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What would you like to see in a new FE

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A lord without blue/bluish hair.

Yes, I agree with more mounted healers.

Also agree with my unit creation. =o

I would prefer it if the enemies would NOT find it easy to hit at 40% (sometimes even 30% was an easy hit for them) while my own people find it so hard to hit at 70% or even 80%. Cause for me RD has a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge problem with that.

Be on wii cause I don't gots a DS

Really don't have much expectations for it though.

Oh yeah! I would also really like a totally awesome and epic storyline.

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I loved the Trainee system.

please don't kill me

I mean it works out perfectly

Apprentice: Sword

Amateur: Bow

Pupil: Anima

Recruit: Lance

Journeyman: Axe

Scholar: Dark

Nun: Light


Maybe shoot 3 arrows at once?

Edited by Joerachi
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I mean it works out perfectly

Apprentice: Sword

Amateur: Bow

Pupil: Anima

Recruit: Lance

Journeyman: Axe

Everything works out perfectly with a thesaurus.

I want archers to be good, flying to be balanced, cavalry to have inferior stats to infantry, female axe-wielders, branched promotions and mercenaries to exist. And the next lord that comes around, I want to be of common birth. And called...something that isn't a lord.

Finally, to completely be the opposite of what Freohr Datia said and come out for DS and not for Wii or 3DS.

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FE12 minus MU, plus branched story paths (not like FE6 where it's a few chapters, but where the ending changes), plus branched promotions, plus third tiers.

And many many chapters.

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I dislike branched story paths since it forces you to play the game more than once to see all the content. I think that the best solution is to combine FE7 and FE10's branched systems - have multiple, discrete 'story paths' with their own army, that eventually join up. So you could have Ike Mode, which unlocks Elincia Mode, which unlocks Micaiah Mode, which unlocks Part 4 (suitably renamed). Or you could allow the player to choose them in any order they wanted.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Males would win spot for the Bow-wielding Pegasus Unit....

Here's the concept.... Sky Raiders are usually pegasus-mounted men who soar the skies and strike their enemies from above with the use of bows.... Upon promotion, they become Flightmasters, which this time have lances as a melee weapon...

I would be happy to see Water/Ice and Earth magic in the future FE's in the guise of Water/Ice Mages and Earth Mages, throw in Poison Mages which promote into Plaguebearers... The return of the Mage Knight is needed too, and its promotion would be the Mystic Knight....

Female Axe-users and mercenaries is not half bad too... But for the dancers and bards.... Bards turn into Geomancers whose songs can affect the weather, bringing its wrath to the enemy... while Dancers turn into Battle Maidens, who dances with elegance and utilize Chakrams to leave blood on the dancing area... plus the refresher ability for both....

As for the weapons, I say... Chakrams, Water/Ice Magic, Earth Magic, Poison Magic, Magical Instruments (lol FF4) and more magical weapons (Icebrand, Flame Saber, Thunder Blade, Terra Sword, Toxin Edge, Shiva's Lance, Gae Bolg, Flame Lance, Earthen Spear, Acid Spear, Ice Cracker, Blaze Axe, Bolt Axe, Gaia Hammer and Plague Cleaver)

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Return of mounted magic users

Third tier promotions (they're nice to magic users)

Female axe users

FE8 Ranger or equivalent (mounted bow/sword user) (they're really the only reason Hunters existed in FE11 & 12)

Full double trinity of magic a la FE10

Full double weapons triangle. Heavy weapons -> Bows -> Knives -> Heavy weapons? (adjust stats to compensate)

Knives as a weapons type but actually worth using

All weapons having roughly equal representation for recruitable and enemy units

Multiple story perspectives like FE10 (but no more than 3 and not too lopsided)

Map editor (for wifi teams only)


Third line of flying classes (Griffin knight? A third flier gives enough balance to let Dracoknights/Wyver Riders keep axes which makes for more strategy)

A full set of magical weapons usable in reverse too (mages attacking physically)

More summoning (less experience, maybe cooldown)

Lord character uses dark magic

Flying magic user

Change the names of dark magic classes so they don't sound ritualistic (Shaman, Druid) or like a rubbish knock-off (Dark Mage)

Bad idea IMO:

More kinds of magic (just too complicated)

Branching story paths (they feel like they're forcing you to play again or you're missing out)

MU. Put the player in charge of a unit and you need to cater for any and every choice they might make (haven't played FE12 though...)

