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what 3 FE classes (any game) fit you best?


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What happens when you're intellectual, but you swing around a sword like a maniac and takes karate?

Since well... me being a sword-swinging math nerd...

How a description of you manages to fit me so well is beyond me, Lumi.

I'd like to say Hero, but it's more like Mage Fighter. I swing a sword around like I have no idea how (I don't). I'm a math nerd in every sense of the phrase. And I'm almost a black belt in Hapkido (google it if you have to).

Edited by Camtech086
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actually I am breakin the rules and havimg 4 now >.< I wanna be a mage fighter two except with actually decent atk stat.

Edited by Griffen78
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What happens when you're intellectual, but you swing around a sword like a maniac and takes karate?

Since well... me being a sword-swinging math nerd...

Dismounted Master Knight.

As for me...

Sage: I just like magic. KEWL

Swordmaster: I'm not very fast, though I can dodge pretty well. And I <3 SMs

Sniper: I've done Archery once. I did pretty well, IMO.

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I myself consider myself an athlete and know quite a few others who play FE. However, posting on internet forums, not so much. But again, I did pick 3 physical classes.

My post is on personal experience with....a high school of football-nuts.

No offense. biggrin.gif

What happens when you're intellectual, but you swing around a sword like a maniac and takes karate?

Since well... me being a sword-swinging math nerd...

You become a Badass-Bookworm-Lightning-Bruiser, yah? Now, let me hide behind you so I can cast magic. laugh.gif

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1) Sniper. This really shouldn't be difficult to figure out. I was also pretty decent the one time I used a bow and arrow.

2) Thief. Mostly the "I'm going to sit here inconspicuously, see people from far away, and try not to get hit" part rather than actually stealing though XD

3) Bard. I like music and I'm semi-decent-ish with a guitar, so yeah.

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Well I'm probably too below average at anything to actually be any of these classes but...

1. Armour Knight: I can take pain like nobodies business. And by that I mean usually I just don't feel like putting forth the effort to respond to things that hurt me. Also, I always try to get through allergies/sickness without medicine. The only problem is that I'm not buff at all. So basically theres no way I'd be able to wear all that armor. Also I like protecting people and helping people.

2. Peg. Knight: Heck yes contradictions and male peg. knights. But really I am good at dodging and not super strong. I like animals, so y'know that goes with the whole Pegasus thing. But I'm afraid of heights...that might be an issue.

3. Fighter/Mercenary mix: High HP, above average STR, Low SKL, Slightly above average SPD, Average DEF. That is an easy way to describe me. I think I'm probably too weak for axes though.

HP: 90% No joke I can take tons of hits.

Str: 70% I'm a decent lifter/pucher/hitter. The reason for this being 70 though is that my base STR would be awful because though i look frail, I am stronger than I look.

Mag: 55% I'm pretty smart without hardly any effort so yeah.

Skl: 20% I have the worst hand-eye coordination ever. And I'm clumsy. When I throw or kick a ball it never goes where its supposed to.

Spd: 60% Dodging and running away from things is what I do best. And I can hit fast.

Luck: 0% I have the worst luck ever. Its almost unbelievable how unfortunate and coincidental the things that happen to me are.

Def: 45% I can take damage but I'm not super buff or anything so really the damage resistance is caused more of a mental thing than a physical thing for me.

Res: 60% Same as above, but I would put this as mental so magic wouldn't do much to me.

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1. Knight>General I don't go down in a fight. Last time the fight ended with the other spraining his hand when he punched me in the face.

2. Brigand>Berserker Following my impulses and going batshit is something I have a hard time controling sometimes.

3. Thief>Rogue I love the fact that I can still punch and kick like in a normal fight even if I am wearing a knife. And did I mention I like to have 3-4 hidden on my body?

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1. Thief/Rogue/Whisper, mostly Whisper. Intelligence = :B):.

So by that, I understood that you meant every strong, buff guy is a dumbass. Because Whispers suck and don't really put their "intellegence" in play, most of the time.

And I just looove the fact that in everyone of these topic, regarding forum, always have the typicity of having users state how freaking strong, fast and durable they are, just because they know how to play football, or some other sport well. Then, when it comes to giving growths, they usually seem to give themselves high Str/Spd and Def, and pathetic Skill, Luck and Res. It's like everyone wishes to be a bad*ss like Sigurd and Hector.

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IRL Skill is IMO one of the hardest thing to obtain.

