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what 3 FE classes (any game) fit you best?


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1 - Wind Mage/Wind Sage since I'm pretty frail and lack any stamina although I think you'd need at least some stamina to wield magic.

2 - Myrmidon/Swordmaster since I've always liked these nimble swordsman. Although I am somewhat agile I get tired rather quickly so I might be a pretty bad swordsman.

3 - Wyvern Knight/Wyvern Lord since riding a wyvern is pretty badass. Although I doubt I'd be able to be a good rider the holding the lances might tire me out rather easily...

My growth rates would be rather average I guess.

Since I'd rather be a Myrmidon though...

HP 40%

STR 35%

MAG 25%

SKL 40%

SPD 45%

LUCK 35%

DEF 25%

RES 10%

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Paladin: Because that's what I play as in DnD XD(we had to draw our characters and even though he's not a Paladin I drew The Black Knight. Sad part is some of my friends thought I just made him up for the game)!!!

Priest/Bishop: I'm a pretty religious person.

Lord: I make other people do my bidding. >:)

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I'm basing this on my real life self.

1. Shaman/Druid/Summoner - I'm not a very physically capable person. I'm 19, I'm 5'4", male, my specialty is in the academia and writing lab reports. It's been a long time since I've read "fun books," everything I've been reading so far are textbooks, lab manuals, etc. I would say I'm somewhat a cut above my peers grade-wise, but that's being arrogant. I really hate getting into the thick of things, preferring to stay afar and have allies (not necessarily expendable) to draw fire and act as a wall while I deal my brand of punishment from afar.

2. Bishop/Healer - I wear glasses, and without them I am completely blind. Nearsightedness + Astigmatism afflict my eyes. I enjoy helping out my friends as long as the task does not require too much of me. Besides, being a healer makes my chances of survival somewhat higher since there's bound to be someone who thinks that protecting the healer is a high priority.

3. Ballistician - While I am taking swimming classes lately and I've found that I have become what I would call "somewhat muscular", I won't cut it out as an archer/sniper. My speed may be high for a magic character, but it would be mediocre for a physical character despite a past experience of dance classes.....no I will not be a dancer stfu. I'm sure a ballista wouldn't be hard to use....however I might have trouble aiming it at someone. Still, with a good cart for defense and somewhere nice and safe I can be a decent asset.

HP 35%

STR 25% Swim class, dance class..... so much cardio and endurance.

MAG 55% Engineering classes force you to have such a growth.

SKL 40% Physics classes - Poor eyesight + glasses = ...?

SPD 40% I'm working on it. Supposedly I was the fastest when it came to dodgeball back in high school.

LUCK 65% Well, I guess I'm pretty happy/lucky compared to most of my friends.....they have stuff to whine about. I can't find something to complain about.

DEF 35% I always try to play defensively in video games, but I don't know how great I am at defense.

RES 20% Hmmm....

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1. Archer/Sniper - Blindness be damned, I seem to have a natural talent for it.

2. Valkyrie (of the Ethlin variety) - I'm too much of a real-life pacifist for my own good, but if I must defend myself, I will (though I'd rather use the staff, because I wield that better than a sword).

3. Bard (of the Nils variety) - I don't give a crap if this is a male-only class, I play instruments better than I dance (I can do that passably well).

[spoiler=Stat growths, not like anyone cares]

HP: 20% (I'm fairly frail)

STR: 40% (I don't start very strong, but I can gain it very quickly. Like end-of-the-day quick.)

MAG: 60% (I will explain this if you ever meet me in RL)

SKL: 50% (I'm good at aiming at things, but only if I have my glasses on)

SPD: 40% (I didn't start out fast, but it seems I can outrun all those dimwits who teased me in elementary school)

LUK: 50% (either very good or very, very bad. . .so I chose the most unstable growth)

DEF: 35% (After what my stomach put me through, there's not much that hurts me)

RES: 20% (I'd rather punch people in the face)

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1) Thief, because I'm kind of a loner like Sothe in FE9, and I like not being noticed. and oh, I like money...

2) Archer, I like to keep my distance from enemies.

3) Shaman, like said in FE8, dark magic comes from knowledge. and I wouldn't mind throwing away my soul for some extra power.

