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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Altenau: The Peaceful Township

Beyond the plains, hills, and forests leading away from Burgosas was Altenau, one of many settlements in the central regions of Septimus. News didn't take long to reach them about the assault in the capital. What little military force they had was stationed all around the outer town limits fully expecting an all out attack by the Brute's forces. Some time after all their preparations were complete, a small battalion of cavalry was spotted coming up the road, their standard belonging to Jace's faction. Each archer took aim and each cavalier readied his weapon. They were expecting a fight.

The town went on full alert when a flare was sent up into the sky by a helpful fire mage. The man leading the cavalry left the mayor's manse and mounted his horse taking his silver lance in hand. As he road off toward the entrance the enemy battalion was heading toward, two other horsemen flanked him.

Cavalier: Captain Edwards! Please slow down, Sir! We have just a little time left to prepare before they reach the town. I recommend giving out orders for the rest of the troops.

Edwards: Already done, corporal. The remaining units are to remain spread throughout the city to pick off any rebels who slip past the front line. Everyone else is assigned to the front lines to quickly and thoroughly push them back. We need to inflict heavy casualties from the start or this fight will be long and arduous.

Cavalier: Yes, Sir.

Edwards: And you, boy!

He yelled out at the other cavalier who was little more than a novice. He nearly fell off his horse at the sudden sound of his mention! Steadying himself and getting a firm grip on the reins again, he nervously eyed the captain.

Edwards: Look alive, Adam! This is war!

Adam: Y-yes, Sir.

When the three cavaliers reached the gates, they saw the battalion in the distance and even noticed the archers were actually taking aim. They were rather close. Close enough for a sniper to take somewhat accurate shots even.

Cavalier: That report was belated. They're closer than we thought.

Edwards: Too late to fret over it now.

The battalion suddenly halted its approach just out of the archers' range and a single mounted messenger road forth waving a scroll around in his hand. Edwards raised an eyebrow at the display. They were clearly delivering a message, but what did it entail? Once the rider reached them, all aim was on him. The other units stayed put as the messenger dismounted and took a long walk toward the militia opening the scroll on his way. He began reading as he came to a stop a few meters in front of Edwards.

Messenger: ATTENTION: People of Septimus. The city of Burgosas has fallen to the wrath of the Brute. Its military defeated, its King and Queen subjugated, and its populace mercifully spared. The Brute is now in command of Septimus' military power. All military forces throughout the land are hereby ordered to cease fighting and reorganize in preparation for new orders. A great threat lies in front of us, and there is little room for begrudging feelings. Only together can we protect our great nation from Halton's soon coming aggression.

He closed the scroll and looked up at Edwards atop his horse.

Messenger: So. What say you? Will you join us, or will we have to rout you first?

Edwards: The decision isn't mine to make, boy. Get back to that group of hustlers and wait for our reply. I need to see the mayor about this.

The messenger nodded and proceeded to get back on his horse. Before he could rejoin his fellow soldiers a speeding bolt coming from far behind the battalion and far above the trees came down like lightning and struck the messenger square in the chest knocking him from his horse! Eyes everywhere searched the skies for the source of the bolt only to find an overcast sky.

Edwards: Are Halton's wyvern riders carrying ballistae around now? This can't be right.

Suddenly another bolt came down and a soldier mixed in with the battalion was killed, a direct impact piercing through his skull! The bolt rested in the ground below him where the men got a closer look at it. It was not an arrow at all. It was a petrified mass of rotting flesh and bone shaped like a crystal shard. The men gave each other confused looks, and then began to scatter as the sound of whistling indicated more of them coming down! Edwards watched in shock along with the town militia as the battalion scattered. The bolts began raining down all over the place covering a wide area!

Edwards: Shields up!

