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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Helios gave a disgusted look at the man. "Im not even gonna bother asking what the hell your talking about. Dani, its your decision. I cant force you after all." He sighed.

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Isotov and Stephanie

Stephanie: Well ... the creature had violet colored hair and bright blue eyes. It was also quite a foul mouthed creature, hissing all sorts of socially unacceptable drivel.

Iso looked at Kelas in the only way he could, with the eyes of a blind man. He opened them as well, and somehow he placed her eyes perfectly.

Iso: "Blue eyes" ... do you think it's him?

Stephanie: Who?

Just then she noticed Iso's grayed out eyes and gasped.

The Dark Magician

As Ixion entered the castle he began heading down the main hall.

OOC: Ixion can be spotted by anybody at any time. I honestly don't care.

Jasmine and Viveka

Once Jasmine had changed into the white dress she was going to wear, Viveka showed up with a nervous look on her face.

Jasmine: Captain?

Viveka: Uh ... Mmm. Jasmine, I need to confirm that you're really you and not a demon.

Jasmine: ... ... ... is this because I got back in half the time?

Viveka: Yep.

Jasmine: Urgh. Fine. Your favorite color is white. You're embarrassed by that tiny little scar on your back and only me and Lucille knew about it. Sunny once ate one of your tampons and choked on it. You took Derek's jacket because you like the way he smells, and you would totally date Lev if he would just dump Irina and stop flirting with me.

Viveka: o_o ... ... ... I-I think those last two were just s-speculation.

Jasmine: >_>

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Charlotte smiled at Eric and continued with preperations.

"There you are Alferis!" she said as he arrived. "Your armor should be in the changing area I think, then you should bathe, and then you should really learn how to waltz before the ball starts. Quickly, we're starting to run low on time here."

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"Yeah, that sounds like that bastard-- have you still got the thing?" Kelas asked Stephanie, flinching slightly as her eyes met Isotov's: even if she tried, she couldn't not be unnerved by the unnaturally gray irises. "And did it have any tomes with it when you captured it? Did--" She broke off, spotting someone approaching down the hall. "Oi, is that him, then?" she asked, looking down the hall at the darkly clad figure.

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As Damian wandered about the castle, he grew rather bored. There was nowhere he needed to be before the ball, and not much in the line of things to do. All of a sudden, he felt a pulse of massive energy.

Gae-Borg resounded in his head at the advent of such concentrated dark power, and Damian could see the source... a formidable looking dark druid.

Looking the man in the eye, Damian didn't know what to think. The energy seemed... familiar. Perhaps he had met one of this man's targets before. His mana was certainly potent enough to leave a trace Gae-Borg could pick up.

"W-who are you? That power... it is immense..." Damian asked the man.

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"Well, then perhaps I shall be the fairest of trolls," Dani said, after a bit of thought. "Sorry, Altion, but I think I'll go with Heli. Maybe next time."

OOC: I just sunk the Titanic of this RP.

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Throughout the silly debacle, the headmaster was no where to be found, and for good reason. She had learned to dance well over a hundred years ago and her dress that she was planning to wear was one formed completely out of her own magical power. However, sitting around throughout the boring humdrum of getting ready was not for her, so she did the only thing any self-respecting wind spirit would do. Namely, took to the skies. As she flew about, rafting across the clouds and letting the wind tickle her body, a simple question came to mind. Why was she even here? For all intents and purposes, she had been kidnapped by the group. The only reason TISME wasn't putting out a APB on her was because they likely figured her off on some wild adventure once again. Yet she had no reason for staying. After all, this wasn't her group, and they weren't at her level one bit.

As she rode down to the ground, landing in seclusion, she did manage to spot someone who was however. Ixion. Forming up a new dress (her normal clothes were in her room and in need of a wash) out of mana, almost identical to that of her normal clothes except smoother to the touch, she entered into the castle. "Greetings he-who-does-not-scream-at-rapidly-approaching-ground." she said, referencing when she had dropped him during their flight.

