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Marth, You Ladies' Man...


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I think Marth is closer to clueless than conceited (he's sickeningly polite in his Brawl taunts). Caring is a closer fit.

Clueless + Caring = Chick Magnet. Don't ask me why.

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"Everyone, please look."

"Today it's my win, isn't it?

"I can't afford to lose, you see."

"Today I have survived."

"As if I'd let you!"

"I saw through it."

"There it is."

I dunno, pretty sure of himself to me. Coupled with Shadow Dragon I'd say he's cyncially polite because he thinks/knows he's better than everyone.

And what reason does he have to not be self-assured? He's the king of the world. Literally.

Edited by Maria's bro
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Meanwhile Ike disappears somewhere with Soren and/or Ranulf and yet he is everyone's favorite Lord.

*Sigh* Yes, it's sad. Personally Marth's my favorite (he just beat out Lyn). I have nothing against Ike, except the fact that people consider him straight to Marth being gay, when Marth is the one married to a 10 while Ike is the one running off with Soren/Ranulf. Though now I'm just getting repetitive.

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*Sigh* Yes, it's sad. Personally Marth's my favorite (he just beat out Lyn). I have nothing against Ike, except the fact that people consider him straight to Marth being gay, when Marth is the one married to a 10 while Ike is the one running off with Soren/Ranulf. Though now I'm just getting repetitive.

Who are mostly the ignorant SSBB fans. And they pair Ike/Marth. O_O

Edited by Iris
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I always thought that everyone's favourite lord was Sigurd.

Oh well, no matter how you look at it, Sigurd and Ike got the shorter end of the stick compared to Marth when it came to their endings. Though at least Sigurd got married. Even if I do find Ike to be primitive and unrefined (uh, sorry Ike fans. I can't really think of any less harsh words to describe him with) compared to other lords, I still think that he should have a potential paired ending with someone female. I mean, all the other lords do. Marth has Sheeda, Alm has Cellica, Cecilla has... wait, I already mentioned that one, Sigurd has Diadora, Celice has Yuria, or was it Rana that was considered his canonical wife? Anyways, continuing on, Leaf has Nanna, Roy has Lilina, Eliwood has Ninian, Hector has Lyn (which I think is considered canonical), Eirika has Seth, Ephraim has Tana, Micaiah has Sothe, but Ike doesn't even have any girl that even remotely resembles a potential wife (seeing how Elincia gets married to Geoffrey).

Who are mostly the ignorant SSBB fans. And they pair Ike/Marth. O_O

Don't forget the SSBM fans that pair up Marth and Roy as well.

Smash Bros. is awesome and all, though I don't like how it gives the wrong idea for certain characters, especially Captain Falcon.

I've always hoped that for the next Smash Bros. game, they'd have Marth, Sheeda, and/or Hardin as Fire Emblem representatives, seeing how they always add Marth and a character from the newest Fire Emblem (which is Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem currently). If Sheeda was in, it'd sure reduce the amount of ridiculous SSB FE pairings, and it would shut down all the people who logically try to conclude Marth is gay (when he doesn't even do anything remotely gay in his FEs). Though it's mostly wishful thinking, and I suppose I'd be okay with a brand new Fire Emblem being released before the next Smash Bros. and having the lord in that FE join.

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"Everyone, please look."

"Today it's my win, isn't it?

"I can't afford to lose, you see."

"Today I have survived."

"As if I'd let you!"

"I saw through it."

"There it is."

I dunno, pretty sure of himself to me. Coupled with Shadow Dragon I'd say he's cyncially polite because he thinks/knows he's better than everyone.

And what reason does he have to not be self-assured? He's the king of the world. Literally.

Would your idea of not conceited be Lucas? If so, then I think Elice would've killed him out of mercy. In the overall Brawl continuum (at least for characters who are able to talk), Marth seems to be on the lower end of the arrogance spectrum. If you're looking for arrogant, get the special taunts for the Star Fox crew.

One of those last three quotes sounds like his counter quote, which is appropriate.

Ahem, subject. . .

Hector has Lyn

I thought Hector got Florina, because Lyn got Rath?

Ike can have Aimee, if he so desires. I could make other suggestions, but then I'm moving into crack pairing territory.