Trainees. They tempt the developers to skimp on proper units i.e. "we could have another fighter and a pirate or we could cover both with a trainee"

More skills. Trying to decide how best to assign skills in FE10 endgame drove me mad


It's already been established that pegasi don't accept men as riders. Or at least no pegasus has ever accepted a man as a rider

If women are going to wield axes we approach sexism with classes since Fighter -> Warrior and Pirate -> Berserker are the only remaining (playable) male-only class lines without a female counterpart.

Branching classes can't be used with two promotions, too many choices to fill

But really I'm not the one who's making the design choices and I trust IS to make a good new FE. Probably good too, I'm full of crackpot ideas.

Edited by Byte2222
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Personally i'd like

More My unit creation

lolno Id hate that.

Map Editor

Epic idea.


Youre talking personal, right?

Male Pegs

That would be lulzy, but no...

Female heroes and zerkers

And their lower classes too, right?

I think that we need

More new classes.

Personal Weapon choice.

EG: Cavalier A uses Axes and Swords, while Cavalier B uses Bows and Axes.


Return of Dancer/Healer anims

Return of 0th/3rd tier

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- Fixed growths + reclassing (and maybe those nifty bands for a little more influence)

- Full character art for everyone included with the game

- The ability to forge almost any weapon in the inventory, with FE10's caps (because a Longbow with 18 MT and 100 accuracy is WRONG).

- Support bonuses and conversations (somewhere between the generic FE10 supports and the lulzy FE6/7 ones)

- Flying mage. 'Nuff said.

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Can't these kind of topics be any more redundant.

Oh yeah, theyre only making remakes now.


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Can't these kind of topics be any more redundant.

They are. I'm certain that the core gameplay that makes Fire Emblem enjoyable to play will remain untouched, and as long as there's a wide and varied cast of characters to pick from, it doesn't matter if they have pegasi or wyverns or flying sheep.

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I suppose I'll just contribute, then~

Flying healers. At least not one that comes freaking late (Elincia), or one that is very hard to promote in the first place (Fury).

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I got a few

Branched promotions

2 different stories(like Hector mode and Eliwood mode)

Laguz (with Shiftform as mastery skill, if they bring back laguz)

Support conversations (FE9like)

Original lord (Micaiah was a step in the right direction, now only unsuckify the mageclass)

Real dark magic users


Mastery Skills (FE9, not FE10)

better Mage classes (FE10's were terrible)

New game + (maybe, where you start with all recruited unit, but all at lvl 1)

Magical weapons

New classes (maybe a magical Swordmaster?)

online battle, (like capture the throne, where one guy protects the throne and the other has to conquer it, or try to seize each other castles)

preferably DS

Flashy crit GBA style

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With classes you've got to be careful that each class has its own niche and if two overlap enough then there'll be competition. For example, both Myrmidons and Mercenaries wield swords, so they'll naturally compete with each other, but the classes have enough statistical differences to keep their members distinct. Hunters in Shadow Dragon should have suffered from this but they were in a separate class set from the archer and more importantly they promoted to Horsemen who have a nice niche for their own. Radiant Dawn was good for this because every weapon got a 'main' class and some got mounted and armoured classes but nobody trod on foreign toes.

But yeah, that's why you need to be really careful with the classes.

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With classes you've got to be careful that each class has its own niche and if two overlap enough then there'll be competition. For example, both Myrmidons and Mercenaries wield swords, so they'll naturally compete with each other, but the classes have enough statistical differences to keep their members distinct. Hunters in Shadow Dragon should have suffered from this but they were in a separate class set from the archer and more importantly they promoted to Horsemen who have a nice niche for their own. Radiant Dawn was good for this because every weapon got a 'main' class and some got mounted and armoured classes but nobody trod on foreign toes.

But yeah, that's why you need to be really careful with the classes.

@Bold: Hunters suffered? I'd think the slower, weaker archers suffered. Why IS made hunters, who get swords after promotion, have poor defenses and archers, who have no business ever being attacked better, I don't know.

