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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!" Helios raised his voiced. "I cant hold this any longer!" The mana blast was growing bigger, depleting his strength. He was growing weaker by the second. He couldnt hold the blast for much longer.

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Esphyr raised an eyebrow, the crackle of her rage diminishing a bit. "Lucky guess. But close enough to be right. This sword has made me do horrid things, and I just want to be a normal girl. As long as I have this thing, I can't do that. You know those wenches you spend the night with? They go home, sleep, wake up, worry about food or some pimple on their mouth, but they don't have to worry about holding the demonic hellspawn of the lord of darkness that can kill someone at will and you can't do anything about it inside of them. Heck, even if they were pregnant with a demon-baby it's still a step up just because it's only nine months, compared to ten years of suffering."

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With the help of one of the healers Kelas managed to get Isotov out of the entrance hall and into a side room, where there was at least, for the moment, shelter from the fighting. "Maybe it's not the demon what attacked me, but try convincing me he's not a demon of his own sort," she muttered, hearing the fighting continue.

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"Fuck." He muttered as he let the blast go. The noise was ear splitting before it found its target and rendered him unconscious. It left a trail of destruction on its way. Helios fell to his knees, stunned. I cant move, Damn mana depletion

OOC: Again, HM should recognise this technique seeing she is trying to perfect it <_<

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Levski scratched his head a bit while keep his other arm on his hip.

Lev: That's an ... interesting perspective you've got there. You know that we're either going to complete our mission and keep on living, or die, right? With that, I don't see what the problem is unless I'm missing something.

He then crossed his arms and tilted his head very slightly.

Lev: Aren't you a mercenary? That means that you've got one task to fulfill. Nothing else matters. Nothing. If we fail to defeat the lord of azure flame then we all die, and that's the end of it, so why should you focus on anything else? You must have had a great life before that sword came along if you're these upset all the time. Nonetheless, if you fail these mission YOU WILL NEVER even come close to getting it back. Do you want to die with that crimson sword in your hands?

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As the blast from the wind mage smashed into him, there was little Damian could do.

He was sent flying backwards, crashing into a wall, and slumped to the ground, eyes open and glazed over, but back to their own hue of navy blue.

The lance clattered to the ground nearby, and dissipated, the violent aura dissapearing along with it.

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Conrad moved out of the way of the blast, barely avoiding the massive explosion. "What the hell was that?" he asked, his ears ringing.

Chase had been unable to get completely out of the way, and was bleeding badly on the ground. "Ugh... help... someone... get me help..." he cried weakly.

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Morgan went over to Chase. "We could use a healer over here." she called out. She took a vulnerary and began to apply it to Chase's wounds. Hope Helios didn't kill anyone, but at least Damian is out.

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"No. But all I have to do is let some demon sever me from this thing, and it's gone. No more pain or suffering. That was my payment as I recall. I get to say goodbye to this weapon. I don't see why I should care where it goes beyond that."

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"Ow....Bah-hah," said Alferis, who was standing sort of far away. Being where he was, he wasn't as hurt as the others, while Reika, was lying on the ground, not very hurt, but stunned.

"You ok?" he said, staggering over to her.

"Nnnnn....Slave I'm fine."

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Lev: Oh really? It's just that simple? What kind of normal life will you have if you're sick all the time like Morgan was? What if you go blind like Iso? Hell, what if the sever kills you? May as well, cause if the demons don't kill you, the demon king will once he's free. It doesn't matter what you do, Esphyr. If you turn your back on these, you lose. You possess that sword for a reason. You're running away from that reason.

He sighed trying to think of a metaphor to explain it.

Lev: Okay, if someone gives you a bow and arrow, and tells you to shoot a target, what do you do? Do you do what you're doing and beg someone to take the bow away and do it themselves, or do you take the damn shot, and then hand the bow back after completing your task? What do you do?

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"I shoot the idiot who told me to shoot when I haven't even touched a bow. And Morgan's sickness was caused by the severing? I... I didn't know that." she said, honestly shocked. "I thought Chase just gave her something. And I know the reason why I have this damned sword well enough. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got a birthday present roughly equivalent to what Pennywise the clown gives little girls if their parents don't watch. I don't know how Morgan can seem so happy about it. La-di-da! Save the world with our super-weapons! She's an idealist who's head isn't grounded in reality!"

OOC: Yes, I know clowns didn't exist back then. Insulting them is just too fun. And yes, I'm aware of the irony of Morgan being called those things.

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Lev: Morgan? Happy? Are we talking about the same Morgan here? I've never seen the woman smile. Not once. I'd like to change that, but I'm a little busy ... what with all the bullsh*t that goes on around here.

Quickly getting back on topic he cleared his throat.

