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who likes Meg?


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there is already a topic like this for Fiona, but now let's get some positive messages about Meg!

I've used her twice, and she capped everything both times with only a little help of BEXP! when I gave her Imbue, she was unbeatable. when I gave her resolve, she just eliminated the entire enemy army.

I don't care that her defense isn't all that great, her speed makes her evade quite a few things, and her sword makes her evade all axes anyways.

all what holds her back are her joining level (which can be solved within a few chapters, within her first on easy mode) and her caps. she might not be usable on hard mode, but she's okay on normal and rocks on easy.

your opinions?

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I used her about twice and she didnt turn out too terrible. She had pretty good speed but her strength wasnt smashing. Meg with Alondite is hilarious though. Shes one of the fun ones to dick around with in E/NM. I think i will have a Paladin and shitty character run next time!

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She's awesome! :awesome:

It's really fun getting her to third tier on Jarod! :awesome:

Vantage totally helps her low speed. I gave her like the Brave axe, and she'd just kill everything. She's been my only Alondite user. No one else has touched it.

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LOOOOOOVE Meg. I have a habit of giving her the Alondite and calling her The Pink Knight. Its funny to watch her short little self take forever to walk up to mounted enemies as an Armour Knight and General.

I have to force myself NOT to use her usually.

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I don't like giving her Alondite because she has bad hit with it :( specifically talking about those cloud things around Ashera. I do like Meg though ;), she is not good like Gatrie but she's not as bad as Wendy although a little close.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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^... Isn't Sheema supposed to be decent or am I horribly wrong?

Free Silvers for FE12. The on-site walkthrough for FE3 gives her a modest 1 out of 5, though I have heard she's better in FE3.

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nuff said.


Im doing a Scrappy run myself. So Meg's getting used. She was about level 4 or 5 Sword General by the time Part 1 was done. Fiona is at her usual level of around 12 Lance Paladin. Ive never used Danved before so this will be interesting. I wonder if i should bother with Kyza...

Meg is gonna get a lot of use come Part 3.

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What about non-Lunatic mode (for the rest of us)?

Well... she has good growths, but her bases lose out to even regular enemies and they're looking even worse now that stats can go above 20. If you manage to level her she may become decent, but it'll be difficult.

Her main problem is that she lost her one big redeeming quality from FE3. Namely, being one of only 2 indoor Gradivus users. And most people didn't really bother with Draug. The Gradivus also doubled exp gains back then, so she was actually able to put her growths to use. Not so now. The Gradivus can now be used by insane, early joining characters like Catria, Palla and Sirius. Furthermore, Draug got a serious growth boost, and Roger's decent too, not to mention Knight!MU...So if you want a general, it's best to go with them.

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She also kinda lost out on using Aum too, since now instead of reclassing her, Shiida, or Minerva, we can just use Yumina, since she's the only one who can use Aum and starts in magic besides Maria, but.....

I don't know if I'm gonna use Sheema. For most of the males, I don't like reclassing them into armors probably save MU, but now that Females can turn General promoted......

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