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Have faith! I've played a bazillion games and will make a good judge.

Rest assured that if I find it terrible you'll only benefit by not having a Wii!

Of course...if I enjoy it, then you're fucked...

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I only have a fucking Wii.

My brothers have a fuck Wii. It didn't quite to get to be a fucking Wii because I didn't actually do anything after I put the Twilight hack on their SD ca-oh wait they updated their system menu like idiots anyway.

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Oh hey it's Anthony.

Okay, the story isn't bad. I meant incredibly boring dialogue. Samus freaking monologues for ages in a boring monotone voice.

That's less the game's fault and more Jessica Martin's for being a shitty actress.

Edited by Battler Ushiromiya
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Still hasn't arrived, and it was posted on Monday :angry:

I doubt it will live up to the prime trilogy, (Norion was :awesome: ) but hopefully it should still be pretty good.

Is it safe to assume Samus still wears armour Clothes of any kind, because you know what the guys are like at Team Ninja :blink:

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fuck yuu guys

Edit: This just in

Other M is playable

I'm not far enough to decide if I really like it, and I hate the whole not-moving-in-first-person business (though I get this eerie feeling I'm supposed to be able to and just don't know how), but it plays alright.

And Samus having a past and personality isn't really hurting anything either. Long cutscenes are long though...

If I had to make a conclusion: things aren't looking too good for you, Spoon!

Edited by Obviam
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I need a fucking girlfriend. I really want to play humpity bump, but I don't have a girlfriend. This is a problem, as masturbation is one of my favorite (if not my favorite) pastimes. So every time a hot commercial comes on, its like the TV is taunting me. And I can't even masturbate to pass the time waiting for a girlfriend, because I don't have enough lube or soft enough hands to do it with. I could play some hentai and work on my times I suppose. Or that Leaf Green Nuzlocke challenge with that rival named Horio. I also need to get a lotion dispenser for my dorm room. This is self-explanatory and non-negotiable. A more comfy chair would also be nice, since the cushion on the chair that came with the dorm room might as well be a soft rock.

I found it worth the few seconds of effort, however. The second half I couldn't really mess with as well.

*expects to be warned for this*

Edited by Malexis
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