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Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Mafia (COMPLETE!!!)


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Well, Fayt and Psych are both still alive, so their is no reason to assume that Lightning was roleblocked. Pride didn't die when I put a bullet through his head, which likely means:

A. I was hooked. This would make Pride mafia, since almost anyone is a better hook target than a public SK killing a townie.

B. Pride was bulletproof. Slayer claimed bulletproof, so if Pride is the BP, then we can either Lynch Slayer tomorrow, or I can lop his head off tonight, unless his protection works more than once.

##Vote: Pride

I meant the mafia ought to jump at the chance to kill the cop which they could've easily pulled off had they hooked Lightning and targeted Fayt.

But Vote Pride Your logic makes sense for the time being

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So, Pride/Dracohon/Fayt? Okay.

I was tired when I voted Dracohon and assumed you were the tracker.

Fayt I'm still suspicious of but nobody else seems to feel that way

so Pride it is since he's not helping the town in anyway.

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Can you guys just hold up for a second?

Furetchen, character claim plz.

Hm? Oh, arright.


I said it. My role mentions nothing about Psych, but then could easily be one-way.

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Day ended. Oopsies.

The town crowded around the little figure huddled in the corner the one who'd made no noises yet. They slowly dragged him to the noose and pulled the noose around his neck. The figure smiled an evil smile and muttered, "Glory... to Grado... Hail the Demon King..." He then puked out a purple liquid before dying of poison. Curious, you feed some of the liquid to a small beaver, who dies instantly.

Pride has died. He was Arve.gif RIEV, MAFIA POISONER

[spoiler=Role PM]


You are Riev, Mafia Poisoner. You came from Rausten but you got banished and became a Grado general instead, known as the Blood Beryl. During the Night Phase, you can call monsters to poison a target. The target will be killed in the following Night Phase. You may not use this ability on consecutive Nights. You are aligned with the Mafia and your objective is to kill all anti-Mafia players.

"Heh heh heh... Rise and rage, my precious children of darkness. Ruin the wood and ride the sea! Drown your foes, and devour their flesh! Come celebrate the glorious rebirth of your lord and master, the Demon King!"



Night 3 will end at 13 September 0800 GMT.

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