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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Seeing Irina walk out of the dressing room, Heinz smirked. Not bad, she's got quite a figure for a mercenary. Didn't know Ivanko treated them so well, walking over to the woman. He chuckled, overhearing a few of Lev's comments. "I take it you don't walk in heels very often?" Heinz asked wryly.

"If you don't mind me asking, who're you two bringing to the ball?" he questioned.

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Iso: Heh. Sounds like a plan to me. Alright then. I'll follow your lead like always.

With that, he walked along with her.

Irina Levski and a Surprise Guest

Once Heinz came over and commented on the heels Irina looked down lifting her foot under her dress and frowning.

Irina: This sucks. If I have to move quickly I'm as good as floored.

Then the question about the ball came up.

Irina: Uh ... well I (Had been avoiding that for as long as I possibly could.) ... I wasn't really sure. Don't the guys usually ask the girls or something?

Lev: (Sh*t, I knew I forgot something.)

Outside the room, Alphonse quickly peeked in seeing the three and then went back out into the hall to a very well dressed Daneka. She was wearing a pitch black dress with very long gloves and a diamond bracelet on her left wrist. Her hair was kept all down and her figure was hugged tightly. The dress was made specially so that she could move in it despite its shape. She wasn't as vulnerable as she looked and that kept her mischievous smile going strong.

Alphonse: Are you certain that you wish to barge in on them like this?

Daneka: I'm simply saying hello before ze ball, Alphonse. Better that zey see me now and ... not at ze ball where zey may cause an incident. I don't zink Capitan Derek and Capitan Viveka inform zeir allies of every little detail now do zey?

Alphonse: If they try anything I will protect you, Madame Colonel. Even if it starts an incident.

She shrugged lightly.

Daneka: Good enough for me.


Stephanie: Anything for the people, noble officer. Alright, you two. I don't know who on earth would own a black pegasus but it's time to get you back to her. You too, white one. Let us go.

Stephanie then led the pegasi back to the castle after grabbing her things somewhat following the group since that was also her destination as well.

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"Well, you were found at the scene of an assault, miss," Alex retorted, not even bothering to turn around. "Also, you already have an outstanding warrant for assaulting a prisoner." Soon, they were at the palace gates. Waving off the guards, the general took the weapons back and led the prisoners and Alferis into the palace doors. As they closed, she turned around and handed the merc and the knight their weapons.

"... Stay in here," the Comet said, leaving as soon as she came. "Next time, I'll throw you into the dungeons, princess's attendants, or not."

With that said, Alex nodded at Stephanie as she passed, and returned to her manse, in order to get prepared for the ball.

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"Jerk," he muttered weakly, still feeling pain in his face.

"Esphyr, stay. We can find a way to try to curb your weapon. It wasn't your fault, so stop trying to run away. I'll keep a watch on you and restrain you if this happens. We didn't go ballistic on Damian even though he nearly killed us, don't be too hard on yourself," he said comfortingly, placing his hand on her shoulder.

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OOC: If I had better luck with anything I would be asleep right now. Probably, maybe, somewhat.

Luc Altair

"I wonder about that," Luc said to Tessa's words about him being more skilled. Even Fargo of all people was a better dancer than him.

It had been a frustrating time of practice for Luc, but at each failure he kept his composure overall, even if it wasn't deserved. Tessa had been getting better -- or at the very least was getting less affected by his own messes -- but Luc ever continued to keep his position on his plateau of terribleness. He could still keep his plan as using that as a shield for others though.

After the next misstep caused by him, Luc broke away. "My apologies again," he said remorseful. "Perhaps it would be better if someone else taught you. I can deal with the barbs of the other nobles on my own easily enough, but you should not have to suffer their words."

The Fargo

Fargo was starting to get bored again with waiting for everyone else to finish... whatever it was they were doing. He got up and began stretching before heading back to the entrance. Maybe he could meat someone coming back from outside.


Since Paul had to maneuver through sidestreets, rooftops, and people's houses to move around, the group he had wanted to beat back to the palace had instead arrived ahead of him. But Paul just shrugged. He could wait.

