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Ugetab is dead


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The kid goes to the same forum Rune administrates, known for mostly just being children who look up to Rune as a role model despite the things Rune has done that caused people to leave that forum and make or go to others in the first place.

You're all wasting your time.

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The kid goes to the same forum Rune administrates, known for mostly just being children who look up to Rune as a role model despite the things Rune has done that caused people to leave that forum and make or go to others in the first place.

You're all wasting your time.

Would've been nice if you said that BEFORE I typed the post up. Though, it's worth a shot.

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Anyone can think however s/he wants... of course people may hate on those free thinkers for:

1. Not sharing an opinion with the majority.

2. Being cold, mean, or heartless.

3. Merely having an opinion (With TV brainwashing everyone, i find opinions hard to come by.)

4. Ect...

They can still think freely if they don't mind the hate gathered from doing so.

god...why must i have to type so much to explain myself? I'm tired -.-

You're elevating yourself to the status of a philosopher? A great mind of our time? My opinion that ANYONE WHO MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE STOLEN ANYTHING IN THE PAST should not be killed is hardly turning me into The Man, Cutting Into Your Freedoms. Most people don't think that the only good dog is a drowned dog. Does this make us slaves of authority?

I seriously think any further comments you make are digging yourself further into your hole of idiocy. I look forward to your reply.

EDIT: I wrote this mostly for the fun of it.

Edited by Furetchen
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Reason's power level is 8999. your argument is invalid.

Did you comprehend what he posted?
Anyone can think however s/he wants... of course people may hate on those free thinkers for:

1. Not sharing an opinion with the majority.

Idiots will continue to hate idiots for whatever reason they wish.
2. Being cold, mean, or heartless.
Uh, you mean you right now? It's kind of an ironic of you to say that you're a free thinker when you're tied to the opinion that everyone in the world should die. For theft; of any degree. With that opinion alone, it's useless to have any other opinions.
3. Merely having an opinion (With TV brainwashing everyone, i find opinions hard to come by.)
Do you feel that you have not been brainwashed by Rune?
4. Ect...
If you had any points that made sense, I would let this slide. However, everything you said is retarded. :(
They can still think freely if they don't mind the hate gathered from doing so.
I'm sure about ten people in the entire world actually believe that everyone and anyone should be killed for theft of any degree.
god...why must i have to type so much to explain myself? I'm tired -.-

You typed rubbish. You explained nothing. You argued nothing.

All you tried to say was that you have a mind, and because of that, you're free to think whatever you want. You failed at that as well as defending your belief.

The kid goes to the same forum Rune administrates, known for mostly just being children who look up to Rune as a role model despite the things Rune has done that caused people to leave that forum and make or go to others in the first place.

You're all wasting your time.

It's still fun. :)
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very well then... my reply:

hate me as you wish, my opinion will not be changed. *leaves*

Bold: We don't hate you, we simply are astounded at the nonsense you are spewing.

Italics: Being flexible is good. Though, flexible is a word you probably don't grasp the meaning of.

Underline: Best. Counter. Ever. Someone give this man a medal.

Edit: Yes, I'm aware of the futility of this post.

Edited by Snike
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Eh, some opinions are easier to change than others. The more extreme ones are harder to change. I don't seek to change opinions, because it's almost always a waste of time.

(for example, all the arguing in the world won't convince me that racial segregation is a good thing)

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Eh, some opinions are easier to change than others. The more extreme ones are harder to change. I don't seek to change opinions, because it's almost always a waste of time.

(for example, all the arguing in the world won't convince me that racial segregation is a good thing)

I disagree. I can honestly say that most of my changed opinions (from this forum) have bettered my life.

That's because racial segregation is retarded. It's illogical. No one should believe in the illogical.

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I disagree. I can honestly say that most of my changed opinions (from this forum) have bettered my life.

That's because racial segregation is retarded. It's illogical. No one should believe in the illogical.

Not sure how deeply you held those opinions before you changed your mind. I can say with certainty that there's some things I will not change my mind about (not even if my parents were to attempt to talk me out of it, and I have far more respect for my parents than I do random people on the Internet). Some of them include:

1. Religion and government should be kept the hell away from each other.

2. Bicyclists should respect stop signs.

3. Cilantro tastes nasty.

Can't speak for the dead person in the topic, though.

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Not sure how deeply you held those opinions before you changed your mind. I can say with certainty that there's some things I will not change my mind about (not even if my parents were to attempt to talk me out of it, and I have far more respect for my parents than I do random people on the Internet). Some of them include:

I can't even remember. I tried to go back to compare my old posts with newer ones, but because of that stupid fucking hack where lost three months of data, I can no longer do that. The main one I remember is my religious views. Better argumentative skill is a second memory.
1. Religion and government should be kept the hell away from each other.
I agree.
2. Bicyclists should respect stop signs.
That's a law in California.
3. Cilantro tastes nasty.
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Not sure how deeply you held those opinions before you changed your mind. I can say with certainty that there's some things I will not change my mind about (not even if my parents were to attempt to talk me out of it, and I have far more respect for my parents than I do random people on the Internet).

Ehh, you should be willing to listen. Some things are pure opinion (Taste in food, things of this nature), but some things should have influence in fact.

1. Religion and government should be kept the hell away from each other.

2. Bicyclists should respect stop signs.

Yes and yes.

3. Cilantro tastes nasty.

How fucking dare you say that kind of bullshit in front of me?! I WILL NOT TOLERATE IT!

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I feel like I was supposed to get something from this other than solemnity but I can't think of what it might be.

I'm also still upset that the autopsy report hasn't been posted yet. I kinda wanna blame something!

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As well as agreeing with religion and government being kept away from eachother, I also think that religion should be kept out of laws as well. For example, here in the UK an officer is allowed to remove someone's hat to search it, but can not search turbans or other religious headwear.

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  • 5 months later...

So his mom finally got the autopsy report around 6 months late.

Apparently he died of "chronic ischemic heart disease", which she said was "natural causes". I don't really think a disease that terrible should be considered "natural" but it's definitely unsettling.

It is the most common cause of death in most Western countries, and a major cause of hospital admissions. [1]

Okay that's kind of ridiculous

You'll be missed, bro

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