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Strange Playthrough Ideas


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Sure, this might be a poor excuse to try and get some posts in here again. However, I'm actually interested in hearing any interesting ideas anyone has had for playthroughs, whether it be using only 1 weapon type, using a ton of Paladins, or using only people in Low tier for endgame.

Anyone done anything interesting/how'd it work out? I'd like to try one out, since my draft playthrough has stalled to the point where I don't want to continue it any longer.

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Fight at one range with bows.

Kidding. Okay, let's see....

-Use only characters whose names start with a certain letter

-Only use one class (oh lord...)

-Use characters only from a certain country

-Use only those who promote into bishops/start as healers (I say this so you can use Lucius, and the game isn't undoable before)

-Bows only

-Certain affinity only

-No healing

-No stat ups

-Weakest weapons only

Yeah well, none are really out there, but hey, they're not all that normal either.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Oh, I got a few good ones for this!

Roll a dice and multiply that by 2, whatever that number is is the max amount of units you can use every chapter, ie you roll a 3, you can use up to 6 units, if you roll say a six, giving you a twelve and you can only use 10 units for a chapter then you obviously use 10.

also a harder version of this challenge, take the result as is, so 1 = 1 unit etc.

move your people every other turn

use an even amount of units and have half your units be rescued, the other's do the rescueing, this cuts your skl and spd in half and makes you fear enemy swordmasters!

unpromoted run ( did this on fire emblem 7 before) or promote all units at level 10

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A "person I'd want to punch if I was personally acquainted with them in real life" run.

LOL! Ill try that some time. Farina would get a lot A LOT of use. So would Serra. (and in PoR/RD Much Mia to be had)

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