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Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

After 3 and a halfish years of being in the same relationship and then a year of crying about it ending, I have to say that being single has some serious benefits. I don't have to listen to someone bitching at me and trying to make me feel guilty any time I do anything that they don't like.

Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.


Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Don't knock it until you try it.

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

As long as it isn't hurting anyone, fine. But once you cross that line I'm going to bite your dick off.

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

Last Thursday.

Day 06 - Write 10 interesting facts about yourself.

There is nothing interesting about me.

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Taurus. Not really. Maybe a little.

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

I've always felt the same about it.

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

A little less shitty.

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.

I met her on the night of her boyfriend's birthday, she dumped him the next day for me, we were together for a long time. And when we kissed I was too nervous to kiss back the first time.

Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

First Aid Kit - Truth Can Hurt

Elliott Smith - Angel in the Snow

Elliott Smith - A Distorted Reality is now a Necessity to be Free

Queens of the Stone Age - I Was a Teenage Hand Model

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - The Miniature

Bark Cat Bark - Movement XVII: La Pucelle Et La Putain

Emilie Simon – In The Lake

Sneaker Pimps – Ten to Twenty

Celer – With Ice, Anent The Steam

Porcupine Tree – The Sky Moves Sideways

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

Sleep wake walk talk sit

Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.


Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

My old friend accidentally hitting his brother in the head with a machete.

Day 15 - Your favorite SF member?.

I don't play favorites, I like different people here for totally different reasons. If you could merge Revan, Zeld, and Raven together you'd be close though.

Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

It kills creativity.

Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.

I don't see things like that.

Day 18 - Your beliefs.

No one day matters.

Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.

They should have earned my respect.

Day 20 - How important you think education is.

Very important to a point.

Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.

The Office (the original one)

Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

I mope a lot more

Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

No pictures. Chris Corner, Mark Wahlberg, Keanu Reeves, Ryan Gosling, and obviously Brad Pitt!

Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.

A Scanner Darkly. Near future dystopia of addiction.

Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.

Charles Manson. His broken mind functioned better in a lot of ways than any fully rational person I have met. Then he went senile.

Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.

I do not know.

Day 27 - A problem that you have had.

I can't find a steady job.

Day 28 - Something that you miss.

Not a thing

Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.

Don't die

Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month

None I see.


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[spoiler=way too long]Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Single life is empty.

Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.

Canada maybe?

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

If it's as bad as alcohol or worse you're a terrible person for using it and deserve whatever misfortune you get. Otherwise it's your carcass and I don't care.

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

Religion was a useful tool but at this point if you need it to play nice with others, we don't need you.

As far as ontology goes, do what you like, but I maintain that none of you actually know anything.

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

I may have thought of it when coming to the realization that "I have to be around these people for HOW much longer?" but the idea always turned into "there's no point in killing myself if they're going to do it for me soon".

Day 06 - Write 10 interesting facts about yourself.

I could give you 10 facts but they wouldn't be interesting. I could give you 10 interesting anecdotes but who knows if they're facts?

I'll do a bit of both and let you guess which is which:

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

- I am better than all of you.

Who said they had to be unique?

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Saggitarius - It's a zodiac sign. Some random squiggles with arbitrary meaning. Of course it doesn't fit my personality.

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

What I have are numerous moments where I'm mildly content, not single instances of euphoria. If there's a "best one" I don't know it off the top of my head.

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

Relatively anarchic.

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.

My what.

Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

Fuck Apple, I'll use Winamp.

- Metallica - The Unforgiven II

- Rise Against - Heaven Knows

- Dir en grey - Beautiful Dirt

- Reggie and the Full Effect - What the Hell is a Stipulation

- System of a Down - Toxicity

- Taking Back Sunday - Liar

- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium

- Sonic Heroes - Egg Emperor Boss

- System of a Down - Snowblind

- Mastodon - The Last Baron

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

- Wake up

- Eat and/or post

- Sleep

Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.


Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

My old room 450 miles from here with my bed covered in overtly colorful shit for babies. I had a giant cloth die that had the same colors all over it and I would throw it away because it was fun to throw things and probably because it was ugly.

Day 15 - Your favorite tumblrs SF member?.

I hate you all.

Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

I don't know because I don't listen to the shit.

Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.

Highs? Um...doing nothing all summer.

Lows would probably be working for the degree I should already have.

Day 18 - Your beliefs.

I believe I don't know what to believe and that I'm just going to continue being utilitarian until I do.

Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.

If you're wondering if I do, let's just say I give people the respect they give me.

Day 20 - How important you think education is.

