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Psych's Mini Mafia


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OK, so, Otakuman died. I hit Mike, because the two big ones didn't disagree. If you want, lynch me, but be sure to vote Lightning first.

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I'm not sure if you noticed, but Mike's role outright said my role's name in it. So yeah, nice try.

I never said lynch you. I said Vote.

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Yeah. Now if Lightning votes on the other hand, then it's modkill.

Also. I'm so gonna laugh. Cause once it gets down to four people, it won't even matter what I reveal, cause you'll have lost. And here I thought I put this game too town sided. >_>

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Oh right. But Slayer has majority. Hmmmm. What to do, what to do. RNG TIME!

Snike died.

You are Nana, the Diclonius. You come from the anime Elfen Lied.


As a vicious Dicloncius, you are able to kill someone by practically just thinking about it. However, as a tame, kind Diclonius raised to care about humans, you have restrictions. Each night you may kill one person., but they must have voted for you the previous day. The vote can have been changed, but you must have had at least one vote on you. You may reply with "Using vectors on USER"

Your vectors can infect the human race, causing them to birth Diclonius babies. Each night you may infect one user, and should you die, the last user you infected will take your role. It will not work on mafia or third parties. You may reply with "Infecting USER".

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats are eliminated.


Town sucks. I thought it would be too hard for mafia, and now they're just shitstomping you.


Edited by Psych
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It is now Day 5. You know what? Since the mafia kills tonight, Town just lost. Thank you Snike. >_>

;D No problem. Especially considering how unbalanced this game was.

I'll make a "TOWN ARE IDIOTS" endgame thread in a couple hours. To show you your stupidness.


I hope you have an observer.

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Dear mafia,

please can my corpse join your team.

Enclosed is a little offering to you You guys let Ether join you for posting it anyway


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Well, actually Ether came in second. Here's the standings.

1st - Lovers and Mafia

2nd - Ether

3rd - Town

All the roles revealed have been true, except for Hemlock's and Astra's.

JB, you are Mio, the Rocker. You are from the anime K-ON!!


You are the light music club's basset. You are desperate for your club to have new members, so each night you may kidnap someone to try and get them to join. Their actions shall fail that night, and will go missing during the day. You may reply "Asking USER to join the Light Music Club".

Twice in the game, you may reply with "Practicing alone". You will avoid all actions to you for that night.

If you are able to tell me the special nickname of your newest band member, you will learn the role of someone in town.

Weapons, you are WeaponsofMassConstruction the Cult Douche. You are from Serenes Forest.


You are perfect at faking being a cult, and screwing over the mafia. You can tell people anything, and they will believe it. Each night you may send me a message to tell to someone, and it will appear as if it is a rule in the game. You can make up anything. Such as "USER is the doctor", "There is a cult", or even "There are only two mafia members".

Once in the game, you will be able to trick a user, and learn their role. You may reply with "Tricking USER".

There never was a spy. Lightning, Ether, and whoever else would have tried to send in their actions would have been fine. Mafia just killed Ether the same night he tried to disprove that. Other roles are coming up soon.

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Mafia was JB, Weapons, and Raymond.


You are Luna, the cat. You are from the anime Sailor Moon.


You are able to follow someone's scent, and see where they went last night. Each night you may reply "Following USER's scent". You will see who they visited.

As the person who gives the Sailor scouts their special items, you brought some with you. You have three items you can give to someone. The Moon Tiara, the Disguise Pen, and the Rainbow Moon Wand.

The Moon Tiara lets someone use an ability twice in one turn, the Disguise Pen lets someone switch places with someone else, and the Rainbow Moon Wand lets someone be able to survive an attack.


You are Miku, the Vocaloid. You come from a series of music programs called Vocaloid.


Since everyone loves your singing, you are unable to be lynched in the day time.

Each night, you may sing for a person alerting them you are a friendly townie. You may reply with "Singing for USER".

You are allied with the town. You win if all hostile forces are eliminated.


You are the Internet History. You exist from the interwebz.


As many people forget about you, you are able to see the last page someone visited, telling you of their intentions. Each night you may reply with "Letting USER take a surf".

Should someone realize they are surfing you, they will be able to erase the results. However, you will only see half of their result.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

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And the true lover role!

Hemlock and Astra:

You two are Lau and Rhan-Mao the Opium Dealers. You are from the anime Kuroshitsuji. Hemlock is Rhan Mao, and Astra is Lau.


As partners, you have special abilities. Rhan-Mao's vote does not count towards the lynch, but Lau's counts twice. You must agree on who will vote, or neither will count. You can still post in the thread, but you must tell me who you are voting in this PM. Should either of you die, you will die together.

Each night, you may decide who you will smoke opium with. You may reply to this message with "Smoking Opium with USER". That user will be told they were visited by Lau and Rhan-Mao, and that their night action has failed.

When investigated, you will appear innocent if you are still living. If you die, once I announce it is the second season in the PM, you will come back. The others will not know you are still alive, unless you decide to smoke with them, or there are 4 people left, not including yourselves. They will not be told of this part in your death announcement.

When you come back, you can kill one person each night, and give up your block. You can not kill consecutive nights.

You can join with the mafia, but your numbers must be equal. If mafia outnumbers you, you will lose, and if you outnumber them, you can win alone.

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You all had items, action stoppers, an oracle to reveal roles, AN UNLYNCHABLE FRIENDLY TOWNIE WHO YOU COULD HAVE LEAD, and death take overs, and you still lost.

Why didn't you have Bizz lead and doc/BG her? >_>

I'm sorry, but this was clearly town oriented and they still lost.

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