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I can't believe In still hearing this, but the flaming wars are still going on about twilight..

What are your opinions on the book or the flaming wars?

Personally, the flaming wars are silly. No one on earth will marry a Jacob Black or an Edward Cullen. These people need a reality check.

The books aren't too good either. Character Mary-Sue levels are higher than Micaiah. Even the antagonist Jacob is godly.

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Twilight is gay, basically its like. *Jacob takes off shirt* *Jacob want bella but edward does to* *Jacob takes off his shirt again* *edward ends up with bella* END OF STORY, did we mention the part werre jacob took off his shirt?

Any flame wars about JB, Twilight or any other thing teenage girls like is stupid, it gives it what it wants, Attention.

Edited by Dickpickl3
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I think the books are awful, but I'm more mad about "ZOMG TWILIGHT IS TEH BEST SERIES WROOOOOOOOO!!" and the fact it has encouraged Stephanie Meyer to write more of her Mary Sue overglorified X-Men fanfic. Because the vampires more resemble the X-Men than actual vampires. You cannot call them vampires. They are NOT vampires.

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As my friend said, vampires are not defined, because they're mythical. She then said she hates the series, but the vampire thing isn't her issue.

It's Stephenie Meyer's interpretation of a vampire.

Is it a good interpretation? No.

They're still tachnically vamps though.

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The flame wars probably continue because there exist both a rabid, violent fanbase, and a rabid, sometimes violent anti-fanbase. I usually do my best to shut the people who are ZOMGWTFBESTTHINGEVAR up, but I don't see what's to get so worked up over, past that.

My opinion of the books themselves (I read them to get my cousins to stop bothering me) is that they're poorly written, blandly plotted, and have some horrific underlying implications regarding gender relations. ...That's one reason to actually get angry about these books, I suppose. I'll spare everyone the rant though.

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I've got so many pictures to show why I don't like Twilight but I think this one will do in the whole "vampire" debate.


>Pointless random capitalization of words.

>Uses "material arts" multiple times.

>Says Rayne is the first videogame character to ever be featured in Playboy as if the whole issue weren't devoted to videogame characters.



Edited by Esau of Isaac
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>Pointless random capitalization of words.

>Uses "material arts" multiple times.

>Says Rayne is the first videogame character to ever be featured in Playboy as if the whole issue weren't devoted to videogame characters.


Haha, that's true. Also they left out the fact that Edward does have a clusterfuckload of powers, including immortality, super strength, super speed, essential indestructability, ability to read minds, blah blah blah.

I don't like Twilight because it's shit, but so are a lot of things people like.

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Twilight is gay, basically its like. *Jacob takes off shirt* *Jacob want bella but edward does to* *Jacob takes off his shirt again* *edward ends up with bella* END OF STORY, did we mention the part werre jacob took off his shirt?

Any flame wars about JB, Twilight or any other thing teenage girls like is stupid, it gives it what it wants, Attention.

Jacob had two shirts on? That's cheating!

Werewolf x Baby

Oh yeah they went there.

Do tell?

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Do tell?

So in Twilight the werewolves do this weird "imprinting" thing where they fall desperately in love with a particular soul mate, at first sight, regardless of age. If the target is much younger, they stop aging until the target catches up. They then flood the target with affection (because apparently, if someone is constantly nice and helpful and puppylike and stalkerish towards you, you can't help but fall in love with them) until the target loves them back.

So in the fourth book, Jacob imprints on Bella's newborn.

It's exactly as creepy as it sounds. (Also, then it turns out she's gonna be physically seventeen at the chronological age of seven. Wat.)

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If you're asking about the flamewars alone then my opinion is "SHUT THE FUCK UP HATING ON TWILIGHT GOT OLD IN 2007". It seems like every time a new movie comes out a resurgence of bitching about it follows. Maybe it's because I've been exposed to more pretentious creative writing majors than rabid Twilight fans... not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive.

I dislike the books on principle and because I don't find the vampires interesting, but their insane popularity is the only quality that sets them apart from the piles and piles of "escapist" fiction and I guess there's no real reason for me to care about Twilight in particular either way.

It's kind of funny how some of the most prolific modern writers of vampire fiction seem to be absolutely nutters, but maybe that's just Meyer and Rice. :P

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In regards to appearances/traits of vampires:

Well when placing vampires in modern life and regarding the myths, Stephanie Meyer tried basing the appearances and things they do on those things by trying to make it seem more realistic.

Sparkling in sunlight was to explain why everyone made myths that they stayed away from sunlight because it made them melt. Of course sparkly skin is just as unrealistic as melting, which is why I italicized and bolded "trying".

