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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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";_; But he won't even dance with me, and he thinks I'm a poor fighter, and the boring princess, and-and waaaaaah! :sob:"

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Altion gave Helios a odd look, as if questioning. He had never seen the Headmaster at more than a glance before and never with her wings out at all. "Maybe I should just ask Kelas, or not go at all."

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She Who Is Needed

Stephanie: Slow down, and calm yourself. What is this about dancing? Why, Ixion won't bother learning to dance and you don't see any women in tears. When a man is broken he must either be fixed or replaced with one more suitable. Tears help noone.

Stephanie spoke with a preachy tone and pure faith in her words.

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"*Sniff* You're right!" Rita stood and wiped her face. She ran over to Iso, before giving him a deep kiss and hugging him.

"Rita.....:facepalm: What have I told you before?"

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... I got nothin

Stephanie: ... o_o

Iso: (Who the hell is kissing me?) o_o

Kelas quickly pulled Rita off of Iso before giving her some harsh words. Stephanie quickly approached and dragged Rita off to give her some more. The End.

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Luc Altair

Luc held back a smile as he heard Morgan talk about no such thing as luck. That was something he heavily agreed with, despite his dad's claims that he only survived the war by luck. Her words also confirmed that Isotov was the wielder of the Crimson fire tome. But, where was it? The servants and spies hadn't reported anything about that, so the man was skilled in hiding things it seemed.

The man they were arguing with also let slip some important information, Irina was supposed to be the wielder of the tome first? But Isotov had interfered and taken it for himself in some vain notion to protect her. Luc briefly wondered if he would do the same for Jeanne, but shook away those thoughts, they would do no good. And then that word was uttered by Isotov. Severed. Could that mean, could that be? He had somehow lost the tome!? Was that why nothing had been reported? Possibly. Then the man made the arrogant claim that he could destroy the weapons. Another man would laugh at such things, but Luc held himself stern.

Slightly away from the main grouping, Luc could hear the hyper girl bawling about something. He didn't know what, and didn't personally care. But if she continued he would have to handle it. If she remained too uncontrollable she might have to be held outside. And then she ran over and kissed Isotov.

"What?" Luc said in surprise. Another unfamiliar woman came and dragged the hyper girl away to parts unknown. Luc stood by in silence, the situation looked on hand, for now.

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"Can someone please teach this woman about not assaulting others?!" Kelas asked after detaching her from Isotov. "Gods, how has she even survived this long?!" She turned away from Rita. "So are we done insulting each other then? You gonna tell us how the hell you caught Shanice, or are we mere mortals not allowed to know?" she asked Ixion.

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To Capture a Demon

Iso: Okay ... who kissed me just now?

Ixion: Hmph. You want to know what happened? Very well. I explain this to you so that you will comprehend it ease.

He gave Kelas a stern and still annoyed look right in the eyes.

Ixion: I. Kicked. His. Ass. Just like the first time. Just like the second time. Just like the third time.

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Iso: *sigh* ... do I need a face guard or something?

Ixion: He was bound to a table and restrained by magic imbued chains. After the tower collapsed he obviously escaped. Daranau was not with Shanice. One of the other demons likely has it.

Iso's attention quickly shot back to Ixion at the mention of the tower. He remembered it from his childhood.

Iso: Why did the tower collapse?

Ixion: It's probably best if someone else fills you in on the rest. I know she'll come to you sooner or later. She's not as clever as she thinks.

Iso raised his eyebrow. Who was "she"?

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Luc Altair

More information gathered. Kelas was asking about the Crimson thunder tome? Was it -- as the Isotov had said -- severed as well? That meant the group had all but the daggers at one point, and maybe even the daggers. There were certainly enough shifty fellows. And who was this Shanice fellow? Obviously someone of great importance and great skill with a history of antagonism with the group, and that also spoke of great ability on the part of the unknown man.

Isotov seemed to be blind judging from his inability to see the hyper girl kissing him. Odd, that a blind man would take a Crimson weapon. It seemed, unusually stupid, if the man was so concerned with protecting his sister has he said. Luc reasoned it might be a recent condition though. Recent? Luc thought a bit, yes, something didn't seem just quite right but he couldn't put it together correctly. Luc frowned, he felt it there, just outside, all the answers he was looking for. But the pieces, he just couldn't put them together. Not yet.

Luc also felt his curiosity peak at the unknown man's latest last words. Yes, who was "she"?

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Cess and Rita:

Pulling Stephenie by the sleeve, she started complaining. "See? They both just spur my advances. And I'm not just gonna stand around and wait for them! I have to do it! :sob:"

Cess walked over. "Rita, you need to calm down. Let's just finish getting ready for the ball. Hmm? Who's this druid?"

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The Answer

Ixion: ... yes. I saw it. I held Proxima in my hands and for a time things were going well. However the tome has since been stolen and if my guess is correct, it's coming this way. One of the demons has it in their possession.

Iso: Urgh which one?!

Ixion: Doesn't matter. A demon is a demon. Kill all of them and you get all of the crimson weapons you lost back. It's just that simple.


Stephanie: That is absolutely loathsome! No self respecting woman would throw herself at unsuspecting men like a whore! You should go to the chapel and pray immediately for proper guidance and cleansing! I mean really, even MEN have standards in women and you are doing neither yourself nor them any favors by attempting to ... to ... swap spit in the public eye! You see? You see? THIS is why men go looking for floosies! You are setting a bad example for other women and leaving a perverted impression in the minds of the male populace!

