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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Chase walked happily around the hall, looking around the place more carefully than before, and checked some of the rooms. I wonder where Morgan is... he thought, and set off looking for her.

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Alferis had asked Aiya a couple of questions, but had left before she had gotten the chance to answer any of them. Figuring it would be for the best to actually leave the room, she stood up and exited into the hallway.

Seeing Alferis had not gotten too far yet, she called out to him.

"If you're still interested, I would be fine with sparring later Alf!"

Not waiting for a reply, Aiya headed down towards the baths, intent on washing the dirt off of her body.


Damian sat on the bed for a short while after Tessa departed.

"Am I really the only one who thinks of Gae-Borg that way?" He asked himself, reflecting back to Tessa's words.

"*sigh* Not much I can do about it now, I suppose..." Damian remarked, entering the hallway.

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Her sulking about complete, Esphyr too got up and left her room. This lust potion was a sickly thing. Who in their rights minds would have made it? Even now, she could feel the push towards her effeminate side, despite it's unwelcomness in her body. Things like color and appearance should have been only a minor concern to her, but no felt larger than then should have been.

"Hey Damian." she said in greeting as she saw the man, trying to keep her unstable self from showing through at the moment.

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"Oh... hey there Esphyr." Damian replied. He was feeling better than he had in a good while, it seemed the venting had done him some good.

With a chipper grin, he advanced towards Esphyr and quickly pulled her into a tight embrace.

"And how are you feeling this morning, then?" Damian asked, before noticing something.

Her scent was... different. Quite noticeably so, in fact.

"Hey Esphyr... are you wearing perfume or something?... you smell different." Damian asked, taking in another breath.

He couldn't place it... but something about it was... intoxicating.


Entering the bathhouse, Aiya noticed that no one else was around at the moment.

Stripping off the dirty clothing, she slipped quietly into the water, and sighed contentedly.

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"Goddamn it I'm taking a bath," said Alferis, heading towards where they were when he ran into Aiya heading down there as well.

"Oh son of a bitch!" he exclaimed covering his face, annoyed at the fact he may have to postpone the bath now and that he ran into her naked again.



Seeing Esphyr drift towards her room, Reika wandered around the hall, looking at all the paintings and statues and began sizing them up.

"That one would definitely be worth over several hundred gold on the black market. And that statue must be worth a fortune," she marveled.

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Esphyr wrinkled her nose up in disgust at the mention of the change in smell. Never the less, a thin smile lined her face as Damian embraced her. Though she was suffering from a load of stress from the potion, a hug really does make things better. She came in close, trying to rest her head on his shoulder, but was unable to rest it as close as she was used to being able to do. "That wench Rita showered me in a lust potion yesterday," she explained. "I took two baths to try and get it out of me, but it seems to have somehow gotten through my skin. It's annoying, making me speak like a stupid valley girl, notice sights and smells I don't want to know about, making my chest tight, and..." she didn't say anything more. In fact, why wasn't she saying more? The valley-girl speech seemed to have vanished away, if only for the moment. Maybe it was finally starting to wear off? Esphyr gleefully hoped so. Despite that she was doubtless more attractive to Damian this way, she outright hated the potion and it's effect and wanted to be normal again.

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"Oh son of a bitch!"

Upon hearing the yell, Aiya turned around and saw Alferis.

An annoyed look crossed her face, however, the bath itself covered most of her body already.

"Alf... could you please leave the room for now, before I need to start throwing heavy objects at your face again?" Aiya asked, although it was quite clear she wasn't actually giving him the option to stay, moving to cover her exposed chest with her left arm, and preparing to propel herself away from him with her right, if the need arose.


"A lust potion?" Damian asked, intrigued. The change in the mercenaries scent was overpowering, and despite the explanation, he couldn't stop the intoxicated blush that came to his face, or the fact that his arms were pulling her ever closer on their own accord.

"So that's what it is."

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"Don't worry. Just gonna leave and wait till your done. I really wanna take one," he said leaving the room and standing outside the door, his arms crossed and tapping his feet.

