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Pokemon Tactical Game (Game Over; Team Rocket Wins)

General Spoon

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I guess I'll take small comfort in the fact that my beloved Bizz is likely to follow me on the 'morrow.

And then we can dance in the afterlife together, my dearie~



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Forgot about you. Do you want to lead the village for a day?

Can we call an end to the day phase?

And if people want Furet to lead, I've got no problems with that.

Sure, I'll try and get something done. Unfortunately, I wasn't privy to any of the knowledge that MLS/Lux had.

So...yeah. Dunno if I'm the best choice. Can't hurt to claim to me, though. The one person who has deserves a medal. And not of the CdNSTFU variety that I gave that guy in that thread. Something with more value if placed on eBay.

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I'd respond casually, but it would definitely be counted as spam. So, I'll just combine that with a threat of vengeance upon anyone who doesn't claim to me by 5 pm AEST.


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I swear I won't lie about my role PM this time. I'd never lie to Furetchen. </bold faced lie>




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Hmm. I guess this means I'm probably taking a short walk to a long fall soon.

Gotta get in my last Day Phase actions, and send the last relevant PMs to the members of the other faction I'm working with, then. Whatever I can to screw the Bystanders.

I guess I'll take small comfort in the fact that my beloved Bizz is likely to follow me on the 'morrow.

Ninji, you can expect a PM shortly. :3


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Now, now. What did you expect, Weapons? I don't just lie down and go quietly into the night.

Unless of course that's the best course of action for my team, in which case I'll gladly bite a bullet.

Now... where did I put that boulder. *rummage rummage*

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Bal looks pretty harmless right about now. He probably has a powerful item or something.

I'd do some things now, but I'm too busy being almost late for important things.

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Balcerzak, upon realizing that his life is in danger, mounts his Suicune and begins to fire his dual SMGs into the crowd. Luckily for you, he doesn't hit anybody, and somebody takes the opportunity to bump him over the edge of Realgam Tower. He is instantly killed upon impacting the ground. If he had been holding any items, they have been stolen by something.

You are Eusine.

You have been chasing Suicune for years, and joined up with Cipher because they have a Suicune which you wanted to get your hands on. This was before you realized that being a member of Cipher has its perks, and joined them. You have been assigned to Realgam Tower in the final stages of Cipher's plans.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Sleight of hand USER1, USER2” As a mysticalman, you will effortlessly make all of USER1's items vanish, only for them to reappear in USER2's pockets. USER1 and USER2 can be anybody, including yourself. USER1 and USER2 cannot be the same person. You will know what items you have moved.

At day you may reply to your role PM with “Day x – Is that Suicune?” You will point into the distance while asking everybody if they see Suicune over there. While they are distracted, you will replace the current lynch target with a Poke Doll and the lynch target will blend into the crowd. The lynch mob will turn around after realizing Suicune isn't there, and upon realizing that their target has vanished, will instead lynch nobody that day. This trick will only work once, as nobody would be stupid enough to fall for it twice.

You are allied with Cipher. You win if all threats to Cipher have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.


Deadline is in 48 hours.

Edited by General Spoon
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