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Esphyr scowled as her weapon was returned. She didn't like this at all. Not only being forcefully returned to the group, but being confined to it as well. She didn't even have anything to do thanks to her disinterest in the ball. And as if to make it worse, it was because of Charlotte that she was being forced to stay. "I'm going to kill that princess if I see her again." she muttered as she grumpily sheathed her sword.

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"Right now? No. I'm just really ****ed at this whole ball deal. I almost killed Irina by accident and everyone is just waving it off in favor of drooling over dresses. Can you imagine how that feels? Now I get dragged and dropped back here when I tried to run away because of the princess who is making all the other girls drool over the dresses in the first place. To make it worse, if I leave now, I will get thrown into the dungeons. I'm tempted to do it too, just to spite myself."

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"Hey, you lot thought about what we're doing if there's an attack during this thing?" Kelas said by way of greeting as they re-entered the room. Quickly she outlined the plan to the others, emphasizing the need for escape over fighting.

"...Arrin, are you all right?" she asked after she'd finished explaining, letting go of Isotov for a moment to cross the room and drop down next to her brother, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Hey?"

Arrin gave the slightest of shrugs. "I'm okay for now," he said quietly.

"Okay. Listen, if there's anything you need, if you need out once we're in there, I'll help, all right?"

The minimum of a nod.

Kelas backed up, but paused. There was something in Arrin's eyes that she hadn't seen before: was that fear? "Oh, gods, Arrin," she said, hugging him tightly, "you know I'll protect you, right? Whatever it takes, I'll definitely get that damned book back."

"Yes..." Arrin knew it was unrealistic, but perhaps... perhaps logic and probability could be ignored for now. He sat up a bit; while the headache and dizziness were still there, he felt a little better.

"All right. Now you rest and talk to Tessa and try and have fun, and we'll be out of here in no time. You'll really let me know if you need anything?" Kelas asked as she stood back up.

"Yes." Arrin managed a weak smile.

"Right. I'll be nearby," Kelas told him, heading back to stand by Isotov. "So, how much time we got til this thing again?"

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"Usually, but I wanted to double check before asking someone who already had a date," he replied drolly, smiling slightly. You compliment her, but seems like you're still keeping your options open. Might as well take the opportunity if you forgot.

Heinz inclined his head slightly, extending his hand. "Then it would be my honor to accompany you to the ball, miss."

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"Yeah. It was an accident Esphyr. Just tell me everything that happened and I'll judge you for myself. And if you insist on running away, I'm going to have to drag you back," he said simply.

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The Fargo

Fargo walked back to the palace gates and finally saw somebody he recognized! It was some of that group he was now accompanied, and hey, they were better than nobody at all! "Hey you all!" he started walking to them while waving. "Looks like I'm not the only one that went out for a bit on the town eh? Say, where's everyone else? I haven't seen hide nor hair of the others!"

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Iso: Umm. ... yeah I'm useless for keeping track of time as well I guess. Maybe there's a clock somewhere nearby? The ball starts at 8 O'clock I think.

Viveka and Jasmine

As Viveka came out of the dressing room she'd pretty much brushed passed everyone and left into the hall. She passed Daneka and then stopped cold only to turn around with an annoyed but also impressed look on her face.

Viveka: ... nice dress.

Daneka: Hmmm I like yours too, Capitan. Gold suits you nearly as much as pure white I see.

Viveka: And your underworld dark is also trendy. ... I have to go now. My friend just got here and I need to help her get ready.

Daneka: You do zat ... and enjoy ze ball, Capitan. It might be your last.

Viveka replied with a simple agitated stare and then hurried off down the hallway as Daneka turned to enter the room. She met a slightly annoyed Jasmine close to the entrance.

Jasmine: Am I too late to get a date? Is Lev going with anyone?

Viveka: >_> ... I hope not.

Jasmine: How do you hate your own packmule?

Viveka: I don't hate him. I just want him to stop acting like he has the upper hand in these relationships.

Jasmine: ... I think with you he does.

Viveka: ... okay shut up-it's time for you to get ready.

She quickly grabbed Jasmine's arm and dragged her down the hall running as fast as she could!

Irina Levski and Daneka (Alphonse makes a cameo)

Irina froze, part of her jumping for joy on the inside! The other part was caught up in the usual nervousness she had regarding foreign things.

