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Jugdral 978: A Holy War/Thracia 776 Successor RP


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As I posted just a bit ago, nobody will be starting with a holy weapon, so don't worry. God-moding, super-eliting, ubering, whatever you want to call it, will also not be allowed. If anyone is concerned about that, please rest easy. Non-holy blood characters will also get just as much attention as characters who have it.

The character-making process will go like this:

I post all the necessary bits.

Interested people throw out a concept and discuss their relationships and connections with others.

When you've got that down, post a filled-out sheet.

Said sheet will be reviewed by me, and if there are problems, you'll modify the character so he or she is appropriate for play.

Then, first-postingness. :D

Don't do any of this now. Ask me questions, or post any concerns you have about the game, and when the stuff is up, we'll rock!

Well, there are good things about no Holy blood in an RP sense, that being, royalty can mean nothing to you, and that you have no obligations to hold up to unlike if you were a royal.

Combat wise, you're at a disadvantage.

This is a great point. Holy blood - being descended from one of the mythical twelve crusaders - has attendant obligations, responsibilities, and consequences. Noble society is restrictive. Those who do not have holy blood are more free from that, and have many more choices about how they can live their lives.

Edited by Astelaine
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:I post all the necessary bits.Interested people throw out a concept and discuss their relationships and connections with others.When you've got that down, post a filled-out sheet.Said sheet will be reviewed by me, and if there are problems, you'll modify the character so he or she is appropriate for play.

Wouldn't it make sense that none of our characters know each other yet? Unless of course something like mine in which they're engaged/coming together. Something like that? >_>

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Wouldn't it make sense that none of our characters know each other yet? Unless of course something like mine in which they're engaged/coming together. Something like that? >_>

Some of them might not. Some people's social classes might be too different for them to know some of the other players right away. But say we get a bunch of people who are all playing descendants of Ulir. They're probably in the same family, heck, they probably all live in the same castle. It makes sense then that the players of these characters should get together and work out their relationships. Look at the characters of FE4, too. They started out with parents, siblings, lovers. They knew the people governing the other castles in their home country. It's my belief that the interplay and drama of these connections will make the game much more interesting than if you were just dumped into it cold. What kind of character you pick determines how much brainstorming you'll have to do with others before we start.

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Sent you a PM regarding something semi-specific, don't really want to bring it up in topic until we've discussed it a bit.

If that's alright, of course.

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My questions mainly pertain to this whole holy-blood deal which has everyone's panties in such a twist.

What, specifically, will this holy blood allow your character to do which a normal guy can't, and what might be expected of a holy-blooded char which wouldn't be from a regular dude? More importantly, would the presence of a certain kind of holy blood have an impact on a character's personality or appearance (beyond the aforementioned mark), or would I be able to assign any type of blood to a character of pretty much any appearance or personality? Last but not least, is it physically impossible for someone without this special blood to wield a super weapon, or just a societal taboo?

I'd like to add that my attitude towards it will be the same as Purg's, won't be doing it, mainly because sounds like too much of a headache to deal with. I also think it's funny that people are already talking about what their characters "will" be when it's entirely possible that their desired blood type won't be available for them to use. Sounds like a recipe for unnecessary drama imo.

Edited by CATS
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Firstly, thanks for answering my questions in such great detail XD I was expecting one sentence answers. but as many have stated am impressed and relieved to find that you're not just another. "Hey I like this game, I'll make an RP" type person and have given it thought.

I agree with the 200 year setting, and the "ancestor>child" system. I'm glad you're planning to keep this as a "fantasyRp." As technology Rp's really aren't my thing. My only issue being "posting once a month" XD If that were to happen I'd be retired by the time this RP finishes.

I can't promise participation, but it's interested me enough to read up on those games. For now, I guess I'll just ask a few more questions... Well, ones CATS hasn't asked XD Though a quick list of bloods and their benefit might help non-players, you've probably got alot more pressing things to deal with.

1: Will this be a group party?

An important issue for me, since I don't enjoy RP's were you have some princess and her retainer on one side of the continent, and a group of heroes on the other, RP'ing simultaeneously. Essentially, are the RP'ers going to be lumped into one group and travelling around?

2: Character Creation numbers

How many PC's are Rp'ers allowed to create initially upon registering? SQ Rp'ers seem to have a new character popping up frequently. And I know that some RP'ers here are incapable of successfully RP'ing anything more then one character. While I'm not asking for a set rule, how many characters would you suggest people create when they start this RP?

3: NPC Creation License

You've stated you mainly want the players to define the course of the plot, does that include a free-license for players to create NPC's and enemies? What about introducing plot elements and taking over the plot temporarily?

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In the games it was Physically impossible. I suppose they'd just have a higher proficiency in that weapons, much like the games.

Some of them might not. Some people's social classes might be too different for them to know some of the other players right away. But say we get a bunch of people who are all playing descendants of Ulir. They're probably in the same family, heck, they probably all live in the same castle. It makes sense then that the players of these characters should get together and work out their relationships. Look at the characters of FE4, too. They started out with parents, siblings, lovers. They knew the people governing the other castles in their home country. It's my belief that the interplay and drama of these connections will make the game much more interesting than if you were just dumped into it cold. What kind of character you pick determines how much brainstorming you'll have to do with others before we start.