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"Yes." she said for a moment before giving up trying to rest her head on his shoulder and instead settling for resting it on Damian's chest. She could feel his arms drawing tighter about her, but said nothing in complaint. It was probably the lust potion, but somehow it managed to relax her despite the compression. After a moment though, she quickly turned about so that her back was to Damian, while her hands rested atop his own, her fingers sliding down to lace with his own and hold them close to her.

"I... I heard about what happened last night to you. I'm sorry, both as a mercenary who got her employer in trouble and... and as..." she started, trying to complete the sentence. Even with the lust potion's effect, she could still feel her tongue turning loose and difficult to control in her mouth, similar to in the tales she had heard.

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"And as...?" Damian urged Esphyr to finish the statement, allowing her to lace their hands together, and pulling her in closer, laying his head against the nape of her neck.


Aiya could feel the impatience from the man outside. Speaking so that he would hear her, she called to Alferis.

"Y'know, trying to rush a bathing woman is going to get you nowhere, Alf. There is more than one bath in here, if you can find a divider or something, then you won't have to wait... just give me a chance to cover myself before you come back in, okay?"

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"I..." she started, her head resting against his. Suddenly, she took a deep breath, trying to clear the air in her lungs from both the lust potion and her own personal hormones. "I would rather not say." she started, letting the cool and clean air fill her. "Though I think you already know. Either way Damian, I don't feel like myself right now. I didn't when I was drunk either, and I don't want to do something to you while intoxicated."

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"Is there? I'll ask then," said Alferis, leaving the area. He asked a serving girl passing buy where the other baths were and she pointed in a different direction. He entered the room, stripped off his clothes and got in, his body relaxing now that he was able to wah all the sweat and grime out.

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"Well, it seems the effects are wearing off then, aren't they?" Damian said, still holding the mercenary.

"And what happened yesterday isn't your fault, Esphyr. it was my own lack of control, nothing more."


As Alferis seemed to wander off, Aiya let herself sink into the bath water, hoping for no more of that type of distraction, at the very least.

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"Oh hell," Kelas grumbled, hearing people heading off to other things, "well, I thought we were leaving soon, but..." She sat down on the steps in front of the house. "Looks like we're stuck here for a bit, then."


Seeing people dispersing, Arrin went back inside. He supposed he could do some more work, but despite the importance of research, puzzling over his symptoms was getting a little depressing...

Instead, he set off in search of Tessa. The orange cat, sensing some sort of exploring afoot, came out of hiding and perched on his shoulder as he walked the corridors. Finally, on the way back to the kitchens, he found her. "Good morning, Tessa!" he called, walking a bit faster to catch up.

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"... They're wearing off?" asked Esphyr, sighing deeply in relief. She thought she could feel the general girliness of the potion slowly ebbing away through her body, a pleasant feeling to say the least. She could feel the control returning to her, causing a thin blush to peek across her face. With it fading away, suddenly Damian's closeness felt... different. No longer as hormone driven as it had been before.

"We... should get going. We have a ball to attend after all." she said, pushing Damian's hands closer before letting go. "And Damian... We can't control our weapons. I know. We're slaves to their will according to the headmaster. Isn't it such a pain?"

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"Yes." said Esphyr, nodding her head as she turned to look at Damian's resting on her shoulder. "A ball. Look, my letter is still on my door." she said, pointing to the still-hanging letter on the woodwork of the door.

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Seeing the letter, Damian squinted his eyes so that he could read it from his position.

"A single dress, eh? Looks like they are looking for someone to be the Count's date." Damian said, looking at the letter.

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Two And A Half Wyverns

As the pink wyvern returned to consciousness, she slowly moved her head around searching for signs of what had happened.Her vision was blurry at first, but when her vision cleared, she saw Krinkov lying down beside her, and the man with the scar on his eye sitting down reading one of those strange paper folder things humans gazed at. The crate she wanted wasn't far away, but she knew she would just get struck down by whatever hit her the first time. She still didn't know exactly what it was though the black one may have had something to do with it.

