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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Zilpah was in deep thought, but was soon knock out of it by a book that critical-ed him back to reality, he closed his left eye in pain.

"...Hmmm, wind magic." Zilpah suspected.

He sighed deadly to escape the pain, he walked over as he held his eye to helios and presented it to him.

"I believe this is yours, no?" Zilpah asked a trickle of blood flowed from the left side of his forehead.

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"Ahahahahahahaha my fault. Crimson weapons clashing against each other results in a lot of pressures. Mages arent the strongest, ya know." Taking the book out of his hand then dispersing it. "Get that checked." He said pointing at the wound.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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As the dagger dug into Damian's left arm, the man's face was contorted into a wide grin. Not even reacting to the spear missing it's target and flying from his hand, the possessed man grabbed the archer that had come too close and threw him to the ground.

Gae-Borg then dissipated from the wall, and reassembled in Damian's hand with a burst of red.

"Hehehahahahahahaha!" The deepened voice laughed hysterically, as the lancehead was thrusted toward the archer.

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"Like i said before, the amount of recoil in that clash was enough to send one of the weapon's flying. Man whore was stronger. Well at least Morgan isnt dead." :/ "Gimme a second?" He asked the shaman. "Morgan, may I?"

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Chaos in the Mansion

"I've warned you all!" Luc gripped his halberd and brought it to meet Damian's lance. There was no way he could overpower the other man, not with the Crimson weapon aiding him. "Guards! Take him to the ground!" The guards complied and tackled the Crimson spearmen. "Jeanne! Give me your trainee rations!" His sister looked up from her healing, confused for a second, but complied and handed the white block to her brother. Luc took the blocks and shoved them down Damian's throat, hoping that he wouldn't be one of the 1% that didn't pass out from first tasting the rations.

OOC: Let me know if this seems.... off, please yes?

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"Eh. Headmaster can you do a thing and break this up?" Helios asked deciding not to get involved. After watching the Luc destroy Damian, Helios sighed. "Nevermind." He said to the headmaster. "Chaser, how you holding up?"

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"Hey what in the hell going...on?" Alferis said, walking with Reika to where the others were. What he saw horrified him. A dagger stuck in Damian. Chase, Esphyr, and Damian in violent positions. Reika sat down leaning on the wall, watching them with a bit of interest, though her eyes were clearly glazed over.

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Meanwhile, Esphyr had left the group behind as she had headed out-doors. The furious crackle of her demonic weapon had died down a bit as she took a look up at the sky overhead. Something, she didn't know what, was tugging at her as the sounds of the fighting inside grew more and more, compelling her to sing and be whisked away to a world of fantasy and imagination. With a furious scowl, she suddenly turned her head down from the sky, killing the urge where it stood.

"Stupid, rotten, fat, mage wench! Who does she think she is? Lording over me?" she spat out before taking on a mocking tone of Morgan. "Who cares about how bad your life was? I've seen worse things than you can imagine! Like, if I didn't have my weapon, I would have, like, totally died. Being the reciprocal for a weapon made of pure hellfire was, like, the best thing that ever happened to me!" she said, bobbing her head back and forth wildly in mockery as she headed out into the streets.

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As the Halberd blocked Gae-Borg from severing the interfering boy's head, Damian turned to the newcomer with a curious look. All of a sudden, a foul taste welled up in his throat, as the chalky white block was shoved into his mouth.

Gagging slightly, the man was then tackled to the ground by several guards.

"Hehehehehehe..." Damian chucked, eyes still flaming.

"Is... that all? ... BURST!"

The sound was like a hand grenade exploding... in your hand. The pressure wave of demonic energy knocked all those in the confined hallway back a ways as it bounced off of the walls and amplified.

The followup. Crimson barbs. Deadly shrapnel flying in all directions, unbiased towards it's target.

Several barbs stuck into Damian as well, however, he stood unshaken as the guardsmen stood dizzied by the blast.

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"... I think Damian broke something..." Chase groaned, collapsed on his back. "Oh, and my neck is bleeding from the spear-tip."

Conrad shouted, "Colonel Keliene, you're taking things too far!" Summoning the Earthshaker, he swung it into the Gae-Borg, shaking the man who wielded it from the pressure, and followed up with an armored fist to the face.

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Irina and Levski

Having failed to find a smither who wouldn't charge them a fortune to craft a decent wyvern cage, Levski thought of a better idea. Irina hated his proposal but deep down, she knew that as far as who had the final say in a wyvern capture, it was Levski. The two headed back with Rita. On their way to the mansion, they saw Esphyr doing ... something. Levski gestured for Irina and Rita to stay where they were as he started walking toward the mercenary girl.

Irina: Are you sure about this? She hates your guts. She probably hates anything that's in your guts too.

She had a half comical look on her face, not sure what to think of the joke she just said.

Lev: Don't worry about it. You two find something to do until that wyvern shows up.

With that, he headed over and called out to Esphyr once he was close enough.

Lev: Alright, I'll bite. Why are you alone outside?

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A piece of shrapnel hit Kelas glancingly in the forehead as she moved to block any attacks from hitting the healers. "Look, if it's safe to move him, can we get him out of here?" she asked, blinking blood out of her eyes.

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Count Altair

"Of course it wouldn't work. Damned odds of probability." Luc saw General Conrad meet the Crimson Lance with his own weapon. The resulting fervor nearly disrupted the work of the healers. "Damnable man. Bind his hands! Prevent him from holding the lance! And someone go get General Mendozza!" The less injured guards circled around Damian, and one ran outside.

The Healers

"Bah, we can't continue with these interruptions."

"Paris is outside sir!" Jeanne said.

"We'll have to carry them somewhere else with the horses, give us a hand."

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"I need a scapegoat to take the blame if i wreck anything." Helios replied quietly to the headmaster. "I think I'll blame Morgan ^_^." He said. Time to use that, I guess. Helios opened his palm and focused it in Damian's direction. A ball of Mana started to form in the pal of his hands. "Move out of the way!" He exclaimed at the passing soldiers.

OOC: HM should recognize this move.

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Esphyr shot a harsh, judgmental glance towards Lev. She would have normally let loose with a load of judgemental remarks about the slightest little thing, but was too angry at the moment to care. "That fat-ass Morgan. That's the problem. She's an insensitive little wench who doesn't care about anyone beyond herself and her darling Chase. So what if I have my problems and my reasons for not caring who gets rid of my weapon so long as it's gone. If I do it wrong, it might mess up her nails." she said, insultingly. "To think, I wanted to be her friend!"


"If you know someone with heavy enough armor, we can get close enough to try and knock him out. Or a sleep staff would probably work... or maybe... Ummmm... If we can get Aiya, he probably won't hurt her. Otherwise, I don't know."

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Lev: Come on, Morgan's ass isn't that big. It's juuuuust right. Uh anyway ... these is about severing your sword? You've got to admit it seems like an incredibly dumb thing to do given our history with severed weapons. From her perspective you probably sound like a rambling idiot. From mine, you seem to have scars that just won't heal and that sword is a horrible reminder.

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