So, do you mean like cousins or something? Cause I said my characters had siblings, so I guess someone could be her long lost brother, but otherwise, I'd prefer if my characters weren't immediately related to someone. I know that say, Tiltyu, Tinny, Arthur, or Sety's kids would be related, but that would probably be quite distant.

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My questions mainly pertain to this whole holy-blood deal which has everyone's panties in such a twist.

What, specifically, will this holy blood allow your character to do which a normal guy can't, and what might be expected of a holy-blooded char which wouldn't be from a regular dude? More importantly, would the presence of a certain kind of holy blood have an impact on a character's personality or appearance (beyond the aforementioned mark), or would I be able to assign any type of blood to a character of pretty much any appearance or personality? Last but not least, is it physically impossible for someone without this special blood to wield a super weapon, or just a societal taboo?

I'd like to add that my attitude towards it will be the same as Purg's, won't be doing it, mainly because sounds like too much of a headache to deal with. I also think it's funny that people are already talking about what their characters "will" be when it's entirely possible that their desired blood type won't be available for them to use. Sounds like a recipe for unnecessary drama imo.

Holy Blood marks that you are a descendant of one of the twelve crusaders. Having Major Blood allows you to wield that crusader`s Holy Weapon. Ex. Major Odo allows one to wield the Balmung. Without this blood, one cannot wield the weapon.

These bloods also tend to alter one`s proficiencies. Someone with Hezul blood has naturally high Strength, while Odo sharpens Technique. As for appearances, Hair Colour seems to tend to stick to a holy blood in most instances, but it doesn`t have to, ex. Odo = Black, Tordo = Silvery usually.

Personality wise, I`m not the best to ask, but circumstance can shape one`s personality to your desired effect. As for expectations, being descended from a crusader usually makes you a member of the nobility, or something of the sort.

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These bloods also tend to alter one`s proficiencies. Someone with Hezul blood has naturally high Strength, while Odo sharpens Technique. As for appearances, Hair Colour seems to tend to stick to a holy blood in most instances, but it doesn`t have to, ex. Odo = Black, Tordo = Silvery usually.

Alright. I hate to talk about "power levels" and the like, but to be perfectly blunt, it seems like it's going to be a relevant issue here. How much of a combat advantage is a major-blooded character going to have over one with normal blood? Are we talking superhero-level enhancements, to the point where normal chars shouldn't even bother to fight back against one, or are the enhancements relatively mild, allowing room for a lesser-blooded character to stand a chance of victory or at least do some damage?

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What, specifically, will this holy blood allow your character to do which a normal guy can't, and what might be expected of a holy-blooded char which wouldn't be from a regular dude?

More importantly, would the presence of a certain kind of holy blood have an impact on a character's personality or appearance (beyond the aforementioned mark), or would I be able to assign any type of blood to a character of pretty much any appearance or personality?

Last but not least, is it physically impossible for someone without this special blood to wield a super weapon, or just a societal taboo?

@Bold: It generally gives you something similar to super genes, making you faster, stronger, etc, depending on your Holy blood type. Overall, it gives you an advantage in any sort of fight.

Unless the holy blooded person is kicked out of their castle and outed from the holy family, they should have royal ties that could change how they were brought up, leading to how they would act.

@Underlined: It depends on the holy blood, I'll use Tordo as an example:

Tordos usually have Wrath as a skill, as their bloodline is known for being quick tempered, also, they have signature Purple to Silver hair, which really doesn't fit with Pyschs description. >>

@Italics: It's never really specified in the game, imo, Physically impossible, or the weapon rejects you.

Also, another idea, though in the normal FE4, only Majors were allowed to wield Holy Weapons, in hacks such as FE4 Binary, they allow the use of a Holy weapon even with Minor blood, it just adds up that the stat boosts get cut right in half.

Would that be possible?

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It is certainly a difference, but it shouldn't be game breaking. >_> Most of the time.....

Also, I think Fala had red hai, Holsety green, Blaggi was blonde/brownish. And Hezul was blonde too.


I didn't give personality. :P

But he certainly would be a bit tempered. I have a scene thought up that I could certainly prove a few things.

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Alright. I hate to talk about "power levels" and the like, but to be perfectly blunt, it seems like it's going to be a relevant issue here. How much of a combat advantage is a major-blooded character going to have over one with normal blood? Are we talking superhero-level enhancements, to the point where normal chars shouldn't even bother to fight back against one, or are the enhancements relatively mild, allowing room for a lesser-blooded character to stand a chance of victory or at least do some damage?

I would say it is a decent advantage. In-Game, having Holy Blood increased growth rates, depending on the blood. However, those with Holy Blood are far from unstoppable. A normal person could go toe-to-toe with them as long as they have some combat proficiency of their own. And Holy Blood only improves one Facet(HP as well, I suppose...)

It is when someone has a holy weapon that things get dicey, but they are one of a kind and will surely be made difficult to obtain.