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Would your idea of not conceited be Lucas? If so, then I think Elice would've killed him out of mercy. In the overall Brawl continuum (at least for characters who are able to talk), Marth seems to be on the lower end of the arrogance spectrum. If you're looking for arrogant, get the special taunts for the Star Fox crew.

I wasn't comparing him to other Brawl characters, where he definetly is one of the more modest characters, but simply because of the overwhelming cockiness of everyone else, as the point of taunting is to be contemptuous. I'm simply saying that from his Brawl mannerisms and arguable cynicism, coupled with his Shadow Dragon portayal, that Marth is rather confident in his own abilities and self assured. I'm not berating him for it - his composure makes him one of my favorite characters.

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I wasn't comparing him to other Brawl characters, where he definetly is one of the more modest characters, but simply because of the overwhelming cockiness of everyone else, as the point of taunting is to be contemptuous. I'm simply saying that from his Brawl mannerisms and arguable cynicism, coupled with his Shadow Dragon portayal, that Marth is rather confident in his own abilities and self assured. I'm not berating him for it - his composure makes him one of my favorite characters.

I think the fact that he's surrounded by arrogance in Brawl makes me think he sounds cockier than he really is, because he'd look completely spineless otherwise.

Marth seems too trusting in SD. His attitude of, "If you're sincere, prove it!" would probably have shortened his life considerably in a more realistic setting.

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Marth seems too trusting in SD. His attitude of, "If you're sincere, prove it!" would probably have shortened his life considerably in a more realistic setting.

Ha! But that's just it - he can say that because he's confident in himself. It's his fodder followers he has to worry about.

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Marth seems too trusting in SD. His attitude of, "If you're sincere, prove it!" would probably have shortened his life considerably in a more realistic setting.

Really? Why? I mean, of course he'd say that to the untrustworthy fellows face. He probably has wise people keeping an eye on those ne'erdowells outside of the cutscenes.

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Marth seems too trusting in SD. His attitude of, "If you're sincere, prove it!" would probably have shortened his life considerably in a more realistic setting.

Really? Why? I mean, of course he'd say that to the untrustworthy fellows face. He probably has wise people keeping an eye on those ne'erdowells outside of the cutscenes.

Going right up to an untrustworthy person's face is something I'd consider very risky; If a guy attacked and injured him right then and there, he'd possibly have a humiliating death.

He has a ton of possible middlemen he can use on his behalf, but he only tends to use them when he's literally absent, never thinking to use them in political or social tactics.

When you think about it, quite a lot of times Marth seems to just randomly decide to interact with various people he'd have no discernible reason to trust, Rickard (a thief, although of course you can have Julian recruit him instead and it flows better) and Darros (A pirate!) being good examples here. I mean, there isn't really anything at all, plot-wise, to explain how Marth could just "know" Darros was a good pirate who'd turn to his side - players just see the portrait, make the logical jump, and... it just happens. And Marth never thinks "Gee, maybe he'll join my side, but I'm not so sure. Hey, Malledeus, can you, like, try pretending to be me over there for a sec?"

Of course, the funny thing is that this kinda behavior can be attributed either to naivety -or- cockiness. I think it's kinda interesting to consider that Marth is one of the few Fire Emblem Lords who's gone through an "Alternate Character Interpretation" of sorts through the franchise.

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Technically, can we really say that any of those conversations were actually the real Marth? I don't believe Marth ever flat out says that he was, in fact, the real Marth when he was talking to those guys.

Also, these are still medieval times, people are still limited to melee weapons. It's not like they can just whip out a gun and shoot Marth on the spot. As long as he keeps a good distance from them, they shouldn't be able to draw a weapon and charge before his is drawn to. Plus, Marth could easily have bodyguards, and we just can't see them since in Fire Emblem games, character portraits only appear once it's their turn to speak. Or, maybe he's just an extremely good judge of character.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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It's not like they can just whip out a gun and shoot Marth on the spot.

Loaded crossbow?

You are right, though, I'd just say I'd personally like to be recruiting the guy well behind Auffle the Generic General.

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Marth seems too trusting in SD. His attitude of, "If you're sincere, prove it!" would probably have shortened his life considerably in a more realistic setting.

Well considering that almost all the soldiers in the enemies army doesn't have a face. And the people that do usually say mean things to him, the people that do have faces should be worth a shot.

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