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Question about class animations/

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I remember in Shadow Dragon, there was an error with the female sage animation. I kept noticing that the cape didn't loop properly when she cast a spell. It would almost "bounce" up and down.

Here is a clip showing this error:


Go to 4:58 in the clip to see what I'm talking about

Does the same thing happen in this game?

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Well, wouldn't you jerk up too, if you were wrapped around a lady like Linde? </really terrible joke>

In all seriousness, the DS Remakes in general do feel like they had a lot of "shortcuts" taken in comparison to most of the other games in the series, and this is much of the reason why Shadow Dragon felt... well, unpolished in comparison to the rest of the series. One of my main beefs with New Monshou is that it still inherits a lot of Shadow Dragon's "polish" issues, -especially- when it comes to character animations, which IMHO are the most lifeless and doll-like the battle animations have been since the Famicom games - of course, the fact that for New Monshou they didn't even bother to have individualized/unique weapon sprites like they did for the -original- Monshou doesn't help here...

Ah, how I'll miss the GBA line's over-the-top weapon-twirling, exaggerated attacks, and over-elaborate magical tomes...

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I must be one of the few people who doesn't mind the DS animations, even though they could be better. Though, within the timeframe of development between Shadow Dragon and this game, couldn't the animations have been touched up a bit at least?

Edited by Axefighter Barst
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Yeah, I see what you guys mean. I enjoy the SNES Fire Emblems, because their animations were semi-realistic (except for the swordmaster of course). They don't look silly like the DS animations, and they weren't over the top like the GBA animations. Also, they had unique map animations, which was really cool. I hope they revert back to that style in another game.

I was surprised that "My Unit" didn't even get a unique sprite. Instead he is just another generic unit. It would have been nice if he at least got a palette change, or had some alteration to his battle sprite(s).

Edited by Leif
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You know what annoys me most about the DS animations? When Linde promotes, she become a redhead. In every other class, her sprite uses brown hair. What's up with this?

Otherwise, I don't mind the DS animations. I would have liked unique palletes though. I want to see Dolph and Macellen in their respective colours damnit!

People seem to forget, however, that the original FE3 had no uniqueness in palletes whatsoever, not even for hair. That always used to annoy me. Unique weapon sprites were good though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wish that the animations would match up more for the character. We have artwork of characters like Norne and Athena, and Norne's wearing some kind of green thing in game while in her artwork she's decked out in pink. And Athena's hair is brown in her animations. Everyone being a standard height/build in the class also annoys me.

The on the field sprites are also alittle annoying, mostly with Pegasus' Knights hair being green. Especially when the first Pegasus Knight is Caeda.

F.Swordmasters are blonde, etc.

It definetly leaves much to the imagination.

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Norne's wearing some kind of green thing in game while in her artwork she's decked out in pink.

Wait, you avoided having to see a pink blur of mediocrity in-game and you complain?

j/k (somewhat), though, you're right. It's the pink Generals that get to me most, though, man...

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You know what annoys me most about the DS animations? When Linde promotes, she become a redhead. In every other class, her sprite uses brown hair. What's up with this?

Clearly getting hair colouring is an important part of promoting.

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