So important that I feel the shitty academic system in place needs a complete reform and that lots of terrible, apocalypse reminiscent things will happen otherwise.

Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.

I like Family Guy. Fuck you, Tony.

Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

Well for one thing I sort of ran away from home without the getting caught and coming back part.

Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

I could give you 5 pictures of famous guys but I wouldn't find them attractive. I could give you 5 pictures of people I find attractive but they probably wouldn't be famous or guys, and certainly not both.

I'll do a bit of both and let you guess which is which:

- http://cdn.buzznet.com/media-cdn/jj1/headlines/2006/09/brad-pitt-new-orleans.jpg

- http://hosted.kcudah.com/shirley_manson.jpg

- http://cdn.buzznet.com/media-cdn/jj1/headlines/2010/07/ed-norton-corn-rows.jpg

- http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_HshTMYttcWs/StLS2XtbZFI/AAAAAAAAEls/K98iRFWQ7lk/s400/angelina-jolie.jpg

- http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/20253287/Hayley+Williams+5069489.jpg

Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.

My favorite movie is Fight Club and it is about fighting

...with your self

Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.

I am fascinated by Death because I think we are in love.

Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.

Slutty pot heads

Just kidding I'm attracted to everyone who's not a tool.

Day 27 - A problem that you have had.

Having parents.

Day 28 - Something that you miss.

Jungle gyms.

Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.

- Not fail this semester.

- Get at least one of you ugly tools to help me with that JFG thing.

Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month

A high would probably be deleting FEU.

A low would probably be deleting FEU.

Since Death did it like I told him to.

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If that was directed towards me, it's because I've never confessed to an IRL girl.

And if I end up with the online one my heart is out for, no kissing will be involved for a while, obviously.

1. It's directed to more than half the people in the thread.

2. My best friend in Connecticut is a girl that I fell in love with over the internet. Eventually, I flew down there to see her and we're still in pretty close contact.

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1. It's directed to more than half the people in the thread.

2. My best friend in Connecticut is a girl that I fell in love with over the internet. Eventually, I flew down there to see her and we're still in pretty close contact.

1. I'm not really in a rush for it to happen. Physical passion just accentuates the love--it's the feelings behind the people that make or break a relationship.

2. ... The person I want to see is halfway across the country. I'm only 15, but... The college I plan to go to is the state below hers.

So she and I may see each other in three years.

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2. ... The person I want to see is halfway across the country. I'm only 15, but... The college I plan to go to is the state below hers.

So she and I may see each other in three years.

Took me about that long. And mind you, I need to fly from Halifax to Connecticut and back.

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People should try to meet people who they can actually see on a weekly basis. I had an online girlfriend one time, but I also had an actual girlfriend at the same time to balance it out. Worked perfectly.

Polygamy? Come to the FE4 THREAD, would you?

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Day 15 - Your favorite SF member?.

I don't play favorites, I like different people here for totally different reasons. If you could merge Revan, Zeld, and Raven together you'd be close though.


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  • 3 months later...

Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Single. I dunno...normal?NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Day 02 - Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

a nice house, 1 or 2 kids, have a PhD in psychology. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Will never try them. I saw what it did to my late grandparents and i had a liver disease before so no. As for drugs...no.

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

I am a Christian-Catholic but everyone has their own points of view. I hate people that force to choose a religion! *aka my aunt*

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

When I was depressed about my granma's death.sad.gif

Day 06 - Write 10 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I am the only member in SF that lives in Honduras

2. I have French/Spanish blood in me.

3. I have grey eyes, in spite the fact that my parents have dark brown eyes

4. I am very friendly

5. Piss me off and you'll see I'll be your worst enemy.

6. I know a wee bit of French and Japanese

7. I love to write

8. I sometimes annoy people up to a point that he/she might get into a fight with me

9. My friends are sadistic.

10. I am very quiet IRL

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Capricorn. I think I fit into the description.

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

When I adviced a friend about not going out with that jerk.

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

positive and filled with love and motivation to keep thrusting forward

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Both haven't happened, yet. About to happen, for sure, i hope

Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

If Today was your Last day - Nickelback

Nada es igual - Kudai

Wings for my way - F- Zero Game Soundtrack

Condemnation Wings - Blazblue Accord #1 with Continuum shift

Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Go to Fly - Sunbrain

I don't care - Apocalyptica ft. Adam Gontier

Summer Hair = Forever Young - The Academy is...

New Divide - Linkin Park

Las Pequeñas cosas - Jotdog

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

* Woke up

*Took a shower

*Went to school

*Did CW and partly HW

*Choir Practice

*Went home

Day 13 - Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.

