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Ugetab is dead


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Some background: Rune is notorious for running a site that steals codes (not Ugetab, as Rune says). He's stolen some of mine for that matter.

[23:38.32] <arbingordon> hey para

[23:39.01] <arbingordon> http://board.gscentral.org/showthread.php/51227-Ugetab-has-died incase you havent seen it

[23:39.13] <arbingordon> rune bawing about ugetab stealing codes

This is about as low as he [Rune] has gone. And I was curious why he sent me a message over ICQ just the other day saying' date=' simply, "sup?" Suffice to say, I'm no longer curious of his intentions.

So, the question this time around, is this the kind of person you should look up to? Would you let him babysit your children? Discuss.[/quote']

I didn't know Ugetab, but I recall hearing good things about him and I'm sure he deserves some respect all the same.

Not this crap, anyway. Yes, this is a copypasta from my copypasta at FEU of the original Kodewerx thread. Yes, I'm aware of how painfully redundant that is. No, I don't care; I have more depressing things to consider. Like that these sorts of people are breathing my air

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I don't know either Ugetab or Rune, but... I can't see how anyone with half a braincell would side with that Rune cunt. Just reading what he wrote in that thread makes me want to injure him.

A death is nothing to be gloat about, even if it's someone you really hate for whatever reason. "deserve what they get", he says. Something someone does online is not worth dying for.

Conclusion: Rune is one seriously fucked up individual.

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I heard about Rune from a certain Sevensins a long time ago (nearly two years). Didn't know he was that bad. He's certainly the most immature person I've ever seen on the internet, and that's pretty terrible since the internet is filled to the brim with insanely immature people (just like real life, really). "Karma bit his ass," yeah right. If karma bit asses for such petty things, I'd have died a thousand times over by now. I'm sure we would all be dead, actually.

theives (online or IRL) should just die. Even if said person only stole a couple of numbers in a specific order.

You, with all your 15 years of experience, are passing judgement on someone you don't know, regarding circumstances you don't know about. How are you any better than the thieves you're scorning?

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I have actually escaped death before.

and seeing the things i do, one would say i deserve a painful slow death. after a week or so of torture.

And if rune is making the code theiving part up, then i guess i do feel sorry ugetab. but if he really did steal, then, it goes back to my first post in this thread.

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theives (online or IRL) should just die. Even if said person only stole a couple of numbers in a specific order.


Founding Fathers (And by extension all Americans) need to die because we stole this land from the Native Americans.

Practically every famous military general ever needs to die/have died because because they stole shit from whoever they beat.

VASM and everyone who ever contributed to this site needs to die because they would have had to steal the game in order to hack it properly (Oh, and since your using their work, you should die too since it's stolen). Hell, this one works for the vast majority of people who has ever contributed most anything to a game community.

Oh, and if you've every watched a Youtube video of anything that is copyrighted anywhere, you need to die because you're stealing their money by watching it for free.

Edited by Furby
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meh sux for him.

ima side with rune on this one.

theives (online or IRL) should just die. Even if said person only stole a couple of numbers in a specific order.

So, you would hang me for stealing a couple plastic counters when I was, like, five? DEATH. SERIOUSLY, MAN.

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ima side with rune on this one.

theives (online or IRL) should just die. Even if said person only stole a couple of numbers in a specific order.

You're a poor excuse for a person. Grow the fuck up and learn the value of a goddamn human life.

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theives (online or IRL) should just die. Even if said person only stole a couple of numbers in a specific order.

I can't say it better than Esau: "You're a poor excuse for a person. Grow the fuck up and learn the value of a goddamn human life."

I have actually escaped death before.

You would think someone who has actually "escaped death" would care for human life more. You seem to have gone the opposite direction.
[A]and seeing the things i do, one would say i deserve a painful slow death. after a week or so of torture.
No sane person would attest to that.

Wait, you think that just because you see "horrible things," you deserve a slow, painful death?