And all the special abilities? Unnecessary. Doesn't explain away realistic things at all. Just makes them seem more formidable enemies when it comes to fights as Edward explains. He said they were "made to be killers." The thing about that though is that it kinda goes against being realistic because the vampires are supposed to find it hard to hide that part about themselves, but that's why they don't attempt to live with people like the Cullens do, because they know their existence is hard to hide when staying in front of humans, especially with the eye-color changing and the very pale, sparkling skin and sort of the "extreme beauty" part (which Edward said also showed they were made to be killers since it attracts so well), although they usually just take advantage of that instead of hiding that when they're hunting.

What this shows you is that I do read Twilight. I like the books, not really the movies. =/ Although I heard that Eclipse was supposed to be much better. I haven't seen that or New Moon.

lol and about the "Jacob imprinting on Bella's baby situation"... Bella gets freaked about this too, don't think that she took this lightly. She wanted to knock the snot out of Jacob once she found this out. And yes, if a werewolf imprinted on me I would be freaked out by how they constantly try to please me because they love me oh so much. But I think if I asked them to leave me alone, they might be able to leave me alone because they don't want to displease me... Either way, still, that would be disturbing. Oh yeah and as for Edward, I forget if he takes it better or worse than Bella... I'm thinking he took it better, but I remember that since he really didn't want him involved with them... I'm not sure. Someone else may remember.

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I've only seen the first movie, and I think it's okay. nothing more, nothing less.

my sister made me watch the 'Vampire diaries' series, it's way better. it has all those things Twilight misses.

still, if you hate the whole loving a vampire topic, you'll probably hate this to.

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That's my point, Twilight isn't at all the first story where a woman falls in love with a supernatural being and is also very average compared to those so why is it the first to be so polarizing?

Uhh, that has to do with the writing, young sir. Its very badly written. Its a rather interesting idea and story concept and an intriguing one at that. The execution was the shittiest seen in years and years. If this series was written by anyone else, i doubt it would have been so polarizing. The main character gets into situations that people should raise their eyebrows about, yet the author makes it seem like this is supposed to be a good thing and a perfect relationship. Bella is also one of the biggest Canon Sues in existence (i doubt anyone can refute that) and whines all the time. The characters dont develop, theres very little plot and when there IS plot, its shot down by a serious author cop out. (Breaking Dawn, i am looking at you!)

The fandom doesnt help matters. Its rabid and filled with little girls who think Edward is perfection. The marketing for this franchise is also annoyingly aggressive. This series doesnt really appeal to many other demographics outside young girls and middle aged women so people get really freaking tired of seeing it everywhere. In the beginning, they were marketing this series as the next Harry Potter. Unlike Harry Potter, it doesnt appeal to just about everybody. What i am glad they arent doing is marketing this series as a horror story. Imagine that! Of course, one would assume it would have horror elements because of vampires and werewolves being involved. I certainly thought so and read the series waiting for some horror to pop up. There was none. I was a sad panda.

Some of the anti-Twilight folks are just as bad as the rabid fandom. There should be nothing wrong with being ambivalent to this series at all but by the looks of how the arguments go, this is considered heresy! Its insane.

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So in Twilight the werewolves do this weird "imprinting" thing where they fall desperately in love with a particular soul mate, at first sight, regardless of age. If the target is much younger, they stop aging until the target catches up. They then flood the target with affection (because apparently, if someone is constantly nice and helpful and puppylike and stalkerish towards you, you can't help but fall in love with them) until the target loves them back.

So in the fourth book, Jacob imprints on Bella's newborn.

It's exactly as creepy as it sounds. (Also, then it turns out she's gonna be physically seventeen at the chronological age of seven. Wat.)




I'm just posting so you know I actually read this. That's hilarious and creepy at the same time. Marvelous.

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Meh I don't feel like reading what other people said so I'll just say what I think.

While I greatly dislike the teen girl obsession over the books and characters, the books actually seem pretty interesting. I haven't read them but I saw the movies and while I thought they were terrible, some of the character and plot development seems really interesting. I really doubt they deserve all the attention they received though.

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While I greatly dislike the teen girl obsession over the books and characters, the books actually seem pretty interesting. I haven't read them but I saw the movies and while I thought they were terrible, some of the character and plot development seems really interesting. I really doubt they deserve all the attention they received though.

Contrary to popular belief, its not all that interesting character wise. You have Edward, Jacob, Bella, Alice and 37385911 other generic names to faces.

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