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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"A dress. Not one I'm gonna trip over if we have to run or anything, at least... and it's all right, I don't really need opinions," Kelas replied. "Just want to get this over with. Here, through that door," she instructed, steering Isotov into another room and closing the door behind him. "I'll stay waiting here," she called through the closed door.

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"I don't want to go back." exclaimed Esphyr, turning her back to Alf. "All they care about is their stupid ball and the fact that I almost killed Irina matters not at all to them."

"Wait, you preformed attempted murder?! Stop right there criminal scum! You're under arrest for attempted murder of this Irina person!"

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Gathering up all his courage, Helios went over to Dani who was somewhere near a place Kai has no idea of. "Hey uh Dani." He stuttered trying not to make eye contact. "Your going to the ball right?"

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"Well, most of the people at the ball are nobles, or attendants, so, I don't know what impression you'd want, but, I guess if you need someone to go with other than him, I can go with you, Miss Viveka...," Derek said, shrugging. "I mean, I'm going anyways, so it wouldn't affect my night at all."

Line-dancer + Teacher

"Yes, it seems simple enough," Eric said, just as Dani walked over, her advice taken.

"Let's practice," she commanded, putting her hand on her friend's shoulder, before leading him in the waltz. The swordsman mis-stepped a few times initially, but after a few minutes, he began to do just as well as everyone else. Then came the box step. This one, he caught onto immediately, and was soon leading his partner, adding a few twirls to spice things up. All of a sudden, Rita tried to pull him away in the middle of learning an advanced step, nearly knocking Dani over.

"... There's a thing called personal space, Rita," Eric said, ripping his hand away from her. "Please, let me be. Sorry about that, Dani," he added, helping the mage regain her balance. Then, they were off again.

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"It's ok sir. We'll handle this. I'm not sure about all of this either and I'm her friend, so let me try to figure this out. I'll take full responsibility if this happened in the city. C'mon Esphyr," he said, reaching his hand out to Esphyr.

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"I. Don't. Want. To. Go. Back!" hissed Esphyr, pulling her shoulder away from Alf roughly. "Just let me run away and get away from you people before I end up killing someone by accident! You sicko's weren't even mad! Do you value her life so little? Is your little sphere of perfection so unbreachable as to consider that there may be someone whom may be outside it?"

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Cess and Rita:

Tears began welling up in her eyes. She moved to slap him again, but stopped her hand short. "You're not worth it, you big jerk!" Lifting her leg, she gave a swift kick to his groin, before running out the door, sobbing.

"Rita wait!"

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"Shut the hell up!" he said raising his voice. "It was probably an accident if they weren't mad. Now get back here. You're on a job! You can't run away from that ok? Don't be a friggin coward ok? I know you're not one at all, so stop acting like one!"

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Viveka: Wow, I forget that you can be a bit of a dead stick sometimes. You don't have any enthusiasm for this ball? None? I don't really mind going with you ... especially not after that "Let's stay close!" talk we had, but can't you be a little more ... ... perky? You'd be going with me.

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Esphyr said nothing for a moment as she looked at Alf like he had just punched her. Suddenly, her hand shot down to his groin, the armored glove seeking to crush his private area slowly and pleasurably. "I did something wrong, and you're not even going to try and blame me? I thought you stronger Alf. I almost killed someone with my recklessness and I know my weapon can't be controlled. Better I leave and you live, than I stay and end up impaling someone over a stolen cup of water."

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"Oh, trust me, I won't be so sullen as I am right now. At least, on the outside. And, having a beautiful lady as a date DOES help my mood," Derek said, smiling. "Well, I guess that is settled. ... I think I need to get my own clothing, actually. This may not leave a great impression with... the others. I'll be back in a half an hour." Waving, he headed out of the gates, first to the treasury, then to one of the many tailors.

Victim and Angry one

Eric doubled over, groaning in pain as the attacker left. "Ugh... what?" he asked noone in particular.

Dani turned to hear what Helios had said, but then Rita happened, distracting her. "Not right now, Heli," she said, before going to help up Eric. "She hit you? Why, I'll..."

"Dani, relax. She's a few swords short of an armory. Leave her alone," Eric said, taking Dani's hand. "Though, that stung.."

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"Oh. Thanks," Chase replied, secretly thinking Is he trying to get a head injury? Dismissing it, he walked towards the area Morgan was supposedly in, and saw most of the group gathering to practice dancing. "I'm good, I already know how to dance.... and before anyone says something, I would like to remind you that I lived for someone who dances as a profession, and you sort of pick it up," he said when he figured out what exactly was going on.

Conrad was perplexed by what he saw when he exited the dressing room. "Wait, so... Rita is trying to lead the group in a dance. I'm not even going to comment on that. Hmm, I wonder who else will be at the ball?" he muttered to himself.

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"Are you all right Sir Eric?" Charlotte asked him. "Your waltz looks excellent by the way."

Morgan sat next to Arrin. "How are you holding up?" she asked, looking down at him.

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Kneeling down right after Esphyr punched him in the nuts, Alf glared right up at her, disgusted with her behavior.