And if rune is making the code theiving part up, then i guess i do feel sorry ugetab. but if he really did steal, then, it goes back to my first post in this thread.


That's you in a nutshell. Or maybe it's not.

I'm not entirely sure what to say about Rune. He's a troubled person. Or a troll.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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IIRC he's in his mid 30s, lives in his parents' basement and claims to have mental in capacities (or at least has; at this point his arrogance is probably beyond recognizing even flaws of his that aren't his fault, let alone the flaws of his that he intentionally chooses to have).

He and Parasyte (administrator of Kodewerx, a forum that was originally created by those who left Rune's forum (GSC) because of...well, Rune) actually have each others' personal information and post it at odd times to see what people do with it. IIRC someone called Rune once and the result was pitiable, though I don't remember the details.

For someone so f'd he apparently had a strong attachment to a little kitten, took care of it incessantly and fell apart when it died. Go figure.

Mostly just irrelevant background for curiosity's sake; also of note: Ugetab's mom still doesn't seem to have replied with the results of the autopsy like she said she would. :/

Also, Nightmare, I had a friend who, with the bajillion usernames he's gone by, once used the tag "Sevensins". I've known him for several years and he was aware of Rune's tendencies through a recounting of personal experience I had given to him (along with several links of course). I wonder if this is the same Sevensins? He keeps surprising me by being friends with other friends of mine I had no idea he knew...I think he's stalking me

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Founding Fathers (And by extension all Americans) need to die because we stole this land from the Native Americans.

VASM and everyone who ever contributed to this site needs to die because they would have had to steal the game in order to hack it properly (Oh, and since your using their work, you should die too since it's stolen).

Founding fathers are dead, and inheriting what was stolen isn't quite the same. And if you really want to get technical there, our cities are many, many times bigger than most Native villages were. Using land they weren't really using(and didn't technically own to begin with, just used, as ridiculous as that excuse is).

And tehnically, VASM would be protected by fair use, using it for education. So technically, it's not theft.

But the original claim was ridiculous anyway, and there are worse types of non-theft.

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Founding Fathers (And by extension all Americans) need to die because we stole this land from the Native Americans.

You're forgetting the chunk of the population that didn't come over by their own free will.

Due to history's writes and rewrites, it's hard to say who stole what throughout history. Chances are, we all deserve to die, by that definition. Sorry, but I like being alive.

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Nice to see some agreement; yeah, passing judgment on people to that degree is pretty futile. That's not to say I don't do it when I'm pissed at people who think ruining an online game's experience for everyone else is okay, but when you're posting on a forum you typically have some time to think before you type.

But go ahead and screw up, Rune. Doesn't hurt me. What does hurt me is that a great person is apparently dead. :/

Winamp just landed on the Police Squad theme though so I guess I'll feign cheering up.

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And tehnically, VASM would be protected by fair use, using it for education. So technically, it's not theft.

I'm fairly sure a good half of this stuff wouldn't qualify, but the point stands. I'm also thinking of the prototype roms when I say this.

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I have actually escaped death before.

and seeing the things i do, one would say i deserve a painful slow death. after a week or so of torture.

And if rune is making the code theiving part up, then i guess i do feel sorry ugetab. but if he really did steal, then, it goes back to my first post in this thread.

Say it with your chest, little ass nigga.

You sound like a dumbass. "I escaped death, I deserve to die, all thieves should die, everybody should die. Life is death. And blackness. Like my soul. I'm going to go paint a flower on fire with blood shooting out and the devil in the background raping the statue of liberty".

Start listening to a band called Swans. That might help you. Avant-garde experimental industrial noise punk has to be able to fix something.

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sheesh, stop saying things about my opinions >.>

I thought that any human being (no matter how horrible/heartless/warped/whatever) is free to think however s/he wants to.

Don't state it if you don't want it challenged.

Blacken said sometime before he was banned that he does have stupid opinions, and because they're stupid, he doesn't say any of them. He doesn't want them challenged because it's a worthless effort, as he will still hold the opinion afterwards.

