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Pokemon Tactical Game (Game Over; Team Rocket Wins)

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So who will be our new village leader now?

Mafia is not 100% follow the leader, you can work things out by yourself. Village leaders need to be confirmed innocents as the mafia could devestate the town with this info. Currently, I don't think we have any cleared innocents.

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Mafia is not 100% follow the leader, you can work things out by yourself. Village leaders need to be confirmed innocents as the mafia could devestate the town with this info. Currently, I don't think we have any cleared innocents.

*small cough*

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##Vote Bal

Bizz would probably be safer...>_>

Wheat about my "THere is no doctor" theory? Cause I doubt that Tables, Astra AND Lux would have died if there was a doc. Though Tables did live through one night......

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Wheat about my "THere is no doctor" theory? Cause I doubt that Tables, Astra AND Lux would have died if there was a doc. Though Tables did live through one night......

I think the "There is a Mafia Hitman" theory is far more likely.

Plus, if they KNOW who the Doc is, they can keep RBing him/her.

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Guys, which is more dangerous, a thief, who never knows where the items are to steal? Or a info checker, who can always ask yes or no questions and get the goods to her scum buddies?

##Bizz is more dangerous to all factions, fmpov

So, we have Mr and Mrs Gaggles, then? Good to know.

Hmm... Bal x Bizz eh? I think that's new, never heard that pairing before.

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Hmm. I guess this means I'm probably taking a short walk to a long fall soon.

Gotta get in my last Day Phase actions, and send the last relevant PMs to the members of the other faction I'm working with, then. Whatever I can to screw the Bystanders.

I guess I'll take small comfort in the fact that my beloved Bizz is likely to follow me on the 'morrow.

Ninji, you can expect a PM shortly. :3

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