"Heh. Idiot," he croaked, doubling over in pain. "You're just fufilling your own prediction girl. Ow god. If you'll come along...ow...quietl-ow...we can settle this one-ow-once and for ahhhh....all...You're better...off..ooh...than me anyway...eee...When I was younger...oh god owwwwwwww....I killed someone...on purpose. And I have to....owowowow live with it."

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Impulsive Queen whose name i must change

Arriving with a couple of bags and a very tired Sayer, Jenny saw a female mercenary beginning to squeeze the life out of a bandits private. "Ew." She yelled running over too the duo and kicking her hand away. "Get a room. That is disgusting. I am never coming back here ever again. Is this what Septemus is like? I should talk to the king about this. And that is so unlady like. What is a little girl like you doing with a bandits private in your hand unless OH NO." She started firing fireballs at the bandit. "I'll save you little girl!" She proclaimed proudly. Meanwhile, Sayer fainted from the stress


"Uh sure.... he replied trying to comprehend the situation.

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"What...oww...the hell?" he said, looking up at a woman throwing fireballs. His crotch a little recovered he ducked a bit, though one of them struck him in the face, setting it on fire.

"AGHHH! AHHH! AHHHH! AHHHHH!" he screamed, near unconsciousness from the pain and the thought of his face burning up again.

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It took him a good ten minutes, but Iso finally managed to get his suit and coat on. It was similar in some ways to what he usually wore and so he found it very comfortable. He felt himself thoroughly to make certain that everything was in its proper place and that nothing was on backwards. After confirming everything was in order, he felt for the door handle and slowly stepped out.

Iso: I think I'm going to leave my hair down instead of tying it back. That way it won't be obvious from every angle that my eyes are closed. That's the best I can do really. So, I can't tell how you look, and I'm sorry about that, but how do I look? What color is this coat by the way?

Irina and Levski

The seamstresses eventually got tired of Irina just standing there and watching them so they asked her to find something to do. She decided to bathe then since she still could and came out of the backrooms without the dress, much to Levski's surprise.

Lev: What's going on?

Irina: They're getting it ready for me. I'm going to ... take a bath. Think, try to get my head on straight, and wash the wyvern off myself.

Lev: Heh. Don't take too long. I'm looking forward to seeing you in a dress for once.

Irina: Why?

Lev: Ah, you've been raised by a bunch of elite mercenaries. You won't be able to recognize your own beauty I take it. No matter. That's why I'm here.

Irina: R-right. (Just straight to my face ... "You don't know how pretty you are." Urgh.)

She quickly walked off to go find the bathes passing Derek on the way since that hallway that's been being used is probably the only one that will be mentioned in this chapter.


Viveka: Soooo I guess it's Derek and me then. Alright. I'd better get ready too. If only one of us is looking the part then that's no fu-

Messenger: Excuse me, Miss?

Viveka: Huh?

Messenger: Are you a "Captain Viveka of Elyisima"?

Viveka: ... ... ... yeah.

Messenger: Sergeant Jasmine is outside awaiting admittance. Will you vouch for her?

Viveka: ... why don't you take a guess? Of course I will! Let'er in! We don't have time for this, she's got to get ready too.

Messenger: Uh ... sure ... (... why are pretty girls so mean?)

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Jen stuck her tongue out at the fallen bandit and then rushed over to Esphyr. "Oh my god you must be hurt." She said examining her. "........ your not? Are you alright?" Meanwhile Sayer got up lazily. "My queen they are just peasants, leave them." His reply was a boot to the face. "Shutup, Sayer."

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In a drawing room somewhere deep in the castle, Pary was sitting alone enjoying tea. Suddenly, he heard the ever so faint sound of a scream. "Something about that pleases me." He took another sip, and set it out of his mind.

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"Not very well," Arrin told Morgan with a sigh. "I keep getting dizzy, as well as having persistent headaches and stomachaches, loss of appetite, constant tiredness... at the rate my symptoms are worsening, I'd estimate that I have maybe a week before I fall unconscious, and then a few days before... well, before we don't have to worry about it anymore." He fell silent, miserably staring at the floor; it was one thing to record, but another to talk about it.


"You look fine. And the coat's red, it looks a lot like your usual one, just... I dunno, shinier, more expensive. ...Wait. Hang on a moment... I think you've got your shirt on inside out," Kelas sighed. "You probably should fix that."

edit: added last sentence of Arrin segment

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"Well, I won't tell you not to worry or that we'll definitely get it back." Morgan told Arrin. "But, odds are that we will see our demon friends soon, and I promise to do everything in my power to retrieve your tome." she said, patting him gingerly on the shoulder. "Odd, isn't it? To look forward to them showing up..." her voice trailed off.

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Iso: Inside out? ... urgh. I thought I had it right. (Should've checked the seams.) *sigh* alright I guess I should try this one more time. ... ... oh great ... where is it? I took a few too many steps and ...

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"Yes, milady," he said, straightening up. "And thank you for that compliment."

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Toran bastards

"Because you are a bandit." Sayer said kicking the side of his stomach. "You have no honor. How dare you subject an innocent girl like her to such horror?" The flames dispersed but that didnt stop him from drawing his blade. "Any last words, Bandit?"

OOC: Snowy you idiot get online :angry:

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