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I did something awesome today


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I don't know how it caught my eye, but apparently it was meant to happen.

So, I walk into Spanish class and I find this agenda with a green cover (fyi, I chose the black one) on the floor under my desk. I open it, since I was curious as to who owned it, and found out it belonged to a girl I've known since middle school. Her name is Haley. Now, I never usually do this, ever (so don't judge meee), but I flipped through the pages and basically just saw things such as "Spanish III test tomorrow!" and "Dave's party today! =]" and "HOMECOMING TODAY =D". You know, those kinds of things. Things that people like Kelsey Meredith would write.

Now, I've known Haley Dagen since middle school, and I remember wanting to be friends with her once. Obviously, this didn't work, but we talked sometimes. I think she mocked me a little, but it's all in the past now. And I had her agenda... I couldn't simply turn it in to the teacher and mention she probably left it behind in second-block Spanish. No, I had to do something first.

So, I whipped out a pencil and turned to page 37. It was one of those blank pages that they give you to write random things down, and she didn't seem much like she was using any of those pages in the future, so I proceeded to take that liberty and began to write in it. I wrote something to this effect:

"Hey, Haley. You might not read this, though maybe you will, so I thought I might say something.

Remember to pay attention to the quiet people, too. You might find that they want to get to know you better. I should know, I was one of them, but you know how things work out.

"You should learn something from this. Me? I'm just a contemplative Spanish student here to bring you a life lesson. As insightful as it may seem, I know it may not reach you. Maybe someday it will.

Heh... it's funny. I should've magically found Silvia Foster-Frau's agenda and wrote in hers last year. At least, that's what I would have done, but it's too late now. I have a chance with you, though. I think I was given this chance by either pure luck or the heavens itself, but either way it's in my hands now, so I'm writing it to you.

If somehow you do take the time to read this, go and show it to your friends. Really. There's nothing stopping you. I give you full permission. Spread the word, would you?


I closed it. Suddenly I opened it again, ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook, took a random snowflake sticker and stuck the paper on the very inside of the front cover. On it, I wrote:

Turn to page 37.

PS: I hope you got this back safely =]

I turned it into the teacher afterward, and I sat back down.

And I was triumphant.

i want to do something like that again; that was fun

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Agendas? We stopped getting those after 8th grade because our district decided to pour most of its resources into the two new schools. Sorry, nothing else caught my attention

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I would be seriously freaked out if there was a life lesson in one of my books.

In fact, the first thing I'd do would be to seek out the miscreant and physically cause them bodily injury.

So, watch your back, that's all I'm sayin'.

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Somebody whom is occaisionally called the "alpha-tory," (he has a bust of Thatcher in hs study,) left his homework diary on the table during History, so we wrote next to the Falklands "Thatcher woz 'ere 1982." I can't wait til he finds it.

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Somebody whom is occaisionally called the "alpha-tory," (he has a bust of Thatcher in hs study,) left his homework diary on the table during History, so we wrote next to the Falklands "Thatcher woz 'ere 1982." I can't wait til he finds it.

Now, THAT my friend is who to target and how to target 'em.

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Possible but everybody on this site is stalking as many people as they can handle at a time as it is. ^_^

Well then I just open a new tab and hey presto let more stalking commence.

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"You should learn something from this. Me? I'm just a contemplative Spanish student here to bring you a life lesson."

that just sounds really stupid and self-righteous.

it wasn't much of a life lesson either, tbh.

should've given her the message instead :3


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