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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"Yes and no." Replied the Headmaster. "While it lacks strategic importance for most, many a young lass has been brought up with the desires of attending a ball. You could do to learn to not have two left feet as well. Also, you need to relax a bit. Just go and have fun. Insane plans can wait a day."

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Ixion: I thought you and I had already established that we have very differing opinions on what is and isn't fun. If I recall correctly you seem to enjoy flying around like a pidgeon, among other socially awkward things that I won't mention just this minute. I enjoy obtaining knowledge through varies means and that is exactly what I plan to do tonight at this ball.

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"Master Gearo! Master...Geraro," a masked man said as he entered the torture chamber, just arriving when Geraro blasted his prisoner with dark magic. Blood was splattered all over the area and some on Geraro's robes. The masked man wore black clothes, brown sandals and carried a tome, a tome with a thunderbolt on the front. The mask resembled that of an oni.

"Yes? What is it? I hope it doesn't spoil my good mood. I just saw a smile. I love smiles. I want to make people happy."

"Uh...yes sir. Lord Ferris wants you to head towards Septimus. I've been assigned to accompany you as well."

"Hmmm? Why does he want me there?"

"Well our informant is in the area no? And that Heinz fellow is there as well. Septimus is as good a place as any to start, as well as being a good way to keep an eye on them."

Geraro nodded and bent down to meditate.

"Right. Before I start my meditations, I want to tell you something. You may be curious how I'm able to use staves right?"

"Er, yes, I am curious. Only those who have had training from the church can use them," said the masked man, puzzled.

"Well, my father was part of the church himself you see. I was trained as a priest, but I felt more of an affinity for dark magic and secretly joined a cult, where I learned most of what I know of dark magic. When I was found out, I was expelled from the church and because of the nature of this cult, I was sentenced to death. But I didn't let any of those who accused me live after that. I fled from my home, and I still maintained my faith in the goddess. Because you see, the goddess is truly a figure worth revering. All that power. The goddess is supposed to make people happy and I want to make people happy, even if I have to make them scream and cry to do it."

"I...see...I'll leave you to your meditations then sir. I'll be back within half an hour." Bowing, the masked mage ducked out of the torture chamber and panted a bit, a little taken aback at Geraro's speech.

"He's nuts. He's batty. How did he get into such a high position when he's clearly cuckoo?" the mage said to himself, leaving to prepare for the journey.

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Ixion Can Dance?! (what is this I don't even)

Ixion: No need to worry about that. I've seen enough of the most common dances to manage. If I have to do something more complex, there is no shortage of minds in this place to peer into for the knowledge.

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Dumb Wind mage is dumb

"You tired yet?" He asked Dani. Helios wasnt that tired though a 5 minute rest would have been nice. He seem to have lost track of how long they had been dancing as well.

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Paul was up on the roof of the palace, munching on an apple when he saw something too large to be a bird flying around. "Huh," Paul took another bite of his apple, "that's weird." Paul swallowed his food and took another bite of the apple.

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Chase glared at the druid some time after he made his statement, then turned around and sat back on the couch. Augh, this whole thing is such a hassle... he thought, grimacing.


Clara, meanwhile, walked towards a separate section of the castle, and looked around. "Hmm... I thought I was supposed to meet with the others here... Maybe they're somewhere else my mistake?" she said to herself, and after pondering for a moment, decided to look for the other dancers who were invited elsewhere.

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"Yeah, what is it Alf?" Damian asked, following the man.

"She offers warnings but no solutions. I offered you a solution. The choice is yours."

'What an interesting man... what he says is true... but I can't just disregard what the headmaster said either... I want nothing more than to finally control this spear... but what if she's right? What if I lose myself completely to power and greed...?'


Aiya watched some of the others dance. She had learned all of these dances with Damian already, or rather... he had been taught them by instructors, and he was kind enough to teach them to her.

Looking for something to do, she called out.

"If anyone needs a practice partner, I can help, I guess. I know how to lead or follow, so I can show you either way."

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"If only this place wasnt so big." The queen muttered to herself walking down the hall. "Sayer! Where are you?" Then she heard a low rumbling sound coming from her stomach. "Dammit Sayer Im hungry!" She yelled, a blush starting to form on her face. Then she noticed she wasnt alone. "Oh hi there. You wouldnt happen to have seen a dumb knight in white armor pass by here would you?"