Irina: I ... I ... sure. I mean that's great!

Lev: (Eh. Better him than some jackass ...)

Daneka then walked into the area much to everyone's surprise.

Daneka: Well, hello, everyone. I hope you are all making out nicely in preparation for ze ball tonight.

Lev: What are the odds?

Daneka: Pretty good actually. You are in Burgosas after all. Hmm. This brings somezing to mind zat I forgot to do earlier actually.

Lev: ... uh oh.

Alphonse peeked into the room again making sure that the Colonel was alright. She could take care of herself, but she'd seemingly stuck her neck into a den of jackals and he was nearly unnerved by her bravery.

OOC: Daneka enters the room about twenty seconds after Irina accepts so Heinz has time for a few observations and sayings and what not.


Once the pegasi were stabled, Stephanie entered into the castle. She heard a man calling out and yelling for some reason and thought he might have been drunk or something so she ignored it and continued on. She was supposed to be there anyway, just not so soon she felt. Ixion would likely catch up, but she needed to change now.

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Esphyr gave a huge sigh before she looked Alf in the eye. "Fine... Here's what happened." she said before stopping to relate to him the whole tale. "I honestly don't care if it was a accident or not. It happened because I was there and because I was complaining over a stupid dress, likely under the effect of that potion as well. To make it worse, even if it was, everyone else seems to have written it off as 'unimportant' due to this ball. It's like a child breaking a cookie jar and trying to get the attention of his parents, but they're too busy being drunk to even notice."

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As Luc stepped away from her, letting slip a little bit of his frustration and regret while he suggested perhaps she practice with someone else, Tessa stared up at the man and blinked a little.

"Wouldn't it really be for the best to continue to practice with the person I'll actually be dancing with? Unless... do you mean to say you'll be claiming bad oysters? Or... are you just tired for now and wish a rest, but feel I could still use more work?" Confusion played across her face as she tried to puzzle out just what was meant.

Edit: I'll do a reaction to the Kelas bit later, but felt this should be tied up first.

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Luc Altair

Kelas, the nomand girl, had come into the room and informed everyone of an escape plan she had come up with. Luc agreed to it, but he would have his own secondary plan place later just in case. And he would need the help of whatever spy the Councilman had placed for it.

Tessa spoke again, asking about how Luc was doing. "No, I shall be going, regardless of my own skill and my inability to improve it. But most other nobles are petty people, if they see weakness they will harp on it and insult anyone they see as inferior. I have a history of dealing with such things, but the rest of you -- especially you -- should not have to suffer that. You will never be able to improve with me dragging you downwards," Luc said with a slightly sad smile.

The Fargo

Fargo had clearly wandered into something that he had no idea how to handle and no desire to handle. "I'll just be going now!" he yelled at Esphyr and Alferis before turning around and tripping. "Ow!"

EDIT: Added in Kelas stuff. lolbrain. Also no spellcheck for that.

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Heinz smiled. Well, that takes care of the ball I think, though she does seem a bit nervous. Looks like she's completely new to this. While Heinz had never danced at a formal ball himself, he had suffered through enough of them as a bodyguard to know how he was supposed to act for the most part. "Don't worry, I won't make you dance too much if you don't want to," he joked. Shouldn't be too difficult for either of us to escape, nodding his head at the nomad's plan.

Lev seems alright with this, anyway, about to ask Irina to try dancing with him when someone walked into the room. Isn't she that pegasus knight we fought at the Canyon? Don't think she'll start a fight in the castle though, relaxing his hands at his sides.

Edit: Added reaction to Kelas plan.

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When she saw Dani and Eric take a break, Charlotte tapped Eric on the shoulder, stood on her tiptoes, and whispered in his ear. "Sir Eric, w-would you want to be my escort to the ball? I am not asking you as your liege by the way, so do not let that sway you."

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"... Milady, I was planning to ask you if I could go as an escort, actually. Though, I did not, as it may seem improper," Eric whispered back, smiling. "Though, since you asked, I guess it is safe to accept. Which I do."

