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what 3 FE classes (any game) fit you best?


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ok to start off the three classes that best fit me are:

mage/sage-because I'm skinny, kinda tall and frail. and I do good in school so...magic me up baby!

priest/bishop- same as above, but I really love this class too <3333

shaman/summoner-same as above, but really...I need accictance if I get in a fight and I have a decent some of friends to help out and well...a summoner does too :D

as you can see I am very magic based...like extremely. I'd be a worthy ally though

also if you feel like it give what your growths would be. (don't be outragous with these.)

mine would be:

hp:20% mag 70% spd: 50% skl 50% luck 20% def 15% res 60%

ok guys have fun with this :D

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Archer for base class. I got good eyes and a steady hand.

Then Fighter and Mercenary. Fighter harnesses my anger, and Mercenaries are...just cool. Also, this has the advantage of nice synergy between the promoted classes.

Guess I'd have good Skl and Speed (well, I'm good at dodging things?) and ... to be honest, bad strength and HP.

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1.Sniper, because I'm a pussy that likes hides behind everyone, let them do all the work and steal kills.

2.Warrior, because My strength is put to great use with lifting the heaviest weapon type in the game.

3.Paladin, because I love rushing through things and I can solo the map easier.

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inb4 FE4 Master Knight or FE4 Baron/Emperor

I would probably be a Mage Knight (FE4), Hero (GBA) or Dracolord (RD).


Mage Knight (FE4) due to having all Anima magic along with swords, a good combination, not to mention the horse.

Hero due to it having swords and axes, along with an actual shield.

Dracolord due to axes and flight, along with good caps.

Edited by ultimateluigi987
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#1: Hero.

The epic flips, large shield, and the use of swords and axes? YES!

#2 and 3: Swordmaster and Ranger (FE8).

If not a hero, one of these two. The Swordmaster is wicked fast, and rangers are "swordmasters on horses".

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Here's my list guys, hope you like it.

  1. Hero: because I like to help people quite a lot. Many of my friends that play the game say I fit it quite well, regarding what it involves and the fact i used to do some work for money haha.
  2. Swordmaster: What can I say? Being able to sweep through the battlefield easily with a sword and being almost a killing engine is the best thing I could think of.
  3. Rogue: Heheh, being stealth and all the stuff they do would prove to be useful when in dire situations. Yet, I would never steal a thing from anyone.

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1. Thief/Rogue/Whisper, mostly Whisper. Intelligence = :B):.

2. Monk/Bishop. Light Magic for those who try to do the right thing.

The true answer, a combination of the two - A light magic user with great move that can open locks, see far in the fog, use swords/knives, and can to some extent teleport, like many of the thieves in the series.

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Sniper: I'm a man's man, one who doesn't mind staring the enemy straight in the eye through the scope of a high powered sniper rifle from the next town over.

Myrmidon: Technique and speed any day over power.

Shaman: While technique and speed is good for a close range weapon, I'd rather one hit the guy from far away if possible rather than burn him for a little bit.

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Well, I'd be a magic-oriented unit. I'm smart and like to read books, so it'd be Shaman>Duird. Mage>Sage would likewise fit, but the former fits me better for how I am. XD

For a third class, I'd say Transporter. Even with the above, I have no love for fighting, so a non-combat class would suit me fine as well. And that's Transporter due to being a good organizer I'm capable of managing items and stuff. I'd still go with Shaman>Druid, though.

As for stats, I'd have good Magic, and I'm actually quite durable (even though I strongly feel the pain nevertheless >_>) so I would have good Defence for a magic user. However, my Speed and Skill would be bad. I'm not fast, and poor eyesight means my aiming is not good, so yeah, those two would be my weak points. HP, Resistance, and Luck would be average, maybe a little higher on the former two, but not much.

I guess I should also add this.

HP: 50% (Decent enough, especially since I would be a tanky mage.)

Str: 40% (Assuming a Str/Mag split like Akaneia, Jugdral or Tellius. My strength is a little high from average as well.)

Mag: 80% (My strongest point basically.)

Skl: 20% (And that would be my weakest.)

