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Lightning's FE10 Smash Fanatic playthrough

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I haven't really been playing Fire Emblem much lately, but I want to get back into it. This awesome idea occurred to me to make it sort of a themed playthrough. So I decided I would make it in honor of Smash Fanatic, because aside from the alt and stuff, he was pretty awesome. So this playthrough has some rules.

-I will use units that smash liked, such as Aran and Zihark.

-This won't be 100% efficient. Partly because I'm not good enough to do so and partly because smash wasn't exactly known for low turn counts.

-Normal mode because I'm a wimp and I want to make my dudes not suck.

Prologue: 7 turns, I think.

Lol prologue. I don't think there's many different ways of even playing it. Also, forgot to record stats like a genius.

Ch 1: Either 7 or 8 turns, I forget.

Fairly standard procedure for this one too.

Name- Level Exp- HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Micaiah- Lv 2 E 63- Base stats except for + 1 mag and resistance. :(
Edward- LV 6 E 17- 21 9 0 13 13 9 6 1. Well, he got resistance.
Leo- LV 4 E 52- Base stats. He also has activated cancel 4 times. How useful.
Nolan- LV 9 E 86- Didn't quite level up yet.

Comments and stuff appreciated, etc etc.

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Truefully, I actually liked Smash's review of the FE10 characters. And Aran is useful, people are just too obssessed with Eddie to notice, even though Aran's Part 4 is bad.

I liked Smash Fanatic's FE10 character review, as well. I'm actually doing an FE9 Character Review in Smash's honor. And I'm not going to lie, Brad is useful, but only in parts 1 and 3. I tried salvaging him for Part 4, but unlike Edward and Nolan, and like Leonardo(who I surprisingly continued to use after part 1, and also surprisingly kept him alive in 3-13(yes, I had Laura, Meg, and Fiona die that chapter so I'd face higher leveled dupes in their places)), he just couldn't stack up. Aran HAD capped out his HP/Str/Skl/Def by 20/11, but he only had a paltry 19 speed, and wasn't really useful beyond 3-13. I could have BEXP'd him, but I needed to save it for my more underleveled people(mostly Micaiah, who was only Lv7 coming out of 3-13), and crowning him was out of the question, as well, since 21 AS is still not doubling the 20-24 AS of the SP enemies(compared to Edward, who had 32 AS upon crowning or Chuck Nolan's 29.) And there was really no point in his continued use since Gatrie could tank better(52HP/37Def at */20/6 FTW), and Neph had +10 speed on him and double his res.

Edited by DA125
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-Normal mode because I'm a wimp and I want to make my dudes not suck.

Actually, Interceptor and I have this theory that Smash played NM first, fell in love with certain characters and then took that into HM and wouldn't accept anything different. His choices aren't all bad for NM. Tigers and Cats have a lot less power in part 3 so Zihark isn't 2HKOd by nearly everything under the sun. You have a lot of extra bexp so once Aran caps stuff you can spam him with bexp to get his speed up. There are a lot of differences when it comes to NM that make his choices more practical.

Neph he still underrates, but Mia he doesn't. With a lot more GMs doubling much more easily, Mia doesn't shine anymore and is kinda just one of the pack.

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That code box is getting on my nerves.

Name-    Level Exp- HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Micaiah- Lv 2 E 63- Base stats except for + 1 mag and resistance. :(
Edward-  LV 6 E 17- 21  9   0  13  13   9   6   1. Well, he got resistance.
Leo-     LV 4 E 52- Base stats. He also has activated cancel 4 times. How useful.
Nolan-   LV 9 E 86- Didn't quite level up yet.

If you'd like, I can fix it so that it looks more like this (this is a clip from the Lemmings final stats; a star indicates a stat booster(s) was/were used):

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      29.03   40   17    0   16   22   26   12    1
Merric   Sage      11.63   44    3   14   17   18   20    6   11
Palla    Sniper    13.83   48   24    1   28   24*  10*  15    4
Antony   General   12.00   45   11    1   10    4    0   24    3

I have no idea who this Smash dude is, but I keep seeing his name pop up. Perhaps this run will help me understand why he's so popular, even after he's gone. . .

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Truefully, I actually liked Smash's review of the FE10 characters. And Aran is useful, people are just too obssessed with Eddie to notice, even though Aran's Part 4 is bad.

No one is obsesed with Eddie in our tier lists. It just is. Do you have any idea how much BEXP does it cost to get Aran all the way up to lvl 20? Well, lemme get this straight: Getting Aran up there hinders you. You can be giving that to get Jill and Nolan, characters we barely get up there to lvl 20. If we want to get all three, we might as well have a 16/1 Aran, who isn't useful for neither Part 1 nor Part 3. People that defend him always say he's useful for taking in Part 3. But what's there to tank when you are still getting 2RKO'd like the rest of the team, hm?

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No one is obsesed with Eddie in our tier lists. It just is. Do you have any idea how much BEXP does it cost to get Aran all the way up to lvl 20? Well, lemme get this straight: Getting Aran up there hinders you. You can be giving that to get Jill and Nolan, characters we barely get up there to lvl 20. If we want to get all three, we might as well have a 16/1 Aran, who isn't useful for neither Part 1 nor Part 3. People that defend him always say he's useful for taking in Part 3. But what's there to tank when you are still getting 2RKO'd like the rest of the team, hm?