Maybe some mages that ride horses, pegasi, and wyverns. And classes with both magic and physical weapons, but don't make them suck at one. I don't want some 5 STR 15 MAG unit that can use swords and fire magic but may as well only use fire magic.

Edit: Something like Griffin or Giant-Falcon riders.

Edited by Rewjeo
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@Bold: Hunters suffered? I'd think the slower, weaker archers suffered. Why IS made hunters, who get swords after promotion, have poor defenses and archers, who have no business ever being attacked better, I don't know.

Remember, in the original archers were essentially Bow Armours and hunters didn't promote. Sure, they stayed with the former for some reason but at least a promotion that doesn't fit -quite- as well statistically works better than no promotion at all.

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Why IS made hunters, who get swords after promotion, have poor defenses and archers, who have no business ever being attacked better, I don't know.

Let's go back to the original Horsemen - Wolf and Sedgar. They are from the plains, and according to the story, they're skirmishers. Thus, they'd be lightly armored for mobility's sake.

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With classes you've got to be careful that each class has its own niche and if two overlap enough then there'll be competition. For example, both Myrmidons and Mercenaries wield swords, so they'll naturally compete with each other, but the classes have enough statistical differences to keep their members distinct. Hunters in Shadow Dragon should have suffered from this but they were in a separate class set from the archer and more importantly they promoted to Horsemen who have a nice niche for their own. Radiant Dawn was good for this because every weapon got a 'main' class and some got mounted and armoured classes but nobody trod on foreign toes.

But yeah, that's why you need to be really careful with the classes.

I got a few idea's for new classes tho, that won't hurt other classes (to an extent ofc)

Twilight Sage: in most FE's you get Magic + staff, the Twilight mage is a Dark magic user who chooses Light magic as secondairy (or the opposite). In FE8 Sage got anime and Light and Staves, having one with Dark and Light wouldn't be impossible

Ancient Sage: Stats like a General but uses Magic instead of javalins/Axes

MagicSwordsmen: a SwordMaster but instead of low magic decent STR, those are swapped. being good with Wind edge,Storm Sword, etc etc (if it's magical)

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FE10 had a good system of magic, five kinds (and staves) for mages to use, each having its own distinct strengths and weaknesses (though thunder did suck). The third tier system worked well: one type at first tier, gain light or the rest of anima at second and mages get staves nice and late at third. This also let light and dark stay out of things 'till the player's got going at second tier. However the actual mages had mediocre stat growths (bar a couple) and bad caps that made them barely worth using (didn't help that el tomes were too expensive either).

So yeah, magic users need their stats to go up a bit to be competitive. Not too much mind, no one class should have too much power.

And yeah, siege tomes were really rare, even if you successfully steal as many enemy tomes as you can you only get an average of two or so per type, all with 5 uses. Then again, they are tactical gold and more than a few would snap the game in two.

@Bold: Hunters suffered? I'd think the slower, weaker archers suffered. Why IS made hunters, who get swords after promotion, have poor defenses and archers, who have no business ever being attacked better, I don't know.

No, they should have been in a position where they were fighting unhealthily with archers but they just about got away with it for reasons explained above.

I got a few idea's for new classes tho, that won't hurt other classes (to an extent ofc)

Twilight Sage: in most FE's you get Magic + staff, the Twilight mage is a Dark magic user who chooses Light magic as secondairy (or the opposite). In FE8 Sage got anime and Light and Staves, having one with Dark and Light wouldn't be impossible

Ancient Sage: Stats like a General but uses Magic instead of javalins/Axes

MagicSwordsmen: a SwordMaster but instead of low magic decent STR, those are swapped. being good with Wind edge,Storm Sword, etc etc (if it's magical)

I think a Twilight Mage/Sage could be an interesting class (and would encourage more dark diversity). Slight story complications because it's been said before that the two magics are polar opposites in nature and casting but I like the idea, perhaps for a unique character or at least you only recruit one.

I think we're missing out on armoured mage action. Make it fully armoured, though, vulnerable to hammers etc.

As for a magic swordmaster I disagree on the grounds that I want a full set of magic weapons, so there'd only be one sword for them to use. Magical weapons would have to be rare too (unless you want to mess up the game mechanics), so the class would be running on rare, expensive weapons.

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