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My overwhelming anger has led me to the point of uncontrollable rage.


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Why do people use headphones and then crank the volume all the way up? It makes no sense. If you're going to use headphones, isn't the purpose so that others can't hear what you are listening to?

I am making this rant because there are certain people in my life who will remain unnamed that are constantly guilty of this. Sometimes it gets so bad I can't even focus on what I'm listening to with my own headphones! It's even kept me from sleeping in the past!

This has been a public service announcement: if you're going to use headphones with other people around, make sure only you can hear the sound coming out.

lol luckily for me it's only one person that's terrible at that, but he only does it in the hallways in my school.

There are these one headphones I used that block out noise. I'm in the loud cafeteria and, depending on how loud I make my music, it may or may not block out the entire cafeteria.


See they have pluggy thingies.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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wow, you cant sleep from peoples heaedphones? come back when you have real sleeping problems.

also, why should you give a fuck how loud my music is?

Just because it doesn't fit someone's definition of "real" sleeping problems doesn't mean it won't annoy the hell out of me. Troll harder. (No offense intended to people with sleeping disorders)

I don't care how loud your music is. I don't live with you. Just be courteous to those around you who don't want to hear the crap coming out of your headphones.

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Why do people use headphones and then crank the volume all the way up? It makes no sense. If you're going to use headphones, isn't the purpose so that others can't hear what you are listening to?

I have to say that I'm guilty of this. Moreover, I'm unrepentant about it as well!

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Just because it doesn't fit someone's definition of "real" sleeping problems doesn't mean it won't annoy the hell out of me. Troll harder. (No offense intended to people with sleeping disorders)

I don't care how loud your music is. I don't live with you. Just be courteous to those around you who don't want to hear the crap coming out of your headphones.

wow my mom is offended, i showed this to hear and she was like WTF? whatabitch.

you do, im the one who gives you sleepin problems coz im doin ur mom(que for =3 music)

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Just be courteous to those around you who don't want to hear the crap coming out of your headphones.

I don't think Fenrir knows what courtesy is.

you do, im the one who gives you sleepin problems coz im doin ur mom(que for =3 music)

As demonstrated here. He is the most ungentlemanly person I've ever met, and I've met a lot of those.

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Some have faulty ears and need higher volume, while some put their headphones AROUND their ears so they can still hear when there are people talking to them (Me).

I'm sure that 90% of students that listen to music through headphones have ear problems. Also, like JB said, use one ear.

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Oh, and as for me... well, I usually check my taking both earphones off, and then turning it around (so my ear faces the outside of the earphone) and I try to check if I can hear anything. Usually, I can't hear much, so it's fine.

And I usually use a volume of about 7/8 when listening to music (why can't there be a 7.5 dammit), so I'm still fine, to my knowledge.

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Why do people use headphones and then crank the volume all the way up? It makes no sense. If you're going to use headphones, isn't the purpose so that others can't hear what you are listening to?

I am making this rant because there are certain people in my life who will remain unnamed that are constantly guilty of this. Sometimes it gets so bad I can't even focus on what I'm listening to with my own headphones! It's even kept me from sleeping in the past!

This has been a public service announcement: if you're going to use headphones with other people around, make sure only you can hear the sound coming out.

This was me yesterday at the gym. And it'll be me today at the gym. So, I apologize in advance, but if you understood the circumstances you'd give me a free pass.

EDIT: Plus, how could you be mad when I'm blasting Access the Animus (remix) over and over again?

Edited by Chococoke
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I don't think Fenrir knows what courtesy is.

As demonstrated here. He is the most ungentlemanly person I've ever met, and I've met a lot of those.

lol why would anyone bother with courtesy when you can listen to your music loud?



Dont you hate the kids at school who yell while sneesing just to get a bit of attention =/

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Earbuds are better for when you don't want other people to hear it because it is inside you ear and the soundwaves are ONLY going into your ear. With headphones, the sound can go into your ear AND out the other side of the headphones, allowing people to hear it more easily. I use headphones just because I like them, although my music is never extremely loud. If I wanted people to hear it, I would use my portable speakers.

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Losers, all most of you. Courtesy, which is no longer Common, is a lost art. If you infringe upon other people's personal space for no other reason than selfishness, that is rude. If that statement offends you, you are probably a self-entitled asshole, and I'd relish the opportunity to help cure you of it by donating a Shoryoken to your chin.

Some of you are additionally idiots, who will be losing hearing range by your late twenties, well on your way to going partially deaf just when everything else starts falling apart. I can't wait for this fallout from this one. Someday we will have the epidemic of iPod imbeciles with irreversible hearing loss, joining forces with Fatties That Gave Themselves Diabetes in order to strangle the wealth of society to death with expensive, preventable medical procedures.

For me, volume never goes above the minimum needed. With decent headphones, sometimes this is one click above "off". My favored headphones are in-ear ones for everyday use, and ones with active noise-canceling for loud environments.

Why do people use headphones and then crank the volume all the way up? It makes no sense. If you're going to use headphones, isn't the purpose so that others can't hear what you are listening to?

It's because they are inconsiderate pricks. This thread affirms it.

I am making this rant because there are certain people in my life who will remain unnamed that are constantly guilty of this. Sometimes it gets so bad I can't even focus on what I'm listening to with my own headphones! It's even kept me from sleeping in the past!

This sounds like a CRFH. If it's any consolation, it could be worse. Mine were.

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