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Conrad was surprised to hear a servant talk to Viveka about Jasmine, who was outside. "Jasmine is back already? Something's not right..." he murmured to himself, before asking Viveka, "Do you know why Jasmine's back so quickly? I suppose she might be able to get to Halton and back, but to Eliyisma too? There must be a mistake."

Despite what Chase said, he still subconsciously practiced the dance moves slightly. ... Now I wish I mentioned that it's been a long time since I actually have danced... he thought, and frowned slightly. Dammit, I'm ruining everything for myself lately! No... all I need to do is get my act together. Just do what I remember, and I'll be fine... I hope.

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"Esphyr, I need you to know that this wasn't just you. Irina also escalated it, and I'm sure that people understand that. Like I said Esphyr, Damian nearly killed us all when Morgan insulted you, and we still forgave him, so why are you so down on yourself?

I want you to know I know how you feel though. When I was still living with my adoptive father, the bandits used to beat each other up over everything. Food, sleeping spots, everything. I was nearly beat to death once, and if I was going to survive, I had to do the same, so I did. And I nearly killed another boy with me. And I didn't forgive myself until years later. I nearly killed and actually did kill some people over money, and I felt exactly like you did, except some of the other muggers living in the slums actually congratulated me over it.

Esphyr, I never told anyone this before, but I'm doing it because I want you to understand. The fact is, you didn't kill Irina, you were clearly remorseful afterwards, and people understand that it was your sword right? Don't be so down on yourself," Alferis said, feeling even more tired than before.

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Esphyr gave a wry look at Alf. Under different circumstances, she would have been touched, even comforting of Alf. It was a personal reveal after all. "I don't know what to say." she said after a moment of seeming to grouch about. "I mean, I can't help but blame myself. I want to blame myself. I want others to blame me and not the sword. I can fix myself, become better, apologize, work hard, and improve. I can't do that with this damned sword." she said before sighing. At last, her wrath seemed stimied for a moment. "Fine. I'll go back to the other girls. Don't expect me to be little Miss ballroom manners though."

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"No problem Esphyr. I might see if there's anything I need to do and then get a bit of rest before the ball," he said heading towards the gathering room.

"Anything I...missed?" he said staring at Reika in the black dress. He never thought she would actually get a dress willingly and what's more she looked quite beautiful in it.

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Kelas had popped back into the room, and informed everybody that she'd thought of the contingency plan, for in case trouble, demons or otherwise, went down at the ball. It was a simple plan. Run away. With the lack of weapons, that should have been the obvious recourse without even needing to be stated... but the Crimson wielders, with theirs always just a call away had probably developed different habits than most, and a reminder of sorts was apparently deemed necessary. There was nothing to really disapprove of, aside from the fact that likely if there were an attack, mass panic would ensue, and running would be difficult for anyone, nobility or not, members of the party or not, in dress and awkward shoes or not. Without anything really to be done for it, and no indication that such an event were even likely, Tessa simply put it to the back of her mind.

Following the pronouncement, the nomad had headed over to Arrin, and Luc had resumed answering the troubadour's earlier questions. She nodded a bit hesitantly at his suggestion, but then something she hadn't previously thought about crossed her mind, which helped to cement it. "Huh... wait, I suppose if we're expected to have to swap partners at any point, it might not be bad to get used to how some other people move, or further the lessons. I appreciate your charity, and your thoughtfulness, and I guess shall take leave for now. Until the ball then!"

Tessa moved to go head after someone else... Dani perhaps? Though she wasn't a gentleman, she did seem remarkably skilled at affairs of court, dancing and dresses included. As she was making her way over, she realized that she was actually quite out of breath. Tugging slightly annoyedly at her bodice, she grumbled at bit about how the corset was constricting her, and ended up changing her mind. Perhaps it would simply be better to take a rest now, rather than spend too much energy and exertion on practice, only to end up collapsing at the ball itself.

Grabbing a glass of water, and instead making her way over to where the chairs had been lined up out of the way once the practicing had begun in earnest, in order to clear room for a makeshift dance-floor, she pulled up a seat next to a forlorn-looking Arrin.

"You going to be claiming bad oysters then? I didn't see you out there practicing. Or did Charlotte just not pair you up with anyone and you were afraid to ask?" Tessa didn't like the cast to the mage's face, and hoped that perhaps a little conversation would help.

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