Strength is easy enough. Just work out like crazy and it will improve.

Skill requires great coordination and is something that not everyone can have.

Like me. My strength has greatly improved over these few years, but my accuracy is still terribad. Especially my long-range accuracy. God. I should never play basketball even if it weren't for me being short.

I only have 45% skill because of Odo Blood. I really have -15% base. :P

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Mag & Res are the hardest to obtain. Like strength, Skill also requires practice. People think that just because they can cure of colds easily, or because they are "very smart" they are already full-fledged, battle-ready Mages. xP

"ololol i do baseball and fencing so i am super strong and am as good as the black knight"

Yes, I've actually heard that.

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Seriously? WTF.

Oh right. I forgot about those two. Haha.

I see RES as Will, really, since they're that in some other RPs.

Mag would correlate to IQ if you go IRL, though. But yeah. To obtain it would be the hardest, since raising IQ=hard as hell. But the way I see it, the higher the IQ the higher the mag growth (prepromotes excluded). But that's just me.

After that I'd say Skill and Luck are harder, though.

While Skill can be obtained through practice, I still find it harder than gaining Strength.

Or maybe that's just me.

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And I just looove the fact that in everyone of these topic, regarding forum, always have the typicity of having users state how freaking strong, fast and durable they are, just because they know how to play football, or some other sport well.

I didnt. I just chose classes I like I suit. Not sportive ones.

inb4tonsofotherpeoplesay"NOTME >:|"

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Hmm... (Going a bit overboard and into extra information.)

Knight -> General: I've been dealing with a certain condition for years. Physical and mental attacks are normally shrugged off.

Thief -> Assassin: It seems I have an innate Pass skill from FE 10. I prefer to stay in the shadows, not interfering with anyone's business unless given a good reason.

Priest -> Bishop: Despite appearances, I am a religious man. I also assist people in need occasionally, but quickly depart afterwards.

Inaccurate Information:

HP 65%, STR 40%, MAG 55%, SKL 30%, SPD 50%, LCK ??%, DEF 40% RES 35%

Biorhythm: Typically a straight, passive line, but occasionally can take extreme paths off of the line in either direction. (Normally passive, but can be dominated by emotions.)

Affinity: Earth (Born into an Earth sign, tendency to be passive unless provoked)

Support Path: Tends to be a loner and nonsocial. However, he will respond to people he has respect for.

Commander Relation: Will follow orders, but will not hesitant to question them if it goes against his code.

HP-With the condition I've been living with, it has made me slightly more resistant to things. However, I'm not exactly the definition of a healthy human.

STR- Despite being able to shrug attacks off, I am not the strongest person around.

MAG- Not quite sure how MAG converts to real life, so I'll use the strength of will / intelligence here.

SKL- Accuracy is quite low. Don't ask me to toss something at you, it'll scatter elsewhere.

SPD- Despite appearances, I can be agile in short bursts. However, constant drain over time will tire me out.

LCK- Depending on who you talk to, I can be either blessed or cursed. If one believes in fortunes, there were two directly opposite paths: Premature Death or a Fulfilling Life. Basically, All or Nothing.

DEF- I am able to take physical harm fairly well.

RES-Verbal and mental assaults are generally resisted, but should they pass the barrier, it has the potential to inflict massive temporary damage.

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1. Swordmaster. Surprise. But I am pretty nimble and fast sometimes get STR-screwed. :awesome:

2. Fire Mage/Sage. I've always been fascinated by fire as much I can be without being a pyromaniac psychopath. ^_^

And when you add the two together you get

3. Mage Fighter! With sword and tome in hand, I fear no evil!

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Sage: I love Magic. Especially the elemental ones. Summoning thunder and tornadoes is some pro stuff. I would burn the weave of a girl that I don't like. I can already imagine it.

Shaman: I'm a nerd and I wear glasses. No more needs to be said.

Transporter: I like organizing stuff and I'm neat.

If I only can pick one I'd pick Sage

[spoiler=Growth Rates]

HP:30% My endurance is pathically low

Magic:55% I'm a nerd. What can you say?

Strength:10% I'm weak. The heaviest thing I've ever carried were 3 textbooks

Skill:35% Poor eye sight sounds about right. But I'm not blind yet

Speed:30% I can't even run for 10 mintues straight.

Luck: 35% I'm fairly unlucky. Especially when it comes to games.

Def:15%: I can not take hits at all.

Res: 45%: Like a magic unit should be.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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