Lev: Well obviously the man who told you to shoot the bow is a bit too swift for you now isn't he? Good thing too. If you kill all the demons, who will sever you once these is over? Esphyr if you want to be free from these curse then you have to stop running in the wrong directions. Morgan isn't trying to save the world for fun. The woman just wants these bullsh*t over with and taken care of. She's taken the responsibility nearly all to herself because she can't trust you people to stay focused for two goddess damned seconds. If we fail, not only are you going to die, but everyone you know may likely die as well, and not all cozy in a damn bed after a good long life. These is not the time for sulking, and it sure as hell isn't the time for turning on each other over misunderstandings.

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"Heh it wont work. I'll be stuck like this for a while until my mana network recovers. It was very advanced, i have no idea where i picked it up from." He replied.

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Chaos at the Mansion

The guards had moved out of the way once they saw one the Wind Mage of the party. The impressive attack had laid flat the rampaging Damian. And a good chunk of the foyer.

"Get that man restrained immediately," Luc ordered, wasting no time. The damage to the mansion could wait. Guards rushed by and placed the unique cuffs of Directus -- designed to be unpick-able -- on Damian. "Jeanne, help stabilize the new injured!"

Luc's sister came bounding out of a sidehall, staff at the ready. "O-our house," she sadly said.

"Later Jeanne!"

"Y-yeah," Jeanne went over to Chase first and began healing him.

"Disaster is more of a comrade to you lot than each other," Luc scoffed. If it wasn't necessary for these people to be free he'd detain the lot of them for reckless endangerment, property damage, resisting officers, disturbing the peace and a dozen other infractions that wouldn't be important.

Now, where was General Mendoza?

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"You've been watching me it seems, and I must say... That was a complete and utter mockery of my skills. It was horrid and wretched and I don't want to see you casting it again until you know how to properly train with it."


"To state the obvious Lev, I'm a merc. I work for hire, any side. And yes, we are. All she cares about is saving the world, never mind who gets hurt to accomplish it. You'd think that if she really cared, she would try to at least apologize. I..." Esphyr gave a sigh. "I hate how she constantly talks down, like she's so superior and like none of us have any problems or they're just as simple as 'well go talk to him' or 'just do something'. It's not, and it's insulting. Like, like she's a arrogant snob with a stick up her ass."

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Lev: *sigh* ... she'd be a great addition to Ivanko's mercenaries. Not related I know but she could hack it in an organization like ours. Oh well. Look, Esphyr. You can't honestly expect her to care about the personal feelings of others in a situation like ours. It's not her role to play therapist and she knows these for a fact. You go to other places for sympathy anyway. You don't have to be moved by anything Morgan says. She's not trying to upset you, so stop getting upset and role with the punches. You have friends here, even the ones you don't recognize. Let yourself be moved by them, and not her.

He quickly remembered something that made him laugh.

Lev: Here's a good example. If I reacted to every bit of feedback I get from you, I'd be crying on Irina's shoulder half the time instead of doing my damn job. Role with the punches.

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The healer left to tend the other wounded as the fighting died down, and Kelas realized that there wasn't much she could do besides wait for Isotov to wake up. Arrin had to be all right, or someone would have told her.

Arrin had, in fact, fallen asleep at the table after eating what could theoretically be called "dinner." He'd missed all of the fighting.

OOC: Lame post because dinner/cake/library/packing, bbl.

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"It worked." He replied to the Headmaster. "It wasnt as strong as yours so Damian isnt dead. You could have done so when i asked you and i wouldnt be in this situation where i cant move."

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"You wouldn't be crying. You would be forcing her to bend over for you." she said, but unlike before, there was no hostility in her tone. "I know it's not her job to care but... She tried to push aside my problems like they were nothing when the whole reason there was even an issue was my problems with this cursed sword. If she wants it, she can have it. I don't care. Her peach of a life doesn't give her the grounds to brush aside my problems like they are nothing though."

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Lev: (Hell, I'm not good enough for Irina ... not with what we've been through ...) She pushes aside your problems because she can't help you. Never send a sentinel to do a medic's job. Once again, she's sticking to what she knows ... and that's keeping us trained on the main goal. I think it's safe to assume that if Morgan's talking to you at all it's because either there are issues to settle, or you've taken your eyes off the ball. That's the impression I've gotten of her. I highly recommend ignoring the things she says that bother you. Whether or not she has the right to do what she does doesn't even matter. I mean ... who the hell put a bunch of emotional unorganized coons like us in charge of saving the world? Were they out of their mind?

OOC: Yes that was a FFXIII paradigm reference.

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Rita stood tapping her foot impatiently. "Mr. Lev~ I'm hungry, and tired. ;_; Do something about this mess. I find a nice cage for you!"



Cess decided to go out and find Rita. As he walked into the manse, he saw the group arguing. "Not again. :facepalm: Rita, what did you do?"



"I'll just be over here.....>_>"

Pary lifted his staff, healing Chase's wounds.

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Irina quickly dragged Rita off to give Lev and Esphyr some alone time.

Irina: Yeah, don't do that. He's trying to mend some wounds and that's not helping. If you want to get something to eat, let's go find a place to get some, or go inside the mansion.

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