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General Favouritism Thread


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So... I was just wondering who else favours certain units, and to what degree you do so. Also, you can talk about how that unit turned out for you, and if the favouritism was worth it for your unit.

So for example, I favour Tormod and Ilyana a lot, and give them special forged weapons and feed them kills and good skills. As a result, Tormod ends up becoming a very sturdy sage who I can dump on the front lines, and Ilyana becomes a consistently great ranged attacker for me from part 1 to part 4. It doesn't hurt that they both had very good transfers ;D Anyways, just talk in this thread about favouring certain units, and hopefully some people will see that certain units CAN be good if you invest in them (though obviously, if playing for efficiency, just use Haar or something)

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:o My Mist promotes at like 4-1... But my Rolf once promoted at 3-4. I usually get Tormod to ultra-level in 4-4 and he ends up crushing stuff :) Thank goodness for the height advantages.

edit: I should add that Tormod ends up being ~lvl. 11 at the end of part 1 for me. I usually glare a healer, and let him rescue someone and chip away. Then the healer's staff heals them +5hp. When part 4 comes, I BEXP him and he usually maxes most of his stats as a Fire Sage, then I let him rip stuff up as an Archsage. So, in short, Tormod would be awesome if he had more opportunities to lvl up D:

Edited by Kyuremu
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I use mist a lot in RD And PoR I always bring her to endgame and she 2RKO'd a white dragon With a Vauge Katti and Dragonfoe

And i promoted her in 3-4 (On the first ledge :( )

You promoted her in 3-4?! Whoa there...

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I tend to ultra-favorite Mist, but that's due to a certain fixation I have with Canto-healers. I do the same to Elincia.

Otherwise, Laura. Laura, Laura, Laura, Laura, Laura.

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Reyson is my favoritest heron and even if he were the weakest heron I'd still use him. =3 Kinda close to obsessive.

Soren is my favorite character to use in fighting and I also like him as a character.

So, yeah, for both of those two the main reason I like them so much is by their character. Like how Reyson tries and wants to be strong when he can't help that he's weak, how that pretty face is often angry. XD And Soren's attitude just amuses me I guess.

Another, again, just by his character, is Rhys. lol I like his conversations with Mia. I like how he wants peace.

I like using Nephenee mainly just for in battle because, idk about everyone else, but for me she does great. She's fast, dodges a lot (till towards part 4 but as long as I keep her with her support with Heather she can dodge. It was when in endgame I had no room for Heather that Nephenee started not dodging), and has great resistance (not comparable to a magic user's resistance, but much better than non-magic users' resistance).

I also really like Naesala. He's not as good as Tibarn, who is awesome, so maybe another favorite, but he makes me laugh (mainly in PoR though) so I often like using him.

Think that's all really. Can't think of others. Kinda a lot though. More than I thought I'd say in this topic. =D

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Let's see:

In Part one, Micaiah gets dibs on all the bosses until 1-7, plus any Armour/Cavalry units (until she hits her level 20 cap). Edward/Nolan/Jill get dibs on everything else. Vika also gets to kill the last 3 bosses (untransformed, of course).

In Part two, I favourite Elincia/Haar in the prologue, solo 2-1 with Brom and then favourite Neph in 2-2/2-E.

In Part three, I just concentrate on Ike (until he hits his level cap), Titania, Shinon, Neph, Gatrie, Soren and Mia (the last three promoting in 3-10).

In Part four, Micaiah gets favourited in the prologue (w/Paragon), Ike in 4-1, Elincia/Pelleas in 4-2, Sanaki in 4-3 (w/Paragon) and Pelleas agin in 4-5 (again w/Paragon).

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Aran - I'd rather look at his backside than Neph's

Leo - I feel THAT SORRY for him

Mist as a combat unit - I'm insane like that

Soren - Snarky or not, he becomes quite the terror when BEXP'd right

Rolf - because nothing amuses me more than watching a little kid clear out a roomful of enemies by himself

Tormod - is funny, and has sneakers

Sanaki - for crack pairing with above

Kurthnaga - he tries so hard. . .

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Heh, my brother favours Nephenee a lot... and she ends up taking magic hits easily :P

I like units that kind of break the class's stereotypes, like a soldier with high Res, or a mage with good Def (Tormod)

Aran looks cool with his halberdier armour. And I guess I kind of favour Micaiah... probably because of Thani-bombing for part 1.

Edited by Kyuremu
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You promoted her in 3-4?! Whoa there...

He actually meant 4-4. =P

FE10 is where I started to play rather effeciently. But on my current HM run (Not the one I am using for my playlog, another one), I also trained Tormod, gave him Paragon for 1-8 & 1-E, and had him have a few favorited kills. Like having Muarim weaken Jarod for him to kill. In the end I only got him to lvl 10. I will be feeding him tons of BEXP by 4-4 so he can promote by then.

I don't usually use favoritism on anyone in FE10.

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I tend to favor Mist, Laura, Ilyana, and Marcia, and Calill. Also, Aran. *nearby jukebox gets set to the Brinstar theme from SSBM*

Edited by Ein Lanford
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My team usually exist of 5-6 units (a small habit I got from FE7 >.>)

I tend to overfeed them alot.

on non-challenge playthroughs I tend to use Micaiah alot in Part 1 (and always regret it for her late T3 promotion)

otherwise, Mia is one that easily got alot of killfeeds

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Seriously, Edward is a Beast. I plan to make him not suck in my PT log.

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:D I like using Edward too. i think he's underrated by people... maybe. I haven't done HM yet, but I plan to this Winter :P Maybe I'll even make a PT log but I hope I can actually accomplish it >_<

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If I'm bringing him/her to endgame, it's because of this, and have them as best as I can. As a matter of fact, last time I played RD I gave Edward so much favoritism he was a Lv. 1 Trueblade before starting 1-E with everything capped before promotion. :awesome:

What...? :unsure: He's one of my favorite characters!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Edward, Aran, Micaiah, Nephenee, Elincia, Haar, Oscar and Rolf.

They are force fed kills and BEXP. Dawn Brigade proceeds to kill 'Him' on 3-13.

Elincia with Paragon wipes top half of 4-2, reaching Lvl20 or close enough. Oscar and Rolf, both with Paragon, destroy Feral Ones on 4-5.

I thought you couldn't promote her without the Heaven Crown, or whatever it was called...

I think that was only for the Japanese version.

Edited by Secret!
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I thought you couldn't promote her without the Heaven Crown, or whatever it was called...

You can promote her normally by gaining EXP in the US version. What you can't do is promote her by using a Master Crown. It's either EXP or the Holy Crown.

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