HP - 35%

str - 30%

mag - 25% (switch str and mag for shaman)

skl - 75% (low bases, high chance to grow)

spd - 55%

luck - 65%

def - 15%

res - 20%

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*looks at name* Haha! ^_^

I'm pretty strong, so I'd say a mercenary/hero for my most similar class. Not the best with agility and I tend to stand up and "play the hero" for the ones I care about. (also... SWORDS!!! <3 <3 <3 (I actually have a couple and I love my 2-hander, even though I think it's not meant for actual fighting. Planning on sharpening it when I get a lisence to have a weapon.) When I boffer I always use the 2h sword. So fun!) I love challenging myself to be stronger and my main tactic is to defensively overpower. And I really feel the furvor when I'm play-fighting, too! >:)

2nd is probably a paladin simply because of the description: "Cavaliers who have dedicated themselves to the persuit of justice" or something to that effect. I won't actually attack someone unless I have no other option unless they agree to it and it's just for fun. I will stand up for others, though, and I will respectfully present my thoughts and beliefs.

And, of course, ice manakete. I can't stand the heat but I have a high resistance to the cold. I also have sensitive taste, excellent vision and sence of smell and have fairly good hearing and intuition. I've been told I'm kind and even motherly. I've been told I'm pretty sharp and even fairly wise, as well. I'm definately a protector.

I've also been told I make a good leader and I am VERY loyal, but that doesn't really go with any of the above too much. :sweatdrop:

I hope that's good enough.

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1) Priest/Sage (FE5 Style and leaving me with some nice E rank Anima upon promotion) - I generally dislike fighting, but I'd do so if absolutely necessary. I also work in the medical field so it's kind of fitting. I'm not exactly the sturdiest of builds, so I think my CON and STR wouldn't be too great - not that it matters.

2) Myrmidon/Swordmaster - Speed would be on my side rather than strength. I'd also be a fan of my own critical hit animations.

3) Pegasus Knight/Falco Knight (FE4) - Staves at promotion, I'd also rather enjoy flying - unless I was in Ballistae territory.

HP: 60%

STR: 10% - With my first choice, I'm not really going to need it, am I?

MAG: 50%- If MAG and academic ability were linked, I think this would suffice.

SKL: 40% - My aim with stuff isn't too shabby.

SPD: 30% - I prefer to move at my own middle-of-the-road pace.

LUK: 10% (Although at a fair base) - My luck's fairly consistent, I don't see it changing any time soon.

DEF: 20% - Not too frail, but I'm not going to be an Armour Knight any time soon.

RES: 65% - Sticks and stones ^^

CON: 6 - Enough to hold my tomes but that's pretty much it.

Personal Skills: Nihil - It's pretty difficult to surprise me or catch me off guard.

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1) Pirate>Zerker. But you all knew that.

2) Cav>GK (FE8) I do do what has to be done, but I chose GK over Pally because I like them better also try to be a bit reckless.

3) Wyvern Rider>Wyvern Knight. I like flying, and dragons are cool. 8D

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All of my classes come from being a pacifist and frail.

Heron/Bard: When I am useless in a team at school, I encourage others to try harder and stay on task.

Priest>Bishop: I'm religious and I would like to be able to allieviate other's pain.

Transporter: I love organizing things. I could help out as the supply lines.

HP: 50% When I get hit, it is hard, but I can keep going.

Str: 5% Lol, I'm totally useless at heavy lifting.

Mag: 85% I'm a nerd at school, in the top 10 class rank.

Skl: 30% Good vision, but I am horribly clumsy.

Spd: 40% I can dodge, but I am slow, real slow.

Luck: 2% Some of my feats in unluckyness defy belief.

Def: 5% When I said I get hit hard, I mean real hard.

Res: 50% I don't know how to explain this one.

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I'm a pacifist, which rules out pretty much anything. As such, my #1 spot will be a Priest.

1) Priest

There's a possibility that I would be a mage. After all, magic has a lot of non-violence purposes, and it's the closest thing in the Fire Emblem worlds to science. If someone threatened me, there's of course a chance I'd stop being a pacifist, and thus fight. So #2 is mage, I suppose.

2) Mage

Pretty much everything else is out of the question. Pegasus knight would be the most likely, but that's female only (those sexist bastards). Lord is the only logical thing remaining. I'd be fighting to protect my peers, even though I was really opposed to it.

3) Lord

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Looks like im joining this too in my case......