Those who could raised their shields only to find themselves still being struck. The bolts passed through even the toughest steel armor. The militia fell back into the city as man after man was struck down. Edwards began riding for the mansion along with Adam and the other cavalier. On the way the cavalier was struck in the back and fell from his horse! Once they arrived, the entire town was in panic. He dismounted his horse and ran into the mayor's manse. He stormed the office hoping to whisk the man away but found him dead in his office. The bolt in his skull told Edwards enough. He turned to leave.

Adam flinched when a bolt landed near him. It was an eerie little thing and what he hadn't noticed until just that moment, the bolt disappeared into the ground digging its way down into the earth. His jaw dropped as Edwards returned.

Edwards: We're getting out of here, boy! The mayor's dead. Come on!

Adam: Captain, something's wrong with those arrows! They're just going into the gro-

Edwards: No time, boy! Come on! We're leaving! We have to get help-

As the man tried to convince Adam of the dire situation, he himself was struck in the shoulder! The force alone sent him to the ground with a loud cry. Adam was almost off his horse intent on helping Captain Edwards, but the man shooed him away.

Edwards: Dammit, boy! Get out of here! Get out of heeeere! Send for help!

Adam hung his head for a moment and then nodded. He would have to go find help, but would anyone still be alive by the time he returned? He doubted it, but he was given an order by his injured captain. He would follow it. Without saying a word, he rode off heading for the south eastern road. As Edwards removed the bolt from his hand, it softened considerably. Soon he was holding up a tendril in his hand and staring at it in horror!

Edwards: What ... sorcery is this?!

As hand suddenly appeared on his side and the severed tendril leaped out of his hand at it. Landing in its palm, it disappeared into the robed arm and Edwards turned around to see a beautiful woman with a mischievous look on her face kneeling behind him. He could already tell something was amiss. All the while the bolts continued to come down slaughtering the township.

Woman: A beautiful day, isn't it? Perfect for a massacre.

Edwards: ... w-who ... are you?

As Adam made his way down the road, he looked back at Altenau to see tiny black bolts raining down in the distance and the screams were reaching his ear and wearing him down. He quickly continued down the road but had to stop again when massive tendrils began to spring up from the ground! Each one came at him aiming to grab him right off his horse. He couldn't be captured. For all he knew he was the only one that had gotten out. He had to tell someone what had happened. He kicked his horse into a gallop and outran the pursuing monstrosities!

Kalten Zaftra

After some days of trekking through the snow, Ivan, Vladimir, and several others had finished scouting the region. They stood outside the capital city of Kalten. The entire area lied in ruins covered in thick layer of ice and snow. But off in the distance at the top of the mountains was the mega fortress. Surrounded by four enormous citadels, the fortress housed the royal family, and thousands of soldiers. For twenty-five years it had remained exactly the same.

Ivan: So this is what we're fighting for. A frozen wasteland.

Vlad: Uh, you already said that. Look I know we're being a little aggressive here, but Zaftra has forced our hand. If they want to let our country die that's their business, but they can't expect us not to do something about it. Ivanko's got a plan that will give us an edge and lower our casualties so I'm all for it.

Ivan: Ivanko's not infallible, Vlad. I hate that he waited so long to tell us what was going on and expects us to just go along with it. Pretty much everyone is, but still ... it's crazy to spring this on us. I'm going to do what I'm told, but dammit, this is just terrible timing and a terrible idea. Twenty-five hundred versus at least six thousand?

Vlad: Are you always this finicky? Most of us suspected we would be made to do something off the wall like these when we received the blood pact. The simple fact is we're more than just mercenaries. We're a league above the common sellswords. We've got a bigger destiny than them. Ivanko knows that I'm sure, or he wouldn't have made our organization so damn big. From the beginning I was looking forward to something like these. Well ... not like these, but something grand. Something to show the world just what we're capable of. Now's our chance.

Ivan: Whatever. I'll fight, and I'll see if what Ivanko has planned is really all that grand.

Vlad: If restoring the country isn't grand enough for you, then you need help ...

