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Choral Mafia III- ENDGAME UPDATED (finally)


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Sending in all user accounts now. In order: Character name, password. If you haven't got your role PM yet, you'll have it by tomorrow. Game will likely start the 28th or 29th.

Game forum: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Choral_Mafia_3/index.php?act=idx

"So, what's your name?"

"... Name?"

"Yes, your name."

"... Silvia. Silvia is my name..."


Choral Mafia III for 35 players- AWESOMENESS INCARNATE


This will be an anonymity game.

I have fifteen slots open for SF, fifteen open for the other forum I play mafia on and five special spots for friends of mine interested in mafia. Since the other forum's taking a break from mafia, I may or may not need more players from SF. I will also make a replacement list, since it's highly likely that, out of thirty-five players, someone's going to need to be replaced. <__<;


(you just lost it)

Choral Mafia III is a prequel of the other Choral Mafia games that I have hosted, I and II. Therefore, any familiar characters that you may see (whether you were in SF and played my previous games or hail from CARA and read the flavor text, etc.) had different viewpoints and personalities before the whole Silver Rebellion thing happened; therefore, they may not be on the same sides/have the same roles they had before. Do not assume things!


1. Roleplaying is entirely optional. If you’re absolutely opposed to doing it, I’m not forcing you to at all. It’s simply to add more fun and flavor to the game.

2. If you’re unsure of a particular character’s traits/overall personality, let me know. I’m not perfect; I may have forgotten to add something in your particular role PM (gender, personality quirks, etc.); if this is the case and you wish to roleplay your character, please inform me of what you’re missing and I will act accordingly.

3. ‘Roleplaying skill’ doesn’t apply here; just have fun! If you’re reluctant to roleplay because of something silly such as “well, I’m not good at it”, don’t worry about it! The effort that you put into it means a whole lot to me, as well as the other players who have chosen to roleplay. <3


Minor offenses (these things will get you a modwarn; you have a limit of three modwarns before you are modkilled):

1. Seriously insulting others/the moderator to the point where it ruins the fun and spirit of the game

2. Editing your posts (I’ll try not to be too harsh about this one)

3. Posting game content at night (you can post random stuff at night, just not raw content; that’s supposed to be discussed during the day!)

Major offenses (automatic modkill):

1. Directly quoting from your role PM/any flavor that the mod has given you; paraphrasing is your friend! NEVEREVEREVER REVEAL YOUR ROLE PM TO AAAANYONE! IT’S FOR YOUR EYES ONLY!

2. Screenshotting your role PM/role flavor

3. Privately communicating with other players outside of the game/discussion outside of the game/any secret alliances—unless your role allows it (if you’re mafia/a group that is allowed to communicate with each other, etc.) you may not privately communicate with any players. SF USERS: THIS MEANS NO PRIVATE ROLECLAIMING. I absolutely despite private roleclaiming. If you wish to roleclaim, do so in the thread.

4. Not following any post restrictions that you may have (not everyone is going to have one, obviously)

5. Attempting to cheat or break the game in any way


Almost all of you should be familiar with how this works, but here’s a rundown—

Obviously, you are only allowed to vote for someone during the day phase. When you wish to vote for someone, vote in the following format: ##Vote: Your Mom

The vote MUST be in bold and have the two hash marks (##) in the beginning; otherwise they do not count.

Similarly, when you wish to unvote someone, you do so in the following format: ##Unvote: Your Mom

In this game, you are allowed to vote for yourself for lynching.


Day phases are 72 hours long or end when a majority vote is reached; night phases are 48 hours long or end when all night actions are received. If you did not send in your night action, it will be assumed that you passed on your action for that night.

Certain events may happen that could or could not have certain effects on the game.

If you die and you aren’t sure why you died, it was not a modkill unless I have stated it was a modkill; otherwise, your kill was a part of the game.

If you are inactive for 48 hours into the game, you will be prodded and may even be replaced; additionally, if you are going somewhere/have gotten tired of the game/will be busy with things and wish to be replaced, you may formally request it.

If you are adamant that your post restriction is something you cannot follow correctly, let me know and we can have arrangements made.

PLAY TO WIN! As a part of your team, you want to make sure you can do all that you can to help your team win the game. Don’t just give up! Teamwork is key.

If you are dead or not playing, do not ask me for any behind-the-scenes information about the game until the game is done. Thank you.

I’m just the moderator; I’m not God. I’m going to make mistakes here and there; I ask you to please correct them politely if you do happen to see such mistakes.

On a related note, I won’t always be here to update vote totals. If the votals are needed and I’m currently absent from the face of the internet (busy with school/choir stuff etc. etc.) another player may want to tally them up if it is necessary.

THERE ARE NO VANILLAS IN THIS GAME, NOR IS THERE A JESTER OR A CULT LEADER. Remember this if you need to fakeclaim! Hahahaha.

Complaining/whining is frowned upon. Please don’t do it, it really stresses me out and I have a lot of problems with stress. <___<;


game will probably start around September 19th APPROXIMATELY, give or take a few days depending on how busy I get this month.


1. alfredo094

2. Pride

3. Snike

4. SlayerX CARA user

5. WoMC

6. Ether

7. Darros

8. Balcerzak

9. Lightning

10. Dracohon

11. Hemlock

12. BK-201

13. Furetchen Anouleth

14. Psych

15. Spike


JB25 (is subbing in for a CARA player who dropped out)

NOTE: I may not get all of the players that I need at CARA, so the first people in the replacements list may get those spots instead.

Edited by Frivolidad
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Major offenses (automatic modkill):

3. Privately communicating with other players outside of the game/discussion outside of the game/any secret alliances—unless your role allows it (if you’re mafia/a group that is allowed to communicate with each other, etc.) you may not privately communicate with any players. SF USERS: THIS MEANS NO PRIVATE ROLECLAIMING. I absolutely despite private roleclaiming. If you wish to roleclaim, do so in the thread.

5. Attempting to cheat or break the game in any way

Fuck, there goes all of my fun...

Life Admiral

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3. Privately communicating with other players outside of the game/discussion outside of the game/any secret alliances—unless your role allows it (if you’re mafia/a group that is allowed to communicate with each other, etc.) you may not privately communicate with any players. SF USERS: THIS MEANS NO PRIVATE ROLECLAIMING. I absolutely despite private roleclaiming. If you wish to roleclaim, do so in the thread.

No thanks. This, among a few other things, make me not want to join. This is just my point of view, but I see scum-hunting as glorified guesswork. Regular mafia just isn't something I find that fun.

But that's just my point of view.

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If this starts after Pokemon amd Pyschs end its Uhai.

If not its Darros.


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(Phew, had timezones fucked me up any further I'd be locked out, and then I'd have to kill someone)

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Vanilla is basically a person with no special powers. Since there are none, everyone has a power of some kind. Cult Leaders and Jesters are special kinds of roles (Cult Leaders recruit people into a cult which has to become 50% of the town or larger to win, Jesters win if they get themselves lynched). But since they don't exist you don't have to worry about them

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Hey, while we're here, do you need a Co-mod Levity? It looks like you've gone way over quota for SF already so it'd let someone else play.

I might already have both Spoon and Lux helping me. /:

also yeah I'm updating this now, along with adding the replacement list

Should I randomly choose people if I go over the quota and place the rest in the replacements list, or just list the people who got here first and the people who didn't get here on time in the replacements list?

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