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Cess and Rita:

"But then they never do anything! You have to think for them! They don't know what they want! You have to decide it! And I do have standards! I'm not making out with just anyone! Like Mr. Lev! Even though he's kinda cute....or this sexy white haired guy....:wub:......where was I? :mellow:"


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Luc Altair

The man had finally confirmed all of Luc's different reasonings. The demons were back, the group held all the Crimson weapons and somehow lost them -- the demons perhaps having a way to sever them as the Isotov said. Now, the best move would to figure out if anything said was the truth, but all of the reactions Luc had seen so far easily led him to believe it was all true. So, now was the time to figure out who held the other weapons and had them severed. Dealing with that coming demon and retrieving the Crimson fire tome would be the next plan.

Luc glanced over at the blind Isotov, then at the man who claimed to have held the tome. That means he had acquired it before Luc met the group. Wait, when he met the group! Luc looked at the man again. He recognized him now, it was the same man he had seen chase after the wolf at the cave so long ago. Was that? Was that the demon? Did he chase him because he had the tome? Was that Shanice? That means the Isotov's severing was just that recent? Recent? Recent like the blindness? Maybe, maybe it was a result of losing the tome? If that was right, it would make identifying the other two unknown wielders easier.

Luc slapped his head. No, no. He had to keep himself calm, controlled. Those were some leaps in logic, possibly sound ones, but still leaps. Though they would be worth checking up on. Luc would have to look over what he knew of each group member, and see who fit the same rough parameters as Isotov did. Luc smiled a bit, yes, it was a good thing they had been yelling so loudly.

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The Next Step

Iso: Hmmm. Ixion, is there anything else you can tell us?

Ixion: Of course, but it's none of your business frankly. Divulging too much information is what ended up necessitating that spell I used on you and Viveka. You people are less of a threat to my goals kept partially in the dark on certain matters. At least for now.

Iso: Tch! (Great ... he's hiding things. Who the hell was that woman he mentioned?!) Forget it. Kelas let's get out of here. I can't handle Ixion and Rita at the same time. (Can't handle either one of them alone either come to think of it ...)


Stephanie: You are being far too blind and lustful, young miss! And Levski you said?! You are throwing your body at him as well?! That is absolutely disgusting! He has enough reasons to bathe, slutty women, wyvern stink, outdoor filth, but another woman shows up?! And Ixion as well?! Absolutely not! You will not spoil all the hard work I have put into Ixion to turn him into a respectable member of society! You will not approach him with your lustful hands, do you understand?!

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"Hmph. I might as well go find Iso then. Oh Iso~ Come out, come out where ever you are~" Rita turned down the hallway, heading the opposite direction as Iso and Kelas.



"*sigh* There she goes again. Who is that druid anyway?"

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"Yeah, let's go... oh good, she went the other way," Kelas muttered as Rita ran off the wrong way. She led Isotov back down the hall, heading back outside and sitting on the bench from before again. "...Fat lot of good that did," she sighed. "Gave me a headache... you any better, or still feeling off?"

She thought ahead: the only mildly interesting part of the evening would likely be food, which would of course be a problem if anyone was ill, and she'd have to mind the drink regardless, as there would likely be little that didn't contain alcohol. Can this please be over? she thought. She shivered a bit as the wind dropped the temperature a little, but it was still better to be outside...

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The conversation had come to a bit of an awkward lull. Tessa had half-hoped that the mage would have asked her just what it was she had wondered aloud about before stopping herself from finishing, but he hadn't followed up on it.

Still, she'd had a decent rest, and Arrin looked to be in much better spirits than before. So that was mission accomplished at least. Breathing deeply, or rather trying to, and then fidgeting a bit once again as the formal clothing reminded of its constricting presence, she stretched and stood up.

"Well, I had thought to do some more practicing, but it looks like most of the people have been disappearing to somewhere or another. I wonder if I should grab something to eat beforehand instead, then. It has been a bit of a whirlwind of a day..." She stood there for a bit, indecisive, seemingly asking for input.

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After they sat down and Kelas asked him if he was feeling any better, he sighed.

Iso: I would feel much better if I knew what was going on ... Ixion didn't tell us who that woman was. He alluded to which demon stole Proxima. Something's not right.

Iso thought about it for a moment as a breeze blew by.

Iso: This woman can tell us what happened? Urgh. Dammit, what am I missing?! If I don't figure this out I'm going to be that much worse off.


Stephanie's expression faded back to a normal and tired appearance as Rita went chasing after Iso.

Stephanie: And Iso should marry someone well mannered and sexually reserved.

She turned to Cess who'd inquired about her dark acquaintance and sighed.

Stephanie: That is Ixion. He is one of Ivanko's assistants. Not a mercenary, and not allied with anyone but Ivanko. He also has fewer manners than his speech would suggest.

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"What the hell is going on?!" Alferis shouted, trying to follow everything. That druid had revealed everything about Isotov and damned if Alf was going to let Ixion push him around after everything he heard.

"You're counting us out? You idiot! Do you have any idea how many people are after us? How many demons are after us? Do you?! You think I'm just gonna let you push us around like that? You're out of your mind! What do you think you could do alone that we can't? You think you can find a few others to get our weapons if you try to kill us or if you let us die? I doubt it! And if you're going to threaten our safety, of course we'll fail," he burst out, wondering why this healer woman was following him.

"You're of the Ivanko mercenaries? How did such a proud... a strong man like Ivanko ever make the mistake of hiring you?"

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