France or Spain.

Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

I Remember seeing the full moon at night in my bedroom when i was 3

Day 15 - Your favorite tumblrs SF member?.

It's a secret!

Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

Meh. Each to their own.

Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.

Low point: When my grandma died

High point: When I left my former highschool

Day 18 - Your beliefs.

God exists, Jesus is the son. Be the best person you can. That's all.

Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.

Out of question. and if I do, I unintentionally do it

Day 20 - How important you think education is.

It's important. Not that i enjoy being there and getting depressed because my physics teacher makes me feel retarded...

Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.

The Soup

Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

I'm more mature than i was before, learned how to accept myself for who I am.

Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

...I'd rather not to. I am too lazy and not interested

Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it's about.

Meet the spartans. I love parodies.

Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.

Soul. Soul is Soul. Period.

Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.

Nice, understanding and caring, a bit clumsy i guess.

Day 27 - A problem that you have had.

Jet lag.

Day 28 - Something that you miss.

My keyboard/Piano...effing puppy...

Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.

Get better grades, improve my self-esteem

Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month

I haven't had those in a while

Edited by Althenian Memories~
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tumblr's 30 day meme. idk, the questions are pretty interesting and inisightful I think. You can fill it out if you have nothing better to do.

Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Single, its unbearable

Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.

In a bachelors party holding up a wine glass

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Drugs: Bad. Alcohol: YES

Day 04 - Your views on religion.


Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

A month ago after I broke up with someone.

Day 06 - Write 10 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I have problems staying consistent personality wise

2. I find it easier to be a dick in internet life then IRL. If you find me somewhere in RL chances are I'll not be as loud as you expect

3. I dont like FE

4. Im french and yet i cant speak it

5. I used to have a shrink

6. I dont care for more things

7. Sometimes I act narcissistic

8. I have little regard for my life. Soul may call me emo but if you dont risk life, you're not gonna enjoy it.

9. I went bungee jumping

10. I play the piano

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Aries, and yes, I do think it fits me

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

The day I beat up this bastard who tried robbing my friends purse.

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

Not as miserable as I am now

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.

lol first love. Im only like 14 :/

There was this one girl that I REALLY cared about. Hell, we were in a relationship for a short while but she moved. First kiss was just for shits and giggles. I was like what... 11?

Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

Doing it right now aaaand

- Eminem ft Jay Z: Renegade

- Drake: Congratulations

- Jay Z: D'evils

- Eminem: 25 to life

- Drake: Show me a good time

- Eminem ft Lil Wayne: No love

- Nickleback: Savin me

- Justin Timberlake ft Timbaland: Carry Out

- One republic: Secret

- Flo Rida: Ayer

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

*Got up




*More piano

*More computer




Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.

France, I went there in December and its beautiful. I really loved the stay

Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

My sister and I watching a movie(Toy story 1?) and she shoved me out of my seat because she wanted a better view. She was like 8... I think I was 5

Day 15 - Your favorite tumblrs SF member?.

IRIS's complaining !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

Mainstream rap sucks. Drake was better when he wasnt known, his music sucks now

Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.


Day 18 - Your beliefs.

Live life to fullest... I am better then you... humans are dumb... blargh i dun even know anymore

Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.


Is fun

Day 20 - How important you think education is.

Important, we need that piece of shit paper called a degree to get a job

Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.

ICarly. Its funny

Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

I've grown cold

Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

Lucius, Lucius, Lucius, Lucius and Lucius

Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.

Knowing, its about a bunch of bad events happening and Nicholas Cage trying to stop it. The world dies in the end

Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.


Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.

A girl that is caring but knows her boundaries, AKA, doesnt tread into unwanted territory.

Day 27 - A problem that you have had.

I was a loner in mid school, its hard to adjust to the change in HS. Its just so different

Day 28 - Something that you miss.

Being able smile

Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.

Stop trolling

Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month

Still dont get this

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Reposting with slight modifications!

Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Single, it's alright I guess. I'd totally hook up with someone except I live in the middle of nowhere, where everyone has known each other forever. There's just no-one who I find legitimately interesting and attractive. It's sort of a non factor for me I guess. I don't believe in making my happiness dependent on a single person, pretty much, and I'm not particularly desperate.

Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.

Have my PhD and put it to good use, hahaha. Probably as a professor at UBC.

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

I don't actually drink or do drugs (which would shock many people here, I am sure), but not only do I have no problem with others doing either, I actively encourage usage of those things if you feel like you want to.

