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Only the FE Boards Never Change.


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Well not at all here. But other FE boards, I see people are still tight assed about opinions. That and baiting others into arguing over that opinion. Which is why I begin to attempt to troll them.

[spoiler=The sad thing about this is that...]This is aimed at the FE10 GameFAQS boards. Not the wisest of choices I know. :facepalm:

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I quite like the arguments, personally. Although it does get boring going over Mia vs Zihark for the twentieth time and refuting the same old shit. Why can't we argue about something new?

(still, this is nothing surprising. swordmaster arguments are as old as FE itself, i'm sure that back in the day people were arguing Navarre vs Oguma, which is a shame since I hate swordmasters.)

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I quite like the arguments, personally. Although it does get boring going over Mia vs Zihark for the twentieth time and refuting the same old shit. Why can't we argue about something new?

(still, this is nothing surprising. swordmaster arguments are as old as FE itself, i'm sure that back in the day people were arguing Navarre vs Oguma, which is a shame since I hate swordmasters.)

If I hear one more Nolan and Zihark support being an A by 3-6...

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GameFAQs is fun, I had to convince the people on the FE board I was a gay man because I don't tell them my gender there and I was "accidentally" talking about male characters' physical appearances. Fun stuff. I got a lot of mod warns.

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But as you've explained previously, only the FE boards are like that. Right?

On gamefaqs? A lot of the boards are, I only like the community in the social boards. My old mori account is shared by like four people, and only one other person posted on the FE boards using it, so I've seen a lot of silly stuff just from the active messages list.

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I remember when I used to care about tiers and such. Thankfully it was short lived, and I resumed to using whoever I wanted! I guess some people just want to sound smart over things that barely matter at all!

Speaking of clashing of opinions, Metroid fans seem to be in a civil war over Metroid Other M. Of course that being folks saying its the best game ever in the history of games vs. it is the worst game ever in the history of games. I need to buy me some popcorn and watch the show unfold, whilst I play and enjoy the game myself, unphased by the haters' opinions! I'm not taking either sides, since I don't agree with either! I think its simply good, and still worth my money!

Then there's of course the Legend of Zelda fan community in general. Its better off not to try to dabble in the serious matters of that! Hoo.....

Point is, every fandom has the sort of people who can't just sit back and let people enjoy or not enjoy whatever game they want, however they want!

Edited by Kintenbo
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I remember when I used to care about tiers and such. Thankfully it was short lived, and I resumed to using whoever I wanted! I guess some people just want to sound smart over things that barely matter at all!

Speaking of clashing of opinions, Metroid fans seem to be in a civil war over Metroid Other M. Of course that being folks saying its the best game ever in the history of games vs. it is the worst game ever in the history of games. I need to buy me some popcorn and watch the show unfold, whilst I play and enjoy the game myself, unphased by the haters' opinions! I'm not taking either sides, since I don't agree with either! I think its simply good, and still worth my money!

Then there's of course the Legend of Zelda fan community in general. Its better off not to try to dabble in the serious matters of that! Hoo.....

Point is, every fandom has the sort of people who can't just sit back and let people enjoy or not enjoy whatever game they want, however they want!

Well, I have heard bad things about Other M, but it's still probably a decent game even if not up to the standard of the Metroid Prime series.

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Well, I have heard bad things about Other M, but it's still probably a decent game even if not up to the standard of the Metroid Prime series.

Oh yeah, it does have its flaws. Can't say I'm overly fond of the forced 1st person, find the thing you're supposed to scan parts, but that didn't ruin it for me! The transitions between 3rd and 1st person could have been a bit smoother, but hey, it's not painful. I like it much more than the Metroid Prime games, if only because it actually has Samus doing what made her notable to me. That being actually running, jumping (athletically), and other athletic fetes, instead of moving like a stiff board most of the time, unless using special abilities. That, and I love its challenge! Can't afford a minute of slack, putting my brain to work! I'm not about to let the little things bug me!

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You're consistently inconsistent.

I could have not capitalized your name like I was supposed to and the quote would be correct. Sue me for trying to add some flavor to things!

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I don't like them either. Prime [and, from what I've seen and heard, Other M] lacks what made the original Metroid games so great.

Personally I'd say just other games. Prime was much like the other games thought it added more story in the form of optional scanning. If you wanted the story, just scan for lores and pirate logs.

OtherM on the other hand, shoves the story in your face. You either watch it if you're interested or go do something else and check back every 5 minutes to see if the cutscene is done. Then there's what I've heard about Hard mode really making it be less and less like Metroid

Edited by Sirius
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