1. Wind Mage->Sage (FE4 variety)

In my life after playing many video games, ive seemed to develop a strange obsession for magic and ppl who use it, plus in reality im very fast

2. Bard/Heron

Im in band and i encourage ppl to do good deeds or help them with their problems

3. Archer->Sniper

Along with being quick on my feet, i also have amazing eyesight :)

So i'd most likely a mage that has the ability of a bard to replenish units

Growth Rates

HP-40% im get tired easily so my stamina isnt that great

STR-5% im not strong period




LUK-40% i cant complain about my luck 0_o

DEF-10% ima mage dangit

RES-45% see above

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I'd probably rather not fight either but if I had to learn to fight to defend myself and my allies:

Preface: I'd rather not fight with sword, lances, axes or knives because if I thought too much about the enemy I'd killed or maimed I'd probably loose my resolve and end up unable to finish them and therefore dead myself. I don't know whether I could actually kill a man (or woman) who stood before me...

1. Wind Mage -> Wind Sage. Magic seems the obvious choice: I'm clever enough that I could probably learn to use it well enough. I'm not religious enough for Light/Staves, Dark might be a bit too tricky, Fire seems a bit barbaric for my speciality, Thunder sucks seems a bit cumbersome and Wind seems light, fast and relatively easy, only my ineptitude would stop me using it well and that's what I'd want from my weapon.

2. Shaman -> Druid. I'd still rather take the time to learn difficult magic than connect with my victim with a physical weapon, and Dark's pretty powerful stuff too.

3. Archer -> Sniper. If I did fight physically I'd rather not feel my victim's life drain away through the sword/lance/axe/knife buried in their torso. I actually took up archery recently and am not exactly a bad shot.

I have recently taken up a martial art too, so in a year's time I should be acquainted with sword, knife and staff, as it happens. Incidentally this kind of thing is a fun way to analyse your friends: how would they fight or, if they're already proficient with a weapon, what tier and level would they be (in 2 and 3 tier systems).


Growths (for a magic class):

HP: 40% roughly average endurance, perhaps a little high

Str: 30% not bad but my base might be a little low

Mag: 50% how does magic even work anyway?

Skl: 45% a little below average, I can be vacant at times

Spd: 55% I'm fairly agile

Lck: 40% I've never noticed myself as being particularly lucky or unlucky. Why do characters even need a luck stat anyway when the RNG is around; let units make their own luck.

Def: 20% not exactly stellar but not abysmal. How do mages even defend?

Res: 50% maybe? What is resistance?

Edited by Byte2222
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looking at all these...I think japan just sent FE games over to make us into master tacticians that they can kidnap and turn into complete war machines that they can use to dominate the world..... just a theory though ;)

anyway. from what I can see it seems most people lately are becomeing more magically based. However I see quiet a few psychial based people, and it seems snipers are popular too. anyone have any idea why?

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Well I guess if we base our real life selves on this, we'd probably be more on the magical/intellectual side rather than the tough soldier guy......?

I dunno if athletes/jocks play video games like these...and if they do...it seems more of Madden/Gears of War/Call of Duty/something action oriented.

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oh I was asking about the sniper thing. I understand mages/healers. just not snipers :P lol my 3 were extremely magical based >.<

anyway what do you think about the archer/sniper thing?

and ya idk I hate shooters >.< I like halo (kinda though) but thats because my friends do and I need them to like me somehow >.>

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oh I was asking about the sniper thing. I understand mages/healers. just not snipers :P lol my 3 were extremely magical based >.<

anyway what do you think about the archer/sniper thing?

and ya idk I hate shooters >.< I like halo (kinda though) but thats because my friends do and I need them to like me somehow >.>

I guess people see archery as less physically demanding than going toe-to-toe with someone in combat? Well for one, archers are less likely to get hit if someone else is in the way or if they're secure in a position.....of course they'll be slaughtered if placed under a poor commander....

I'm surprised nobody's picked Ballistician...except for me.

I only play shooters for the storyline....after that its uninstall time.....until I feel like replaying a level...

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oh alright

archery you mean? I can understand why people would choose it since archer can stay out of the fray (directly I mean) but idk. anyway continue posting your 3 guys.

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Well I guess if we base our real life selves on this, we'd probably be more on the magical/intellectual side rather than the tough soldier guy......?

I dunno if athletes/jocks play video games like these...and if they do...it seems more of Madden/Gears of War/Call of Duty/something action oriented.

I myself consider myself an athlete and know quite a few others who play FE. However, posting on internet forums, not so much. But again, I did pick 3 physical classes.

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