Ivan: >_>

The Group Finally Settles

After several hours of heading up the road, the Crimson Brigade came to the edge of a forested area, the road leading straight through it. Burgosas and the smoke rising above the city had long vanished beyond the horizon. Now they were far from civilization and the roads lied empty. Headed by Kelas, the group eventually stopped to rest in a small clearing where it was safe to set up camp. With a good view of all that was around them, they had good warning of any intruders.

It only took a short while to set up, and then Levski removed all of the luggage from Krinkov's torso. The wyvern stood up on his two hind legs and flexed his forearms and wings. He could tell that even though the luggage was heavy, he was a lot stronger now. A bit satisfied that other wyverns even his own size would be easy pickings, he gladly accepted his role as luggage carrier. For now though, Lev was using him as a scout wyvern. Lev came up to Luc so he could tell him beforehand.

Lev: Alright, I'm getting ready to head back with the Comet to take a look. Leave whenever you're ready I guess.

Irina wasted no time in running up to him hearing that it was time to go.

Irina: Wait, what should I do with the pink wyvern?

Lev: Take a look.

She looked over to see the female nearly crushed under all the things Krinkov had been carrying. She literally couldn't do anything but crawl across the ground. The weight was simply too much for her. Irina's jaw dropped!

Irina: Lev, you jerk! What did you do that for?! Can she even breathe under there?

Lev: So go untie her. Anyway, I need you to stay here while I search. Get to know the new wyvern and try to get started on getting her rider trained. I'd prefer it if you focused on that.

Irina: You need to cover more ground though.

Lev: Irina, just do me these one favor. If she was already trained I would let you come with.

Irina: That's not fair. Tas is my friend you know.

Lev: Then I'll look extra hard, now stay here.

She sighed and walked off to untie the pink wyvern fearing she might suffocate eventually or simply be more unfriendly than usual. Krinkov was a bit disappointed though. He liked seeing the pink one unable to move around or cause any trouble. She wasn't making much noise being weighed down either. His master had pleased him mightily with such a conniving move. A display of intelligence nearly rivaling his own it seemed. Why was Irina so intent on ruining such a good thing? Well at least they were leaving so he wouldn't have to listen to the pink one's whining he thought.

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Luc Altair and the Fargo

"Very well," Luc answered Levski. "Fargo and I will concentrate our search to the southwest of the city." Luc wanted that direction because it wasn't from where Paul had come from, and the spy had not seen hide nor hair of the missing Tas or Prince Tristan. There were plenty of locations near that Paul hadn't been seen of course, but it Paul hadn't seen them and Levski had, then they were bound to have been a fair bit of distance already away.

Luc turned to his subordinate and spoke an order. "Fargo, we ride."

"Yes Captain."

The two cavaliers once again set out in search of the missing. About halfway through the woods Luc broke the silence. "Fargo, keep your eyes sharp. Now, Paul, who gave you these scrolls?"

"Speak up!" Paul yelled from his saddlebag. "That cape of yours makes it even harder to hear!"

This was no time for pointless arguments so Luc undid the cape keeping his head wrapped and asked again. "Who gave you those scrolls Paul?"

"One of Richtor's spies in Burgoras--"

"--Burgosas." Luc corrected the spy.

"Whatever. One of Richtor's spies in Burgoras. I didn't get the time to check them between all my looting."

"You were looting? You're a disgrace to Directus."

"Completely and utterly. But someone needs to handle your bribe money."

"Don't pin this on me. No, that's not important," Luc had almost been sidetracked by Paul's unscrupulous methods. Not that he didn't know that Councilman Richtor's spies stole things, just that they usually did so from enemies. But that wasn't important right now. "The scrolls detail several plans regarding possible security around Burgosas. Including which gates the spies could open if an army comes to reclaim the city with varying degrees of success based on planned sabotage missions."

"Man, they're almost as good as I am." Paul added a laugh unto his truth.

