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Trust in Mafia



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  1. 1. Would you trust Life Admiral in a game of Mafia?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Depends on what I get out of the relationship

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I want to say something important. This goes out to anyone who's played a game with me where I've done something... actually, fuck it. This goes out to anyone who was playing Train Mafia 2 and watched me fool the town completely with a simple false claim.

I really want you guys to at least trust me as much as the next guy. Every single game since I pulled the Wiseman stunt, people have been looking at me like I'm some kind of poison. The last game (Mostly Harmless Mafia) actually gave me a good example of how far people are willing to go just to screw me (Raymond, I'm looking at you) even if it means screwing themselves. I heard stuff like "it's Life, we can't really trust him" the entire game, which actually annoys me.

There is no reason not to trust me any less than anybody else. If I screw you, it's for my ulterior motives, not because I'm deliberately trying to screw you. It doesn't mean that you should never confide with me again. It means that I had to lie to try to win the game. The next game, I might be on your team, whether it's town or mafia.

Tables is probably the only person here who I have tried to repeatedly fuck over (not because he's Tables but because it just happened to be him) and yet he will still trust what I say as much as... Lightning or Raymond, for example. Other people have been quite upset (Bizz from a very early game and Fayt, who managed to provide me with a wonderful signature that I think people actually believe) from me deceiving them when it hasn't been personal. So if I've upset you, I'm sorry. It's a game and I'm trying to win it. I have no personal vendetta against you. None.

Basically, what I'm asking is for everyone to stop thinking of me as some coniever and start thinking about how you can use a relationship with me in a game to your own advantage. Thanks. I hope someone actually reads this and changes their mind about me (in a good way).

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I think part of the reason, is you insist on Follow the Leader, while most people prefer to scum hunt. You basically do not much more for giving us a lead or two, and taking a day phase, then you die.

I either follow my gut, or trust close to no one. >_>

Edited by Psych
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You basically do not much more for giving us a lead or two, and taking a day phase, then you die.

Yeah, about that. People keep killing me because the logic is "oh Life's so good, let's kill him to get rid of him". I've been killed on Night 1 more times than anyone else simply because I'm a "threat". At one point, if I lived past the first night, I was auto-mafia.

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I'll only trust you if I have legitimate reason to trust you, same goes for anyone. The problem is that it's usually you asking for trust, so it seems like people are biased against you.

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That's part of another thing. You always seem to have an underlying agenda.

Like you would counter claim a power role, then once the real role claims, that causes the town to lynch him. They'd presume since you claimed, you must be mafia trying to fake, so they counter.

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Like you would counter claim a power role, then once the real role claims, that causes the town to lynch him. They'd presume since you claimed, you must be mafia trying to fake, so they counter.

Oh yeah, I remember that incident. Sorry, I royally botched it up there.

I'm not always right about my hunches and stuff. Someone once said that they'd kill to have my intuition in Mafia but the truth is, I play logically. Some stunts I pull may seem a bit... I don't know, nuts to say the least, but I always have a logical reason behind it.

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You're just another player to me. However, I do know that you're a really good player and had a lot of experience, and because of that, I would find it suspicious if you were to do something that would seem incredibly foolish. e.g. If you were to claim that you were a Town Beloved Princess, I would assume that you're actually a Town Bomb.

Otherwise, I never actually had any personal vendetta against you or anything. You did, however, earn my respect after your awesome playstyle in several games, but I normally don't let that affect the way I play around you in future games.

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You know my answer to this question

The problem with me is that it's so hard to tell when you're lying or what you're even lying about that I don't even begin to fathom how I could use your relationship to my advantage. And whenever I attempt at it, I get screwed over. So I just don't bother anymore.

Unless something different happens, but otherwise I just suck at reading you. Other people are easier, but you're just... so hard. I made stupid mistakes and I treat mafia games semi-seriously, which I know is stupid but it's just what I do. I also hate being deceived because I hate feeling like an idiot. It's how you play the game, and this is how I play my game. I work on my own now, usually.

Unless, you know, I have no choice.

But really, it was my fault for getting upset in the first place. <___< It's just that when I get screwed over by you TWICE, I begin to reconsider my thought process the next time you offer me a 'deal' in mafia. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Edited by Levity
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You'll figure it out.

I've read people who have destroyed me in the past.

But by then everyone else was killing that person off too quickly for it to matter.

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However, I do know that you're a really good player and had a lot of experience

Here's the thing... Before I started playing on SF, I had never played Mafia before.

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I don't have anything against you, that's for sure. To the contrary, I respect you a lot - you're not only a good player, but you're also pretty unpredictable.

So unpredictable, in fact, that I've come to expect nothing but insane stunts from you - and then suddenly, you pull off something rather normal again. I just suck at predicting you, and it makes it hard for me to trust someone if I can't read them.

Then there was the added factor that you asked to be investigated, which logically meant to me that you were going to turn up as innocent no matter what, so I didn't bother and investigated someone else - I was paranoid about you being a godfather or something, resulting in me basically claiming cop to the mafia, which is about the most stupid thing I could possibly think of doing. And it turns out the mafia indeed had a godfather - it just wasn't you.

Having a town leader also contradicts my playstyle. I'm a scumhunter, not someone who tries his hardest to get the town a leader. If someone happens to become the town leader by chance, so be it, but I don't like games where this is encouraged or even required.

As you yourself (IIRC) said in one of the earlier games, I tend to overthink things. You're perfectly right about that.

I never meant to upset anyone with my playstyle. If "follow the leader" is going to be the norm in mafia games here on SF from now on, I'll probably just stop playing.

Edited by Raymond
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Okay, I'll be honest, I picked no 3, but me being… me, that's usually no. Mostly because after playing a lot of EM lately I think I've started to pretty much trust nobody unless they're clear.

Edit; I can spell, really.

Edited by Lightning
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If someone happens to become the town leader by chance, so be it, but I don't like games where this is encouraged or even required.

If "follow the leader" is going to be the norm in mafia games here on SF from now on, I'll probably just stop playing.



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I dislike Follow the leader too.

In all fairness, your chances of actually killing Mafia is probably much better with the Follow the Leader playstyle.

But it's not as fun.

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@Spoon: Okay then.

In all fairness, your chances of actually killing Mafia is probably much better with the Follow the Leader playstyle.

Very true. Just sucks if you happen to be part of that mafia.

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As you say, I'd trust you as much as anyone else. You deceive players as much as town as you do as mafia, but you also always have a reason for it.

Of course, in a game of mafia, I don't trust people very much anyway...

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In all fairness, your chances of actually killing Mafia are probably much better with the Follow the Leader playstyle.

That depends on how the mod designed the game. I hate Follow the Leader Mafia games. I find it just stupid whenever the players decide to mass roleclaim to a specific player (I am definitely gonna ban PMs regarding Mafia in every single one of my games) and I just don't get why the mod would WANT the game to be so dull and design it like that.

Scumhunting might seem more difficult, but the mod can always modify the roles and faction ratios for balancing.

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People who bitch about Follow The Leader style games clearly haven't played as Mafia in those games. They take pure planning to figure out how to fuck the town over right. PURE planning since if the village leader smells something suspicious and is right about his hunch, the Mafia is usually fucked.

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