of the way!" the eldest healer, a man with a long beard, said and rushed his compatriots to the injured. "Focus children!" The group of healers held their staves to heal the writhing members of the party.

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Zilpah surreptitiously walks up from behind Esphyr, his hands were clutched next to his sides ,as usual to keep him from jumping out of socks, his face was filled with a blunt expression and half closed eyes, symbolizing deep thought. He stopped behind Esphyr, and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Greetings." Zilpah greeted with a big smile. with his hands folded behind his back.

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"So what? Do you expect me to just throw up my arms and fall to the ground and worship you, oh sage Morgan? This sword forced me to kill my best friend when I was eight, and that's just the start. I've killed people for no better reason than this swords whims. Unlike you, I'm forced into that horror every day, when I'm fighting and the blood is flowing on the front lines. But you wouldn't know about that, little miss mage. You just hang back on the front lines muttering your spells and sitting on your rear, only to tumble over when us soldiers can't keep the enemy perfectly controlled. You don't need to bother with the life of us mortals. You just hang around with your head in the clouds debating morals and semantics while I'm fighting to keep myself from summoning this... thing... Again! Some people say they would give anything for their love, and I'm willing to actually do it! I would give anything to be normal again. It's the whole reason I'm even here. Once this... thing... is gone, I'm just a normal girl with a normal life once again."

She then whirled about to Zilpah, her eyes flashing with the hellfire swords fury. "WHAT?!"

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Zilpah turned toward Helios, "Hmmm." he hummed. Zilpah lost himself in his thoughts for a second, then returned to reality, "I Don't beleive we met, but everyone has a reason for the actions they take, its just up to others if the deem it worthy."

Zilpah jumped back a little from Esphyr's scorching eyes, he would be completely terrified if he wasn't so curious on how she did that, he stared out of curiousity, "Greetings..." he said in a trans like state.

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Morgan stumbled back a bit and rubbed her face. "Never say the truth? So you would possibly sacrifice Eric, Derek, Aiya, anyone who who uses a sword, just so Princess Esphyr can sit around and sip tea all day? You would come to the same conclusion as I if you thought with your brain instead of your genitals for once."

Turning to Esphyr, Morgan simply said. "I don't care about your petty problems Esphyr. The rest of the Crimson Weapon wielders have accepted their fate without complaint, and it is time for you to do the same. Even Helios isn't stupid enough to hand his weapon over to the demons. You need to grow up, and you need to do it now. Only a weak and pathetic mind crumbles in the face of adversity."

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Count Altair

Luc marched over to Damian after seeing him strike the shaman. "There will be no violence in my house. Hold your hand or leave." Luc said as sternly as he could. This was no time to be adding to the healers duties.

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"Ugh. Well, thanks," Chase replied, but he heard Morgan and Damian arguing. "I suppose that solves my problem, then..." he muttered, riding over to them. "Hi guys... uh, what happened?"

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"Oh hiya, Chaser. Damian punched Morgan in the face. Thats one ugly bruise." He replied. Then he slowly started to realize. "Dick move...." He muttered to himself.

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"... Repeat that statement," Chase told the wind mage, moving his hand to his knife's sheath.

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Kelas moved back to let the healers do their work, shaken by the knowledge that attacks could come not only from nowhere, but from no visible enemy. She reflexively mumbled a ward against dark magic as she scanned the room. Morgan had gone off to argue, Viveka was also being looked after... it was not, apparently, a trap. Still, she remained on edge.

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Morgan continued to speak. Her logic, precious logic. Everything is based on logic, people don`t matter, people are tools. Tools for logic action, sacrifices.

"Petty problems?! Emotions make us human... fate?! What do you think our fate is, Morgan?! You've seen how badly we've done against lesser demons, the Lord with destroy us! The only fate we have left is death." Damian replied, each second his voice becoming louder and closer to a scream.

"If you are so ready to call on fate... and accept it... then take the fall... why don't you just DIE!?"

A deathly aura filled the air. Breathing was like inhaling a mouthful of blood. Malice was the only thing that could be felt, as the Crimson Lance made it's entrance.

Damian's eyes had blanched to scarlet in an instant, and the natural movement of the summoned lance was for the point to dart towards the heart of it's adversary.

OOC: You'll have to knock him out, BTW. Feel free to have her not get hit in the heart though, it's just the natural place to aim.

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"I grew up when I was eight Morgan." said Esphyr simply, turning her back to the shamaness as she walked away. Her right hand was clutched tight, crimson energy rippling off it like sparks as she walked away, trying to get as far away from the group as she could.

"Don't." said the Headmaster, adverting her attention from Iso. "Go after her I mean. It's my fault she's like that, not yours. You'll only make it worse if you go after her and try to talk down to her like you just did."

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Chase darted towards Damian, and thrust his dagger has hard as he could at the man's arm. "What the hell's wrong with you!" he shouted.

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"Chaser YOU HEARD ME THE FIRST TIME!" He roared as Damian summoned his lance. Helios reacted instantly summoning Hellsety and taking a shot as the tip of the spear. However the impact of two crimson weapons clashing sent the book flying out of Helios' hand. It hit Zilaph :/

OOC: Spear should dig into a wall or something, not Morgan

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Count Altair

"Fool of a man!" Luc readied himself to tackle Damian, but before he could another man sped past and shoved a dagger into ths spearmen's arm. "Fool men!" A blast of wind knocked the spear aside. "Fools all of you! Get your petty egos in check lest I send you to the stockades for the night!"

Guards rushed into the mansion at the sound of Luc's yelling.

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The clash of weaponry and magic sent the spear into a wall right next to Morgan.

"Knock Damian out please." she instructed everyone nearby. "He's not himself." She decided not to fire, too many people around, and friendly fire wouldn't be good here.

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Healers and Jeanne

"We'll let Count Altair worry about if any of you get thrown out," the eldest said.

"Don't worry," Jeanne explained, "I doubt my brother will throw you out. You're not trying to disrespect him."

EDIT: Throw is not through.

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