"There's also something in the double-cipher scroll," Luc continued on ignoring Paul's haughtiness. "Supposedly Halton may have plans to invade."

"What!" Fargo yelled too damn loud.

"Quiet," Luc commanded. "They've already sent a report to Councilman Richtor, but they also say it was one of Jace's own that they learned this from."

Paul laughed again. "The joys of being played."

"This is why I like competent people," Luc noted to himself. Everything always went so much smoother when everyone was smart.

(OOC: Might be a tad bit tooooo far, if it is tell me and I can edit, possibly, yes, hmm mmm!)

(EDIT: Fixed some spelling. Luc called the city the wrong name, yes he did but now he didn't hmmm.)

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"How are you and your pegasus doing?" asked Tas as he continued working on his project for trying to scrap together a harness for the hatchling out of Namid's extra rigging. The little, red wyvern wasn't sure what to think of it. After all, the bigger wyvern often had this kind of stuff on him and he didn't mind it one bit. However, it felt strange against his fine scales and he didn't like holding still on the ground so much. The little one flicked his tail and fanned his wings then began shifting his weight from one side to the other in boredom and to soothe his leg muscles.

Tas, the prince and their beasts had escaped Burgosas but the courier wasn't sure if they were safe. They'd wound up flying a fair bit to the northwest and quite nearby was a forest. The rolling, tan hills persisted, though, only flattening out into plains just near the forest to the west. Currently, they were resting tucked between hills. It was good enough cover, especially for a swift leap into the air if necissary. There was no campfire, though and currently Namid was off hunting. It would be an interesting experience for him since Namid rarely had to hunt and these were unfamilliar grounds. Tas just hoped that they weren't accidentally invading a wild wyvern's territory.


Beau didn't find his being unharmed and unrobbed much of a miracle. With the masses having been around so much, he figured he might as well have been in the city its self and there was strength in numbers. Even so, now was a good time to continue his treck westward. He didn't like the idea of heading south, though. He didn't want to get any closer to his homeland. Not yet.

He had managed to purchase a ride with a westbound merchant and had been dozing on and off in the back of the cart, still trying to recover himself from healing so many. With a glance outside, he saw the crowds were thinning out. (How far have I gone, I wonder? It's no good to not know where I am.) "Hey! Merchant! Where exactly in Septimus are we?" he called to the wagon's driver.

"Oh, we're pleanty far from Burgosas by now, though we're not quite to anywhere we're going," veaguely replued the very relaxed merchant.

Beau's eyes fell into an unamused glare. He'd wanted something more specific than that. "And where is it that we're going?" he asked dully.

"West! I figured I'd do well in Jerdon! You can ride the whole way if you'd like. After all, you did pay enough for it!" cheerfully replied the unphased merchant.

(Hm. Jerdon, was it? I haven't been there before...) Beau wondered as he leaned back on some of the merchant's fabrics. He smiled as he closed his eyes to rest a little again. (That might be fun. I think I'll just let him wake me up when we get there if I'm still asleep.)

"Though, I'm not going too far into that country. Just a town on the edge of the border for starters," continued the merchant.

"That's fine. I'd rather continue on my own when we get there anyway," Beau replied without budging and keeping his eyes closed, "Wake me up if you need me or if something interesting happens. It'd be nice to know what towns we come across."

"Yessir, Mr. Beau!" replied the merchant.

Beau had told the merchant his first name, yes, though never mentioned his surname. He still wanted to keep the man quiet about his full identity. After all, the man seemed to be a bubbly chatterbox in his own right and he knew that no matter how friendly the man was, he was a merchant and that emant that perhaps the only reason for his cheeriness was the gold Beau had paid him. 70 gold wasn't much for Beau, espcially not with the gold he had at home. The price might have seen rather much just to get a ride, but he had paid enough to go pretty much as far as he wanted to. It also ensured the man's good mood, which Beau had learned was rather beneficial.