She slowly groaned inadvertently getting the wyvern lord's attention. Krinkov just stared at her as Lev came closer.

Lev: You feeling alright, girl?

The wyvern lord was flapping his jaws at her. She had no idea what he was saying, but his tone of voice was rather friendly. Still she wanted to use him as a distraction and escape. If she was fast enough, she could lightly maim him and fly away while they try to save him. It was the best plan she could think of, but for some reason she didn't feel like doing it. (Meh.) she thought once the thought of actually having to execute such a maneuver came to mind.

As she rose up from the entirely crushed flowers, she noticed the reins on her face and crossed her eyes looking at her snout. What was this? Was she captured?, she wondered. That was why the wyvern lord was so friendly! He had captured her and now she was going to be turned into a bound and occasionally gagged domesticated wyvern! She moaned loudly and scratched at her reins in frustration! It wasn't fair! All she wanted was the red water so she could find a decent male to feed and protect her! She'd been cheated so badly that she wanted to lash out, but once again ... the whole concept just made her feel lazy. She soon calmed down and lied back down, completely depressed.

Lev: It'll be alright. You'll see.

She snorted at him and whined a little. The noise got Kiev's attention and he trotted over somewhat curious. He looked at Krinkov who surprisingly wasn't beating him over the head like the first time she showed up. Also strange to him is that she smelled a bit more normal. Very pleasant, but not so much that he felt compelled to stick his nose into her back and tail. Not knowing what to do, he sat down and stared at her.

Lev: Give it time, Kiev. You wouldn't know what to do with that.

EDIT: Forgot to add the word "nose" and it came out looking totally wrong.

Also changed the rudoberry reference to red water since she likely wouldn't have a word for it in wyvern logic.

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"I personally want the dress." said Esphyr. "And no, I don't want you to say something like 'well if you want a dress I will buy you one' or something. I want THAT dress. Rather, I want to get something without you making it easy. I'm a strong and independent woman. Not someone who needs her hubby for everything."

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"If you want to get one on your own, I won't try to stop you... but what if I'm right? What if that dress is given to Count Altair's date?" Damian asked, curious.

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Conrad frowned at the outlaw's spontaneous joy. Was it because the shamaness was back to normal? He certainly seemed attracted to her, but somehow that didn't feel right. It could be because he's glad to finally get a good rest, but they stayed at a few inns before... Perhaps it was a special day for the boy. Hmm... I'll have to like into this. Well, whatever it is, good for him.

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"Coddle her?" Alf mused aloud quietly in the tub. "I never thought I did. But maybe she's right. I have been quite protective of her, sometimes maybe even a little overprotective. I guess I need to be more careful about that."

"A ball huh? Maybe I can get some sparring in beforehand. I wonder if you're required to bring a date. If I am, I wonder if Reika will want to go. I doubt it though. Who else..." he mused, getting out of the tub and putting on his robe. Gathering his clothes, he left the baths to his room, trying to dry off quicker.

"Wonder if Esphyr's ready to spar or something. Maybe Damian. If I have to," he scowled, remembering the incident at the inn.

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Rita and Cess:

As they strolled along, Rita slumped over Cess. "Why did you never want to be a mercenary with me again?"

"Cause I'm not cut out for it. You always have all this energy and action. I'm not tough like that."

"You could have just told me. I thought you came with cause you liked it."

"You'd have thought it was stupid. Besides, someone has to keep you out of trouble. And I probably don't do a very good job of that even now."

"I'm sorry. I'll try and act calmer. It's just everyone is really nice, and all."

Rita hugged Cess tighter, and the kept riding.

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"Don't worry about it. I, literally, can not be disarmed. If he seperates me and tries anything, he will die before he can undo his belt buckle. Besides, you need a wife whom can show herself to be not of the common folk, right?"

OOC: Sparring would be fine... AFTER Script TS's us. Script, feel free to TS. We can finish up in flashback if need be.

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