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Let's Play FragMaster's FE8 Hack


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So I was bored, and I saw that FM had a new patch out. So I figured, what the hey. And here I am now, typing out something that no one's going to care about anyway.

Anyhow, let's get started.

So I boot up the game, and the first thing I notice is this:


What. The. Fuck. Happened. To. Seth.

I also took a peek at his growths in Nightmare. All I have to say is, Jeigan would be proud.

And that's not even the worst of it.


She has a sword called "Saber" and she's an "Aristocrat". And she has the best caps of the first tier units. Who have stat caps around the range of 17-18.

Am I the only one who gets a bad feeling about this?

Eirika gets hit, of course. She also does 3 damage (twice). Oh well. It's this or Jeigan-Man there.


She doesn't have a Vulnerary? WHAT. Blah. Oh well. She gets one from Seth, and drinks. She then proceeds to do defeat the rest of the Fighters with her 3x2 damage.

And then...


It appears that increasing Speed leads to decreasing defense, as she can't double. Huh.

So, onwards to chapter 1. All goes fine, Franz/Gilliam come, and...


...I have nothing to say.

So due to the immense power of the Soldiers, I'm forced to use JeiganMan.


How he manages to be on par with FE1!Jagen yet still be the best unit on the field is beyond me.

Oh, and you know how epic the enemy Soldiers are? Gilliam's a Soldier right?




And here I thought that Eirika was a fail...

*continued below*

Edited by Camtech075
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I finally manage to clean up the remaining enemies. All of a sudden, "THERE THEY ARE! STRAGGLERS FROM RENAIS! DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!"

Shit. SHIT.

I proceed to headdesk repeatedly for forgetting about the refenorcements (mispelled on purpose).

Oh, and Gilliam doesn't have a Vuln either.


So I manage to use up 3 uses of a Vulnerary in two chapters that could originally be finished using none. At least Franz has two Vulns.

There's also this: 2le13fa.jpg

After repeatedly cursing the RNG, I decide to grow Gilliam a pair of balls.


...That's not going to work. But then I notice that he has no ranged weapon.

I laughed. And then I laughed even harder at this:


I instead decide to clean up the reinforcements. It's going well, a Soldier dies, two Fighters attack Eirika, and...


*breaks down in sobs*

Edited by Camtech075
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I would like to see the images, but the link to them are broken.

Huh. That's weird. I can see them fine, and as far as I can tell, everyone else can.

Wow, makes me want to pack in my playthrough. Nothing in there can match up to this.

How are enemy stats, btw?


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My guess is that he got nerfed even more than Seth did.

Also, more:

So I reload my savestate (yes I'm a wuss. Shaddup.) and the first thing I see is this:


Which basically leads to a laughter fit.

This time, I park Eirika on the FORT instead of the forest and decide to have Franz run for it. It works.

And now for the boss.


That's actually pretty good. Except for that 54 hit. And that 12 damage looks bad.

Oh well.


Let's just say I was the attacker. Take a guess at what happened.


Seth one-rounds him still. I had him rescue Eirika so he doesn't double. It also drops his hit down to 48. By pure luck, I manage to land a hit.

Eventually, it comes to this:


I win. Huzzah. Seize, end chapter, etc.


Vanessa, what happened to you?

And there's also Moulder, who happens to make a pretty good wall in this chapter.

And then Vanessa decides to show her awesome.




They're... actually not bad. Garcia appears to be a kickass bandit.


So yeah.



So I continue playing this chapter semi-normally, until...


DAMMIT FRANZ *reloads savestate*


DAMMIT VANESSA *reloads savestate*


DAMMIT MOULDER *reloads savestate*


DAMMIT AGAIN VANESSA *loads state 1*

So after this disheartening string of losses, I figure out a convoluted strategy of rescues and blocking that keeps everyone alive (Gilliam also died a few times)

So I get here:


Of course I forget that the bandit can cross mountains to kill villages. Oh well. I don't need that Elixir (I really hope. I really, really hope that I didn't.)

I decide to humiliate him by ending the chapter by doing this:


That's enough for today. Incidentally, would anyone care to hear me voice-over this? It'd take longer, but then you don't have to worry about Tinypic failing.

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What does Ross promote into? PleasenotbanditPleasenotbanditPleasebepiratePLZ

Well, it was fighter, before the next set of 'improvements', but hey! Could be anything! Could be a goddamn Revenant given this guy's thought process!

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I gotta say, you must have the patience of a saint... almost as much as Ray does.

I can play I Wanna Be The Guy without getting mad. If you can just get past all of the other shit, this hack is actually not that bad.

Wannanother tactical challenge? Vyland-solo FEDS.

I said, "tactical", not "insanely luckbased".

no, it's always like that in the start. all have weaker growths and weaker stats because they can promote twice. and the early game doesn't really make the whole game

Um, when I said, "my luck kicking in", I was referring to the RNG's tendencies to screw me over.

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