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"It would have to rain," Kelas muttered as the first few drops landed in the campfire she'd been trying to build, hissing as they made contact with the flames. It had clouded over as they'd traveled, but she'd hoped that it had merely been a case of miserable-looking weather, rather than actual miserable weather.

It had been an uneventful ride; they'd passed groups of civilians, no longer fleeing in a mad rush, but trudging along in groups, resigned to whatever came next. They'd mercifully avoided any patrols.

Now they were camped out, but without any proper shelter against the coming rain. "Well, this is going to be fun," Kelas sighed, putting more wood on the fire. It at least wasn't raining hard enough to put it out yet, but it was enough to make it seem colder out.

Arrin sat close by, wrapped up in his traveling cloak. The cat had decided that his pack was too cold and was now poking its head irritably out of the cloak's collar, wishing the Boy had chosen somewhere better to sit. "Are there really no towns nearby?" Arrin asked without much hope.

"Not that we can reach without a few people passing out, I think," Kelas replied. "I guess we just hope that this passes over for now." She wasn't too worried about herself; she was used to sleeping outside, rain or not, but she knew that most of the others weren't.

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As the carriage rolled along the dirt roads, the pace was quiet slow, due to the civilians fleeing. Mud was being kicked up on the wheels, as well as the people walking next to the carriage, much to their dismay. Vera sat up from peering over her map, before noticing a large man in armor on a jet black horse over near a large group. She signaled for the drivers to stop, pulling up to the large group.

Vera stepped outside, before yelling to the man. "Uncle Conrad, is that you?"

Rosy walked outside with her, boy in tow. She began to help the drivers unload the trunks.

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"Oh great," Reika muttered, rolling her eyes. How many people would continue to barge in and try to join them? She knew the routine. Conversation and then they'd join. The only exception to her rule was Sadie, which was an irregular case.

Stupid girl, that bard was.

And what was worse was the fact they were soldiers. This was getting unbearable. They already had lots of soldiers as it was, more was going to be tough for her to hold herself back.

This job had better be over soon.

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Tobe shivered as he got out of the carriage. His uniform was in decent enough repair for once, but it was meant for indoors, certainly not for the rain. He looked around: what had that lady found? With interest he noted a large group apparently getting ready to camp out despite the rain, the two from before among them.

The lady and her friend were'nt paying him attention, so he ventured forward. The lady with the dark hair from before at least had a fire going, he could probably sit there... and there were horses! That was good. Horses were warm and friendly; they didn't usually mind having him around, even the big ones what nobles rode and got bit by. He headed for the one nearest the fire, a red roan mare, and sat down between her forelegs, using her belly as shelter from the rain. The mare snorted, but did nothing to dislodge this human-colt who had attached himself to her. For all she didn't much like humans, some of them she could just tell were good sorts; this was such a one.

"What's this now?" Kelas asked as the carriage drew up. They hadn't had to share the road with many vehicles, certainly none as expensive as this one. Its horses looked tired, too; it might have been from further away from the capital. She watched the occupants get out: they didn't look like too much of a threat, and one seemed to be looking for Conrad. Best to wait and see what they did...

With alarm she saw one of them, a scrawny boy, dart forward and hide under Amari's belly. "Boy! Get away, she doesn't like strangers!" she snapped, getting up and running to pull the boy away when Amari's inevitable attack came. The mare was usually not as bad around children, but when they got this close...

"Aw, she's a good sort, don't worry, lady," Tobe replied. "I dint know you and your friend knew the lady."

"I don't-- hey! You're that kid from before!" Kelas realized. "You would come all the way from the palace to make a pest of yourself, wouldn't you?"

"Palace don't need me now, and the lady knows my da," Tobe replied nonchalantly. "You and your friend en't interesting enough to follow, don't be daft."

"Who's your da?"

"Name's Kleine. I donno him." Tobe shrugged. "Figured I'd try find him."