He CAN reach 3HKOd, it just means you must somehow get him to level 20. And what good does it even do when Nolan can take one side almost on his own and Jill w/ help can take another side and reach a level Aran could only dream of even with that kind of help.

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I have no idea who this Smash dude is, but I keep seeing his name pop up. Perhaps this run will help me understand why he's so popular, even after he's gone. . .

Grand Master smash_fanatic is a god of Fire Emblem who used to reside here on Serenes Forest and currently still posts on GameFAQs. His urine was composed of pure sunshine and he'd even shit daisies from time to time (Chuck Norris' lightning bolt number twos cannot possibly compare). If GM Smash said something about a unit, his word was law. For example, if he claimed that Aran can tank Tigers and Cats in 3-6 with his epic 21 Def and 15 Spd at 20/1, nobody would argue with him simply because they feared being ignored by the greatest FE Master of all time.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Oh, gee, you went and linked THERE again. I see, but I'm not certain if I want Lightning to do a regular run, or one with the epic that is apparently smash.

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Actually, Interceptor and I have this theory that Smash played NM first, fell in love with certain characters and then took that into HM and wouldn't accept anything different. His choices aren't all bad for NM. Tigers and Cats have a lot less power in part 3 so Zihark isn't 2HKOd by nearly everything under the sun. You have a lot of extra bexp so once Aran caps stuff you can spam him with bexp to get his speed up. There are a lot of differences when it comes to NM that make his choices more practical.

Neph he still underrates, but Mia he doesn't. With a lot more GMs doubling much more easily, Mia doesn't shine anymore and is kinda just one of the pack.

See, this makes sense when you consider that he acts like Part 3 is just a complete shitstomp and the GMs need absolutely no resources to kick ass and take names.

No one is obsesed with Eddie in our tier lists. It just is. Do you have any idea how much BEXP does it cost to get Aran all the way up to lvl 20? Well, lemme get this straight: Getting Aran up there hinders you. You can be giving that to get Jill and Nolan, characters we barely get up there to lvl 20. If we want to get all three, we might as well have a 16/1 Aran, who isn't useful for neither Part 1 nor Part 3. People that defend him always say he's useful for taking in Part 3. But what's there to tank when you are still getting 2RKO'd like the rest of the team, hm?

I think that if Jill has a transfer, Aran is trainable since she can take her own kills and doesn't really compete with him any more. But if you have Jill Classic, your prepromotes will be doing more of the heavy lifting and there are less kills that can be scrounged up.

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I had a Jill transfer and managed to use Aran no problem on Hard Mode. After he capped Str, Skl and Def I bexped him some for spd and then sealed him and he was ready for part 3. Not too many resources wasted on him.

The only gripe I had was that in part 3 I used Jill less and couldn't kill Ike, but my Nolan and Aran were rediculously overpowered by then. (Jill had to catch up in part 4)

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Are you going to raegquit like last time?

I did so bad on 1-3 it was laughable.

I also sorta forgot about it. But a themed playthrough I can remember.

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smash 1:40 am

tell him if he's actually going to use units i like

he needs to use people like kieran and stefan and volke

and danved

and rhys

CableLrry 1:42 am

anyone else?

smash 1:43 am



granted i do like some top tiers like haar and volug



Just reporting the news.

Edit: Removed his SN because internet celebrities much like RL celebrities, hate their fans.

Double Edit: He also says to play on HM, since he only played NM twice, and one was a joke playthrough with awful units (like... Fiona) and the other didn't have Aran

Edited by Paperblade
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yeah, Lightning's first post doesn't seem to indicate whether it was "unit that smash overrated in the opinion of many here" or "units that smash liked". By all appearances smash was reasonably unbiased about units like Danved and Soren so it might be hard to tell how much he liked them. Thus I can't actually tell which one Lightning means.

Guess Lightning needs to decide quite what he means by units Smash liked.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I meant the "units that smash overrated in the opinion of many here," but I was missing a lot of spaces because I couldn't think of enough for endgame.

I'm thinking my endgame team will be:








Haar (he sorta overrated him IIRC)



Oscar if it's 11 slots

Reyson for Heron

Videos y/n?

Edited by Lightning
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It's possible to overrate Haar?

Uhh, yes it is.

And by the way: as the resident smash_fanatic historian, I'd like to throw out there that smash was theorycrafting about characters in this game before he got the game. There was a period of months (and months) during the Normal Mode tier list stuff on FlameFAQs where he made impassioned arguments without the benefit of having even played the game. The resulted in a lot of lulz due to not knowing chapter layouts (cliffs in 3-4, for example).

Since this was the period of time in which everyone sucked at Radiant Dawn (hardest Fire Emblem ever, 3-6 is impossible, wtf the Dawn Brigade sucks, you need five tanks to clear 1-3, etc), maybe this is where some early impressions about Aran/Zihark were formed. I am just speculating on this point, naturally.

Edited by Interceptor
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I meant the "units that smash overrated in the opinion of many here," but I was missing a lot of spaces because I couldn't think of enough for endgame.

Then what are Stefan and Volke doing there? Or even Rhys.

As for Int, he specifically requested this.


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As for Int, he specifically requested this.

There are probably a half-dozen different things that could be referring to. Thanks for reminding me why arguing with him is an exercise in futility. It's very nearly like sparring with an image macro.

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