If I did start though, I'd probably just smoke pot and maybe do some Salvia or LSD. Maybe mushrooms.

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

If your god has something to say to me, he can do it himself.

I'm an athiest. I could talk about this for ages, but I'll summarize and just say that I don't like belief without evidence, or unproven explanations.

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

Never. I'm pretty fucking chipper.

Day 06 - Write 10 interesting facts about yourself.

1. Nobody has ever correctly guessed my age over the internet. They generally aren't even close.

2. I am staff at FEU. ^_^

3. People used to think I was a girl all the time on the internet, until I came to SF and was forced to become became an asshole.

4. Despite often seeming to have very strong political opinions (and opinions on other things), I really am fairly neutral on most subjective things.

5. I generally think of/treat people over the internet as men unless actually forced by the situation to remember they are not (the main person here who would have experienced this is RFoF)

6. I love people. Legitimately and absolutely.

7. I'm jaded as fuck.

8. I'm pretty much a package of contradictions.

9. I am perfectly content with almost any circumstances, no matter how mundane, and similarly, I am never bored.

10. There really aren't many people who know that much about me, despite the fact that I seem very easy to get.

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Leo, and probably, that's how they're fucking designed; I'm not superstitious.

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

I'm really not sure. I couldn't identify one, I don't think.

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

Hope? If I want to get really hopeful, I hope someone eventually listens to me, hahaha. Not likely though.

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.


Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

Don't own an iPod. It would be a bunch of hipster shit though.

But here's a random selection of music that might be there:

Bloodbuzz Ohio - The National

Such Great Heights - The Postal Service

Road to Joy - Bright Eyes

We Looked Like Giants - Death Cab for Cutie

Adventures in Solitude - The New Pornographers

Baba Yetu - Cristopher Tin

Guardian Angel - Juno Reactor

Bigmouth Strikes Again - The Smiths

Trains - Porcupine Tree

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

* woke up at 12ish

* dicked around playing Narcissu

* ate a thanksgiving lunch with my family

* went to work at 4 PM

* worked until 8 (woo short day!)

* chatted a bit with people

* am now dicking around online

Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.

Everywhere, pretty much. I want to experience everything, and it makes me melancholic that I can't.

Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

Climbing up my stairs in my old house, though that could be pseudo-implanted. I clearly remember reading dinosaur books and shit though when I was very small. Also I remember my younger sister learning how to run.

Day 15 - Your favorite tumblrs SF member?.

Difficult call. I love a lot of members here (a large number of whom have now left/drifted away/been banned). If we assume you mean non banned members, I'll discount Death by saying he's more of an FEU member (THOUGH HE IS BANNED NOW LOL), ignore all the previous FESSers through similar doublethinkish methods, and say Wist. :P Or something. But fuck, even that could be hard.

Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

Meh. Don't particularly care for most of it, just because I'm sort of a natural rebel. If it represents orthodoxy and the status quo, I find myself kind of distrusting it. But really the revolutionary of yesterday is the mainstream of today. It happens in many things, especially in music.

Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.

Might have to get back to this one. :P

Day 18 - Your beliefs.

On what? Religion? Atheist. Politics? Libertarian Socialist. Entertainment? Deepfag. Video Games? PCFag.

Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.

Do I have a problem with it? Not really. I mean, I like my parents, but I don't think it's that terrible to be disrespectful towards them.

Day 20 - How important you think education is.

Depends entirely on how much an individual values it. For me, personally, very important, but for a lot of people, not so much.

Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.


Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

A fair bit. Mostly I've just continued the shift that really started 5 or so years ago.

Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

Gonna have to get back to you on that

Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.

Hard to say. Might return to this later.

Still hard to say. Perhaps Donnie Darko, perhaps something else.

Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.

Phoenix. Why is he so dumbdumbdumb?

Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.

Honestly? Women with large breasts, narrow waists, wide hips and nice asses. I don't think I am alone in this either.

I should clarify this to say that it doesn't HAVE to be this. I'm not sure how the hierarchy would work, but I think waist to hip ratio is slightly more important to me than ass, which is a fair bit more important than breast size. But beyond that I have a range of tastes. Non physically, it's still a range. I guess someone who I can truly interact with as an equal.

Day 27 - A problem that you have had.

I've had problems getting people to understand what I'm trying to tell them. :P Perhaps more accurately, I have problems getting people to acknowledge what I say, or actually listen to it.

Day 28 - Something that you miss.

Everything and nothing, I guess. I miss some members that used to post here. I miss FEU and DnDA being active.

Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.

Keep doing what I'm doing.

Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month

No idea really.

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