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Weird things you do?


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Lets see...

I write the "s" bottom-up. My best friend finds it odd and says its up-bottom.

I make my hands fight eachother. Sometimes make sounds too.

I tend to laugh at the wrong moments. Or get the urge to laugh, and i literraly laugh at everything.

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-I find misheard lyrics funny.

-I like easy things.

-I don't have the patience to color my drawings.

-I don't have the patience to create a real signature in photoshop.

-I can daydream so well i don't hear a thing anyone says IRL. Not to great in classes.

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-I tend to bite my usually dried lip.

I do that too.

-I also lock my front door every time I walk by it.

-My socks must match.

-I obsess over this line in my couch in between the cushions. My brother always tries to cross it but I freak out when he does.

-Keep my bedroom door locked whenever I'm in there, just for safety.

-I like syrup in my ramen.

-I like my cereal soggy.

-I don't like Reese's but I do like pb&j's, peanut butter crackers, and other things with peanut butter.

-I, like many people here, go up steps 2 at a time.

-I don't like to step on cracks.

-I cover my mouth when I laugh.

-I laugh different each time.

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-I sing heavy metal songs even when I know I can't.

I do that too.

... Well, it's not that I can't, since my range covers a lot, but when a guy sings in metal in a manly voice, and I try to cover it, it (for obvious reasons, since I'm a girl) doesn't sound right despite me hitting the notes fine.

Doesn't stop me from singing to it, though.

Other things:

-I think about Physics. Mind, not very high level physics (just Physics B level physics), but whenever I see something happen, Equations happen.

-I do calculations for EVERYTHING.

-I'm horribly messy and disorganized IRL, but my FE fanart bin is ridiculously organized.

-I think about one topic over and over again. Usually involving the plot of the manga I'm planning to draw (leading to rapid, heavy development of plot) and any special FE playthroughs I will be doing (also see calculations point), etc.

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I do that too.

... Well, it's not that I can't, since my range covers a lot, but when a guy sings in metal in a manly voice, and I try to cover it, it (for obvious reasons, since I'm a girl) doesn't sound right despite me hitting the notes fine.

Doesn't stop me from singing to it, though.

Other things:

-I think about Physics. Mind, not very high level physics (just Physics B level physics), but whenever I see something happen, Equations happen.

-I do calculations for EVERYTHING.

-I'm horribly messy and disorganized IRL, but my FE fanart bin is ridiculously organized.

-I think about one topic over and over again. Usually involving the plot of the manga I'm planning to draw (leading to rapid, heavy development of plot) and any special FE playthroughs I will be doing (also see calculations point), etc.

You are growing up like me. For the sake of your sanity, please don't.

Oh, right, topic. . .

- I feel the need to find the prime factorization of three and four digit numbers.

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Eh, it's either I go art major or computer science/mathematics major. Depending on the school I get into.

...math is awesome.

Another thing:

When listen to metal (which is 99% of the time I'm listening to music), and not singing along, I sometimes try to listen to each instrument separately.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I often stand flamingo-style, with one foot resting against the side or front of my knee.

I'm an obsessive neat-freak in many ways (my school file is organized by year, trimester, class, and sometimes project), but ridiculously messy in other ways (until today, I probably couldn't see the back seat of my car).

To tease my parents, I correct them whenever they use "good" instead of "well."

I'm a ridiculously picky eater, and don't like most meats or most foods that combine several different foods (for example, hamburgers). I get a lot of crap for this.

My mp3 player is filled with video game music.

Edited by Ragnell
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Eh, it's either I go art major or computer science/mathematics major. Depending on the school I get into.

You are what I would've been, if I had a good teacher in elementary art (he didn't think I was much of an artist, especially with faces).

Theoretical math is interesting, but you'll need to twist your brain. Computer science is abstract, but in a different way (if you can master recursion, discrete math, and algorithms, you'll do fine).

My mp3 player is filled with video game music.

That is not weird. That is awesome.

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Theoretical math is interesting, but you'll need to twist your brain. Computer science is abstract, but in a different way (if you can master recursion, discrete math, and algorithms, you'll do fine).

That's my kind of thing. I love math when you get to think differently, it makes them more interesting.

On topic:

Analyze the weak points of things and think about when best to strike.

Of course, I never actually hit them so I didn't break anything. :P

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I don't look at NSFW stuff....at all....

unless someone shows me an image and doesn't warn me about the content.

is that strange for a 15YO guy?


I Have a NDS flashcart, yet i rip most of my games from carts either I buy, or a friend has bought.

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I don't look at NSFW stuff....at all....

unless someone shows me an image and doesn't warn me about the content.

is that strange for a 15YO guy?

For someone like you, it's perfectly normal.

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Let's see here... I:

-Talk way too quietly. (When people say that I'm talking loud enough, it feels like I'm yelling)

-Rarely get hungry (My mom will be like: 'What have you eaten today?' Uh... Nothing. But it's only 7 PM)

-Cover my mouth when I laugh

-Have an MP3 player that has video game music/C-Pop/J-Pop on it

-Tilt my head to the side when I think (I never notice it. I guess it's a subconscious habit)

-Am suspicious when people I don't know try to be nice to me (Sad, I know...)

-Cross my arms or clasp my hands in front of my chest when I feel awkward

-Hate typos in books

-HATE it when people try to hug me...Although I've had to let up a little bit

No OCD, though. Thank goodness. Just habits that could be broken if I took enough time to think about them.

Edited by Flashpoint_1230
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-Talk way too quietly. (When people say that I'm talking loud enough, it feels like I'm yelling)

-Rarely get hungry (My mom will be like: 'What have you eaten today?' Uh... Nothing. But it's only 7 PM)

-Cover my mouth when I laugh

-Tilt my head to the side when I think (I never notice it. I guess it's a subconscious habit)

-Am suspicious when people I don't know try to be nice to me (Sad, I know...)

-Cross my arms or clasp my hands in front of my chest when I feel awkward

-HATE it when people try to hug me...Although I've had to let up a little bit

You too?

wow...i thought i was the only one...

also, I basically squeeze myself with my blanket to a point of almost chocking myself when i sleep.

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I'm OCD as all hell.

For example, I'm constantly copying the string "1337" to my clipboard because it's a mostly meaningless number, and if I accidentally paste information from my clipboard where it shouldn't be, I don't have to worry about it being something sensitive.

The thing is I do it even if "1337" was the last thing I copied. I sort of do it every time I use a text box >_>

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When the floor is made out of tiles, I always try to step inside the tiles and not step on a line.

I always go up/down a staircase starting with my left foot.

Whenever I can't remember what I was thinking of beforehand, I go liek "English Math Chinese Science... Okay" and then I remember. o_O

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