OOC: Its Clara she's talking to

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"Well, I don't know how to put on my armor, and I was wondering if you could help me out," he said, walking along.

"And I wouldn't advise you to listen to a man like that. He's the kind of person who'll throw you away when he's done with you. How do you even know what he says is the truth?"

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"I'm not sure." Clara replied. "Well, I might have passed him in town. Ah, yes, I think I noticed a knight. Not sure if he's the one you're looking for. See you!"

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"Sure, I'll help you. Pass me your armour." Damian replied to Alferis, before hearing it was in the change rooms.

"As for Ixion... I just don't know... I mean, I can understand that he is likely masking malevolent intentions, but... he is powerful, immensely so... a druid's power comes from knowledge and force of will... and that is exactly what I need to control this... this thing..." Damian said, scowling as they walked towards the changing rooms.

"Maybe he will drain everything from me and leave me to my own... maybe he'll kill me outright... but that's better than losing to this lance, and killing everyone around me... getting myself killed... I can be replaced by a more capable wielder, someone like Ivanko... but we all can't be... If I'm too weak willed to stop this thing... maybe It's better for me to just let that man do what he wants... neutralize a threat." Damian continued, visibly clenching his fists, his knuckles white.

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"Wow that helps." She said, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Hey wait!" It was no use. The dancer girl left. The queen pouted for a while before she began to go back to walking around aimlessly. After a while, she found a room. Poking her head in to see who was inside, she saw Charlotte. "Charly!" She exclaimed running up to the princess and pulling her into an embrace.

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"You really think he should help you? What about Headmaster? She probably knows as much as this Ixion fellow does, perhaps even more so. I'd listen to her any day of the week over him," Alferis said, heading into the changing rooms and fetching the armor.

"Ok, what comes first?" asked Alferis.

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"Just let me handle it." Damian replied, beginning to position and strap the armour into it's proper place.

As he worked on the armour, he continued to speak.

"I just don't know. The headmaster has been around, sure. But this lance is an entity made of demonic energy... that is that man's field... darkness. The headmaster... has a similar problem to my own... one she has not herself conquered... I don;t have many options."

As he finished putting the armour on Alferis, he stepped back.


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"Whew. Thanks. It's...a little hard to move in. I never wore armor before. But it looks nice," said Alferis, wondering how the others would think he looked.

"Anyway, this man may know a lot about dark magic, but I doubt anyone but the makers of it know everything about the weapons, let alone he. This Ixion character is not to be trusted if I were you. Look at the way he treats Isotov. You really think this is a good idea?" he said, walking with Damian through the hall, where he saw at a distance nobles gathering.

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"No! Bad Ixion! Bad!" Chided the headmaster, scolding him as if he was a puppy whom had just peed on the rug; complete with a quick, stern, but not overly painful slap to the cheek. "No peeking into other people's minds without permission or no cake for you if you do!"

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"No." She said simply. "I just felt like doing that. Oh my god Charly when i found out that Jerdon was attacked, I almost fainted. Then you didnt show up at the ball last year..... The thought makes me want to cry."

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Ixion: Careful where you place your hands, Headmaster. Not every inch of my skin is free of that which you despise and fear.

Duke Von

As Duke Von led Kamilla into the castle they passed Iso and Kelas. Kamilla didn't notice them due to being awed by the castle.

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"Queen Jen...I am touched by your words. It is good to know that we still have allies. But uh, don't you need to get ready for the ball? It will be starting soon." Charlotte said.

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The queen looked blank for a second before responding. "Oh no. I totally forgot about that." She started panicking. "I didnt even pick out a dress. No no no no no no. What if i stoop as low as lord brother did last year and skip out? ........."

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"You'll get used to it, Alf. Although that armour is horribly designed for anything aside from looking pretty." Damian replied to Alf's troubles.

"He knows more than almost anyone alive about the subject... and everything his magic practices involves strength of mind... strength of will... that is... exactly what I need to gain, to control this lance. If it kills me, maims me... that is still better than you guys travelling with an untamed monster." Damian replied bluntly, and began to pull away from Alferis.

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"There should still be some extra dresses in dining room C.' Charlotte said. "You may borrow one if you want, just try and be nice to the people in there. They are friends of your brother and all." The servant girl worked on Charlotte's hair as the princess talked.

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