Don't give an opinion if you don't have the open-mindedness to change it if challenged (or at least note that you don't want to be challenged or argued with). In your case, I find that capital punishment for theft (for anything, really) is a barbaric and cruel way of thinking.

I may be sounding like an asshole for basically telling you to not state your opinions, so I'll close with this: have an open mind.

Also, freedom of speech isn't a God-given right.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Also, freedom of speech isn't a God-given right.

Especially on an internet forum, where our almighty admins can ordain that all our posts be in wingdings if they wish.

And you're free to think however you want without consequence. You're not free to say or post whatever you want without such, however.

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I thought that any human being (no matter how horrible/heartless/warped/whatever) is free to think however s/he wants to.

There is no possible way you can hold this position when you hold believe it's alright to end the means by which one can even exist to think in the first place based on utterly weak morality.

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There is no possible way you can hold this position when you hold believe it's alright to end the means by which one can even exist to think in the first place based on utterly weak morality.

Reason's power level is 8999. your argument is invalid.

Anyone can think however s/he wants... of course people may hate on those free thinkers for:

1. Not sharing an opinion with the majority.

2. Being cold, mean, or heartless.

3. Merely having an opinion (With TV brainwashing everyone, i find opinions hard to come by.)

4. Ect...

They can still think freely if they don't mind the hate gathered from doing so.

god...why must i have to type so much to explain myself? I'm tired -.-

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With TV brainwashing everyone, i find opinions hard to come by.

What the hell?! If you want to see opinion, ask about something controversial (in my area, it's gay marriage). You'll find that opinion is more prevalent than you'd like.

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Ohh goodie, I get to play the game of "knock you down point by point." I don't do this much, so I may be rusty.

Reason's power level is 8999. your argument is invalid.

... Are you seriously going to use a meme in an attempt to say someone's wrong in any degree of seriousness?

1. Not sharing an opinion with the majority.

No one cares if you have a differing opinion. If your opinion is stupid as fuck, we expect you to keep it to yourself.

2. Being cold, mean, or heartless.

Yes, being a fucking prick is grounds for hatred.

3. Merely having an opinion (With TV brainwashing everyone, i find opinions hard to come by.)

Except all the no that goes along with that. Saying that having an opinion is somehow going out of fashion when shows like Fox FUCKING News are MADE on having illogical opinions doesn't work.

4. Ect...

Using the phrase "Et cetera" requires that there actually be additional information that isn't remarkably dim.

They can still think freely if they don't mind the hate gathered from doing so.

You're free to think whatever you want. And we're free to hate you for being the repugnant little ass it makes you.

god...why must i have to type so much to explain myself? I'm tired -.-

Sorry for expecting you to contribute to the discussion you started.

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Jumping into this a little late, but might as well rebut it, even though Furby beat me to the punch.

Reason's power level is 8999. your argument is invalid.

I'm going to ignore the meme.

So, you're saying that because there is reason in the argument, it is invalid? GENIUS!

Anyone can think however s/he wants... of course people may hate on those free thinkers for:

Part 1 is agreed. Part 2 is because they are offended. Sometimes with good reason. Other times, not so much. This is one of the former times.

1. Not sharing an opinion with the majority.

There's not sharing an opinion with the majority, then there's being extremist. Guess which one your comments fall under.

2. Being cold, mean, or heartless.

Not necessarily. The issue here, is the hatred in your content, which people find offensive.

3. Merely having an opinion (With TV brainwashing everyone, i find opinions hard to come by.)

This is laughable, considering we're in the age of information. If anything, opinions have been MORE widespread since the dawn of the television.

4. Ect...

Please support your argument instead of using three letters and trailing off. It makes you look dim-witted.

They can still think freely if they don't mind the hate gathered from doing so.

It is true, but voicing those thoughts may not be the wisest idea. Hence the backlash.

god...why must i have to type so much to explain myself? I'm tired -.-

Well, you DID set this off...

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