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Do energy drinks make your penis smaller?

what do you do with hands in an OPEN area?

HOW BIG IS YOUR JOHNSON?!? we all know you have one

Edited by Dickpickl3
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Do energy drinks make your penis smaller?

what do you do with hands in opne area?

I will answer your question with another question, what does opne mean?

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That's a very good question! However, I do not have the answers, so I'll ramble on about other political agendas. You know, like how we need to stand up against illegal immigration and stuff. Now for some entertainment that will hopefully help you swing your vote in my direction!


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1) Normally no, but yours being small enough as it is, I wouldn't take the risk were I in your shoes.

2) Read a newspaper.

furetchen, how big is your dick?


Why do you seem so concerned about your penis? It's not like you'll use it for anything other than pee'ing.

... :facepalm:

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Why do you seem so concerned about your penis? It's not like you'll use it for anything other than pee'ing.

Someday I want to play an april fool's joke where I put a huge water tank in my backpack (disguise) and set it up so that there's a little spigot that comes out my pants, and I want to stand by a urinal and fake pissing for like 20 minutes and see if anyone notices.

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I'm right around 6 inches, more or less. I admit measurements are rarely consistent..... That said, who really cares about penis size? I can imagine an overly big one would be very inconvenient. Frankly, I wouldn't want my man hose to try to bust out of my pants.

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HOW BIG IS YOUR JOHNSON?!? we all know you have one

The size of your dick never matters. Only the tightness of the pussy that it belongs inside.

And mine's bigger than average, thank you for asking.

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