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Let's Play FragMaster's FE8 Hack


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Yeah, anyways, I mean the other custom animations I've seen on YT... Besides BwdYeti with his awesome, and Ray with his smooth acceptable ones, I have seen utter choppiness in every single one. They don't even deserve to be called "animations" IMHO :P

I've been on YT for a while. I see things.

BwdYeti and Ray are pretty unmatched when it comes to graphical stuff. But I've seen some pretty smooth-looking custom animations (coughcoughTacticsUniverse) (coughcoughDHNinja).

Although, you experience hacking probably overrules my uneducated opinions...

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I'm giving FragMaster a chance... I've seen so many fail attempts at "third tier" unit animations it's not even funny.

But I'm gonna give him a chance, just to be fair. I want to see how this turns out ._.

uhhh im really sorry but i didnt make any custom animations for third tier. i just imported some animations from fe7 and 6.

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But I've seen some pretty smooth-looking custom animations (coughcoughTacticsUniverse) (coughcoughDHNinja).


The ones on TU are "acceptable" to standards I admit. I'm a picky person. You know that from the way I throw fits on Trent's streams :P


But... yeah... the transitions, I could tear them to shreds with my criticism... XD

uhhh im really sorry but i didnt make any custom animations for third tier. i just imported some animations from fe7 and 6.

Then I don't really see the point of saying this:

the third tier of ephraim is better animation wise mellow.gif

If it's just an import, I don't see how it would fit Ephraim, seeing as how he has a Lance weapon level, and Eliwood's Horse Lance anim is really mediocre looking at best.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Is that a female Archer in the last screen shot?

Yeah. IN all screenshots I've seen the archers were female. Which explains their overpoweredness. I guess some people can't get over Lamia's death.

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Actually I'm interested in third tier archery, given the complete lack of any footarchery besides Archer and Sniper...

Oh, wait. Warriors no longer use bows, so the Bow!Warrior animation is free. So that's Innes covered. And Neimi can be, like, Ninian, or some shit.

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I'm not the one you have to beg. I'm just a random happy person who decided to answer the call of chaos.

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I'm not the one you have to beg. I'm just a random happy person who decided to answer the call of chaos.


But I'm the kind of Chaotic Nonevil that just wants to be happy and have rabbits~

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