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"Eh, well... it's better the more people you're close to. Don't just brush it off being isolated as 'it's all right...' I mean, you've been with the group nearly as long as I have, since back before we even numbered two digits. And it's not like you can't get along... I should know. Whenever I get you dragged up into something, you seem to do alright for yourself. But I can't always be around, and neither can your sister. Wait... why am I lecturing you? I don't know what got into me. I'm sorry."

Reaching across to the other chair Tessa gave Arrin a quick hug. "As far as Reika goes... Not liking people is fine too. I'm not trying to say you have to like everyone. I just... didn't want anything to have been spoiled accidentally. I don't want to stand in the way of any other friendships, didn't have to be her, she's just the most recent example... Could have been Chase, or anyone else I might not be on best terms with."

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"Right! Uh, bathing room is-"

"Down there and take a right," said Reika in a bored tone "Not much to waltzing anyway, don't see why you'd need a lot of practice," she said rolling her eyes. "Anyway, princess, is my hair satisfactory for your royal standards? Do I need a perm?" she said sarcastically, a smirk on her face.

"Reika just stop. It's not necessary. Anyway, thnaks for the directions," he said, heading off to the baths.

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"Confident of her abilities, eh?" Heinz remarked once the pegasus rider left the room. And allied with Jace... so the rumors were right, narrowing his eyes a bit. Seems like the next military struggle is sided towards the former hero though, personally, chuckling as the two Ivanko mercenaries began bickering. "The colonel attacked you before we ran into her at the Canyon?" raising his eyes slightly.

They must have quite a past, it seems, Heinz thought.

Edit: Exchanged a word, avoided repetition.

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Isotov and Stephanie

Stephanie: When the tower collapsed we lost track of all the creatures Ixion had kept in there. He never commented on the demon he captured afterward. As for a tome ... yes there was a tome. Ixion had it put in the library but ... as you know some things happened ...

He Who Has Been Spotted From Like Three Different Directions

Ixion: Damian Kleine. Wielder of the Crimson Lance Gae Borg and Colonel in the Halton military. I suppose there was a chance I might run into some of you once I arrived. To answer your question I am Ixion, Ivanko's assistant and not much else.

Suddenly the headmaster spoke and Ixion's composure was shattered by a look of near bewilderment. He slowly etched his head in her direction.

Ixion: ... a dress woven entirely out of magic. Impressive ... you're still irresponsible though. (Urgh.)

Irina and Levski

Turning to answer Heinz's question, Lev frowned just a bit.

Lev: Yeeeah. When we got to Giver's Canyon I was reminded of the last job I did in Septimus before I told Ivanko that I was done working in these region. She tried to kill me and my boys in Giver's Canyon ... yes the same damn canyon after we did a job for her. No idea why though. I'll probably ask her while I'm fondling her.

Irina: >_>

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Chase turned around at the commotion, and walked over to the area where the druid was. He paused for a second, then abruptly asked, "No offense or anything, but... who the hell are you?"



In another are of Burgosas, Clara was in the room of an inn, trying on different dresses. I'll have to look my best for the Grand Ball, after all. I feel so honored to be invited. Picking out a blue one with a silver trim, she twirled around in it once and sat down.

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"What things?" Kelas demanded. "And what did the tome look like? There was only one? Was--" She broke off. "...Down the hall. Is that your druid?" she asked, pointing.


"You're not in the way of anything, I'm just not always that good at talking to people," Arrin assured Tessa. "You're a really good friend, though, and I-- I'm really glad you're here."

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The moment in which Dani accepted Helios's proposal, overhead a peal of thunder was heard. A sudden and massive voice suddenly rippled through the earth as it quaked asunder, splitting open into the fiery bowels of hell as, overhead, the clouds rippled with hurricane-force wings. "YOU HAVE DISTURBED THE BALANCE OF THIS WORLD!" bellowed forth the mighty voice of the Lord of Azure Flame from below. "And turned that whom is cursed with the poorest of luck into the luckiest!" came the goddesses voice from above. "THIS WRONG MUST BE RIGHTED!" Bolts of lighting arced forth from the earth and down from the sky, each striking Helios with tens upon thousands of volts of lightning, causing the man to scream in pain as he caught on fire and was electrocuted. A moment later, he dropped to the floor, dead and a fried corpse.