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Adding to what ALS said, those with Hezul blood seem to be a bit gung-ho about everything (lolAlessrushingstraightatCelice) (LOLELTSHANGETTINGHIMSELFARRESTED) as well as abnormally strong.

Those with holy blood have some kind of power in her blood that allows them to tap into the true power of the weapon. I suppose another person could wield it, but it would just be as powerful as any other sword.

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It is certainly a difference, but it shouldn't be game breaking. >_> Most of the time.....

Also, I think Fala had red hai, Holsety green, Blaggi was blonde/brownish. And Hezul was blonde too.


I didn't give personality. :P

But he certainly would be a bit tempered. I have a scene thought up that I could certainly prove a few things.


And so on, of course, this might change over the course of 200 years

Hair color dood.

I would say it is a decent advantage. In-Game, having Holy Blood increased growth rates, depending on the blood. However, those with Holy Blood are far from unstoppable. A normal person could go toe-to-toe with them as long as they have some combat proficiency of their own. And Holy Blood only improves one Facet(HP as well, I suppose...)

It is when someone has a holy weapon that things get dicey, but they are one of a kind and will surely be made difficult to obtain.

EXP and setups with traps are easily a good way to kill a Holy Blood user, by no means are they invincible. Just hard to kill.

*Looks at Holsety and Balmunk*



Adding to what ALS said, those with Hezul blood seem to be a bit gung-ho about everything (lolAlessrushingstraightatCelice) (LOLELTSHANGETTINGHIMSELFARRESTED) as well as abnormally strong.

Headstrong and courageous would be a better word. >>

Edited by MeteorLunarSolar
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Question: What about those of us who didn't play the games? Will we be forced to take bloodlines of heros and characters we don't know? Or be forced to not take them and have characters that are worse (assuming stat or pesudo-stat) or will it not matter beyond a certain point?

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Question: What about those of us who didn't play the games? Will we be forced to take bloodlines of heros and characters we don't know? Or be forced to not take them and have characters that are worse (assuming stat or pesudo-stat) or will it not matter beyond a certain point?

There were people without holy blood in the game too. They suck

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Holy Blood isn't a be-all end-all so long as a Holy Weapon is not involved. Those things are OP, and I could go on forever, but I won't.

Here is an example. You are a Thunder Sage, who's been at it for a good while. Tordo!Kid runs along with his Major Tordo Blood, and you blast him, because unless he has significant training, he is just an insect in the face of your thundrous wrath, just like any other unpromoted mage who thinks he is a big shot.

If said Tordo Sage has the same training/experience as Regular Sage, then Regular Sage may have some trouble, and will need to compensate.

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Question: What about those of us who didn't play the games? Will we be forced to take bloodlines of heros and characters we don't know? Or be forced to not take them and have characters that are worse (assuming stat or pesudo-stat) or will it not matter beyond a certain point?

I believe it was specified that you aren't forced to have a holy-blooded character. It hasn't been stated that those who haven't played the games are barred from having such a character, either, so I would assume that it's not an issue (although I certainly won't be using holy blood either way).

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Question: What about those of us who didn't play the games? Will we be forced to take bloodlines of heros and characters we don't know? Or be forced to not take them and have characters that are worse (assuming stat or pesudo-stat) or will it not matter beyond a certain point?

Since this isn't a stat heavy RP, I'd assume that non-Blooded people wouldn't be that far behind, after all, it all matters on your actions in-battle, and not just strength.

Edited by MeteorLunarSolar
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Question: What about those of us who didn't play the games? Will we be forced to take bloodlines of heros and characters we don't know? Or be forced to not take them and have characters that are worse (assuming stat or pesudo-stat) or will it not matter beyond a certain point?

You will have to live with being inferior

You can get a pretty good feel for the game by reading the scripts on the site, if you really need it. However, if you don't want to (perfectly okay), I would suggest that you just not take a bloodline. There were non-holy characters in the originals, and they were still ranked among the best (Oifaye, I'm looking at you). It's not as if those with holy blood have some unfair advantage. They just have a certain area that is much, much, more improved than most others. But even so, a normal person could come close enough to match that. It just takes a bit (what am I saying? A LOT) more effort.

And finally, those with Major Blood are truly unmatched in the area of their strength. For example, someone without blood could never hope to match the speed of one with Major Odo. Therefore, I suggest that you have NPCs with the Major Blood. The rest of us have to deal with halved bonuses.

EDIT: And if, in fact, a holy weapon is involved, Mr. Normalkid is pretty screwed. Sorry.

Edited by Camtech075
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You can get a pretty good feel for the game by reading the scripts on the site, if you really need it. However, if you don't want to (perfectly okay), I would suggest that you just not take a bloodline. There were non-holy characters in the originals, and they were still ranked among the best (Oifaye, I'm looking at you). It's not as if those with holy blood have some unfair advantage.

He has minor Baldo blood. |:

Fury is a good Example.

EDIT: @Cam: Not screwed, Holy weapon users have their limits too. They can't dodge for a week, they're human as well.

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