Spd: 25% (And this one too.)

Lck: 30% (Yeah, average.)

Def: 45% (My durability is good, even if I don't show it.)

Res: 60% (And expected from a magic user or so.)

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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AWSOME description ^this guy understand what I mean by explain your choices. anyhow woo new magic user! we should go out and blow stuff up with fire sometime XD

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1. Swordmaster (FE4).

Obvious answer is obvious.

But I do have training in swordsmanship. And out of all the women in FE, Lakche has the most similar personality to me... so...

2. Hero (GBA).

FEM!HERO FYEAH. Similar reasons to SM. Really, swords. Except less speed for more tankage.

3. Paladin (FEDS preferred. 30DEF cap what).

I'm extremely protective of my friends, but I don't particularly suit AK. Paladin would work better. Also. Swords. Except I get lances as well.

Honorable mention to FE4 Mage Fighter, except I'll have to reverse the STR and Mag caps and add Swordmaster Skill/Speed caps. :P

I mean, I'm always spewing math equations all over the place, I should have some magic, right? Though I'm definitely much more of a physical fighter.

[spoiler=growths and their explanation]


60%HP (face it. my stamina sucks--but eh, I'm still a physical class.)

50%STR (If I could get my arm strength from not being able to lift more than two textbooks to being able to do what I can do now... I think I deserve this)

50%MAG (I suppose this goes under int. At least I'm good at math.)

45%SKL (My accuracy's not that great either, but eh. At least I'm a swordie so I can't make it too low.)

60%SPD (Standard Swordmaster SPD growth)

20%LUK (My luck sucks. >___<)

45%DEF (High pain tolerance-I may not be able to run a lot, but if you punch me, I'll take it without a change in expression.)

40%RES (Iron Will >3)

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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@ maria's bro

I think that bottom part belongs in the class ideas forum, but anyway sweet guys :D I'm so happy so many people wanna paticipate in this thread <3

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1: pegasus knight/falco knight- I'm nice like these girls but outspoken too like Marcia sometimes but I usually wear bright colors like them.

2: dancers- because i like to dance.

3: cleric/bishop- I like helping my friends feel better/consolating them so that would make me a healer right?

HP: 25% I don't think I'd have high hp if I were a FE unit ;)

STR: 40% Kind of balanced here but not strong or weak.

MAG: 80% Yes I would be that magical <3

SKL: 40% I would offer decent hit.

SPD: 50% I am quite speedy

LCK: 80% I'm also a dodge machine

DEF: 10% Ohhh here's my flaw.

RES: 40% A little balanced here.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Well, I'm quite big, so fighter/warrior might be the logical choice, but I am quite passive when not playing sports, and tend to play defensive positions in the sports so I'd say Armour Knight would be my first choice. That is a problem though, as I am quite swift, so my second choice would be a bulkier Hero. Third choice would be Paladin because they are awesome.

Growths  HP  Strength  Skill  Speed  Luck  Defence  Resistance
AK       90     55       45     25    5       60       20
Hero     80     45       60     45    5       35       20
Paladin  75     50       50     40    5       40       20

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1] Priest, I guess. I'd rather not fight. More of a support kinda guy in the back lines.

2] Thief, huh. Rather useless in battle. I'll do what I need to do and leave. I'll be one of those nice green/other units so blues can't attack. Plus, people don't notice me. A lot.

3] Surprise, Magic Seal. People just seem to shut up around me... Just the way I like it. Oh, and it wouldn't work if I were a Priest as well. How unfortunate +_+

Err, stat growth. Well, it's terrible ;)

HP: 25% [Yeah... I'm pretty fragile]

STR: 15% [Hahaha. I'm totally weak. Kinda, sorta working on it, I guess]

MAG: 60% [Woah, something relatively(?) high. If I were physically weak and stupid, what use would I be?]

SKL: 35% [Pretty skillful with my hands ._.?]

SPD: 40% [Kinda fast, but eh]

LCK: 70% [Woot. Lucky me]

DEF: 20% [i can take a hit or two]

RES: 30% [i don't know what to put here. 30 just looks right.]


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