"Looks like he was a little... Shocked." said Altion, sliding on a pair of sunglasses as he turned to walk away, Dani's screams highlighting the event. YEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!


"I know." said the headmaster. "But if I was responsible, I wouldn't be what I am. Guess the world with have to put up with irresponsible little old me. Why are you here Ixion? I didn't know you could do the waltz or foxtrot and I doubt you jinxed a woman into being your partner somehow."

Edited by Snowy_One
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Luc Altair

Tess had thankfully finally broken off of him due to his constant warnings and went off to find another partner. Luc glanced around -- and seeing he wouldn't be missed -- departed the room. It was time to contact the spy. Luc traveled through the palace, checking out rooms at random, but none of them were a preferred meeting spot. Some were too big, others had no windows, some were occupied. None of the first dozen he entered were right at all. It was entering the thirteenth room that Luc entered and closed the door behind him. The room was perfect. Empty of other people, had a window just big enough for a man to slip through, and best of all it was dark enough that he could never tell if the spy was there. Useful if someone entered by accident.

"Spy," Luc said, desiring to see if the spy had already chosen the room ahead of time.

"Yo!" an all too familiar voice called out from behind.

"Paul," Luc said with frustration. Paul was the Councilman's best spy, so it only made sense he would be sent. But he was also incredibly difficult to work with and had a tendancy to do stupid things like reveal himself as he just did. Luc turned around and spotted the man in full view despite the poor illumination. The man's appearance had still never changed. He wore the same black cloak that covered his whole body, the black mask on his head covered everything but his nose and unblinking brown eyes. Both his eyebrows and eyelashes had been removed. The man slumped over, the cloak hanging over enough that Luc could discern no bumps that could be arms.

"That's me!" the spy cheerfully said. "Whatcha need old Luc?"

"We have a pan of escape in case of a disaster at the ball. I want your help to ensure we can actually escape," Luc informed the man. He went how the plan had been laid out to him by Kelas earlier.

"My my, that's not really in my job description! I was just sent to keep tabs on you, ya'know? So, really, I can't be going and jamming gate mechanisms and the like!"

"Just do it," Luc said and turned to leave. "You can't keep up your reports if we're in prison." Luc warned the spy.

"Why," the spy sounded absolutely delight at the mention of prison, "Luc had co are in prison. Probably rotting! See, easy reports. Hey, if anything, it's in my best interests if you get captured!"

Luc scoffed at the spy and left the room. Paul was far too much trouble to deal with, even for that level of skill. Luc shook his head and went back to the practice room.


"Huh, something feels weird. Oh well, I guess it can't be the Lord of Azure Flame randomly returning and frying some guy I don't know. That'd just be silly."

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"So you know of me already. And one of Ivanko's men... that explains why I recognized your mana... you must have been in contact with Isotov and Irina." Damian replied, trying to keep his cool.

The crushing presence of the man's mana network, especially one fine tuned for elder magic, was causing Gae-Borg to stir excitedly in his mind. The outer rims of his irises were tinted a slight crimson, causing his eyes as a whole to appear a slight violet.

'Goddamn... just being near this guy makes it hard to focus... just how powerful is he?'

Another massive appearance of energy. This one was very familiar.

"The headmaster." Damian stated, just before the half-spirit landed.

'So much magical pressure... this could be... difficult.'

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So she tried to kill you after you finished a job? Probably some dirty business she wanted to get rid of, unless you screwed it up yourself. "Good luck with that," Heinz said dryly. "Try not to get yourself killed," he added.

No weapons are allowed in the dance hall...... technically. But that doesn't stop anyone from killing you after the ball. He's a Zaftran though, shouldn't have a problem holding his drink, Heinz reasoned.

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Isotov and Stephanie

Stephanie: Yes! That's him! ... why are all those people ...

Iso: (Huh?)

Stephanie: This is ludicrous! Ixion doesn't have time to be signing autographs or whatever he is doing over there! He needs to change into this suit I bought for him immediately!

Iso: Stephanie. What about the tome? What did it look like?

Stephanie: I can't remember. All I know is that it was red. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make certain that Ixion is ready on time. Isotov, I want you to tell me what is wrong with your eyes later.

Iso: Urgh.

She huffed and then began walking off toward Ixion and his unfriendly gathering.

Iso: ... ... a red tome huh? That means Ixion might have Proxima and had captured Shanice right after the battle.


Ixion: I'm afraid I won't be dancing tonight. Who my date is is also irrelevant.

Feeling a slight tremor extremely close by Ixion turned his attention to Damian.

Ixion: (His crimson weapon is reacting to my presence. His eyes have also changed hues.) ... perhaps it is best if I don't linger here too long ...

Just then Stephanie came running lightly down the hallway and muscled her way past anyone she had to to reach him. She stood there a bit annoyed.

Stephanie: You can chat with your friends later, Ixion! You still need to get dressed and we still haven't discussed whether or not you and I are going together or not!

Ixion: Urrrgh.

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"Daaaawww... Isn't that sweet. Little Ixion has a date." said the Headmaster, giggling a moment later. "Just so long as you kids are home by midnight, I don't care if you go to the ball or not. However, might I suggest you keep your evil hi-jinx confined to simply spiking the drinks? I know you think yourself powerful, but the last thing you will want is several drunken wielders and a drunken and enraged me stumbling about." she said as she stepped around Ixion. "And what are you doing here Damian? This isn't exactly the best place for you, especially without Aiya or Esphyr here to calm you down if something goes wrong."

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"Maybe you're right... I was just wandering about and ended up in a warzone of magical energy." Damian replied to the headmaster, shaking his head to clear it.

"Then again... this lance specializes in hexes and curses... is a man like this not the perfect beneficiary to enhance it? There have been too many close calls... and being near someone like him for an extended period of time would surely increase my tolerance towards... the more demonic energies..." Damian spoke, steadying himself. The violet glow of his irises had faded to a paler purple, closer to their native blue. The initial shock of the encounter was wearing off, and Damian could feel the tension begin to ease.

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Hallway Madness

Ixion: You do realize that people will only tolerate you and your pointless nonsense because you are more powerful than them, correct? You might want to take that into consideration one of these days.

Stephanie: Ixion! Pay attention!

Ixion: Stephanie, neither of us actually need dates. I'm at best going to be watching the festivities from a corner somewhere.

Stephanie: Hmph. Make up any excuse you want. You are just too scared to ask a woman to the ball.

Ixion: Not that I don't have a right or logical reason to avoid anything resembling male and female relationships but ... I am not scared so much as uninterested. If I went with you, I would be dragged into a waltz or something. If I went with someone as insane as the headmaster here I would be nearly injured through her shenanigans once more.

Before Stephanie replied, Ixion's head turned slightly toward Damian again. What he'd just told the headmaster was a bit interesting.

Ixion: (Preventing yourself from turning on your allies is an admirable goal, but be careful how far you go in the process to accomplish that. Your enemies are everywhere now ...)

Stephanie: Headmaster? You? Ixion why didn't you tell me you met the headmaster of TISME? And why didn't you tell me that she was a woman? This is wonderful! A real blow to the-

Ixion: She's not human.

Stephanie: Ixion! Do not say such things about others! It's both vulgar and rude!

Ixion: *sigh*

Once Isotov and Kelas had caught up to the group, there was really no choice but to stop. Ixion and Stephanie were in the middle of a ... disagreement of sorts.

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"I'm not human." said the headmaster, repeating Ixion's words. "I wasn't going to say anything, but bigmouth here spoke up. I should have just let him crash into the ground when I dropped him. He's right though. I'm only half human, and if you tell anyone, or Ixion tells another soul, or Damian tells anyone, I won't hesitate to kill you. I like my privacy and secrets. And Ixion, you weren't almost injured'. You were put in a state of apparent peril for your life that was under my control. In fact, just for that insult, I'm tempted to force you out onto the dance floor, if only to be mean."

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"I dunno... it seems like it would be beneficial. I can learn to control this lance, and training in hexes would allow me to tap into its full potential... aren't guys like you always looking for students anyways?" Damian inquired.

'I know there are risks involved in spending any prolonged length of time with someone like him... but the threat of the lord is too great for me to ignore anymore... if I do not become stronger, what can I do to combat... that?'

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