Kelas' brow furrowed for a moment. If this boy was Damian's, there would only be trouble when Damian, Aiya, or Esphyr found out. "Tell you what, you stay there for now," Kelas told him with a sigh. "You da isn't here, maybe the others'll figure something out later." Even if the newcomers turned out to be hostile, she didn't really see the point in antagonizing a child, even an irritating one, especially when Amari tolerated him: he couldn't be a demon.

"Kelas? What's going on?" Arrin asked, looking up.

"I dunno. Looks like military, but not Septimian, and nothing usual. I'd say we just wait and see, for now." Kelas turned back to watch the proceedings. If these weren't demons, then any fight that could break out would at least be quick.

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Kleine...Kleine...Oh.... Reika realized exactly who the name Kleine belonged to.

Oh ha ha ha ha ha. This is just a golden opportunity. Maybe teach the kid to stay the hell away from Halton. I doubt Damian'd even pay attention to him anyway, too busy screwing.

"Kleine you say? Huh, sounds familiar..." Reika said to the boy a smile on her face.

"Reika....what are you up to..." Alferis groaned, resolving to punch Damian in the face later.

Goddammit Damian.

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Rosy: ((Cause I can :P ))

As Vera was talking with someone, and the boy bounded off somewhere, Rosy supervised the drivers unloading the trunks. She searched around quickly for something, before closing the trunks, as not to get things wet. She walked over to the nomads where the boy had went, before speaking. "I am Major Rosalind Scheffer, and my commander over there is Major General Vera Tyrell. She is General Conrad Jackson's niece on her mother's side. We are Halton soldiers, sent to Elysimia for a matter of business, but came this way to find Jackson. We've also heard a Colonel Klein is with this group. That would lead me to think a certain Bull-riding Lieutenant is with you as well. Could you point me in her direction? I have some matters we need to discuss."

Rosy held her insignia out for Kelas to see, saluting with her other hand.

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Scout General, Storm-lover, and The Princess Guard

Almost immediately after the group set up camp, Alex made her way over to the dark red wyvern Lev seemed to ride. She had to find the prince, and fast. barely controlling herself, the Septimian tapped her boot against the ground while Lev prepared for the expedition.

Derek was rather relaxed for a man being hunted by an army. Ever since they had set camp, the cavalier had made sure his weapons and armor were still functional, before turning to see the new arrivals. It seemed to be the niece of Conrad, so, he paid little attention, and began whistling. Perfect weather for a retreat.

Eric, on the other hand, was not liking the weather. Mainly because it reduced visibility, but he wasn't really considering that that might be a good thing. The myrmidon paced the campsite, frustrated with the difficulty of spotting people in advance.

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In The Camp

Once he had his lance in hand, Levski mounted up and waved for the Comet to get on behind him so they could take off. That was when the carriage appeared in the distance. Lev squinted his eyes to block out some of the excess view around him and get a better focus. It looked pretty expensive so it was either a noble, or a high ranking officer, possibly in retreat from the battle of Burgosas same as them.

Lev: Well what do we have here? Eh, not that it matters. We've got searching to do.

Over by the other two wyverns Irina had just finished untying all of the luggage from the pink one and Kiev watched curiously as it all fell from her torso. She shook herself off and then shot Irina an annoyed look. It was about time, furthermore, why hadn't she been fed yet? Those chickens were all for the young one weren't they? That wasn't fair. She was the female. She had the power to make more of her kind and therefore was far and away more valuable than an adolescent dummy. Irina looked up at the sight of the people stepping out of the carriage and tilted her head. Who were they?

Iso stood by Kelas initially but stepped over to the fire when she went to shoo the servant boy from Amari. He didn't know who these people were but he didn't think he would have to get involved which was a good thing he felt. At the moment he simply wanted to focus on what to do next. He'd probably speak with Irina soon. Trying to do everything with just him and Kelas wasn't working all on its own. They needed others, but these others needed to be people they could truly trust and rely on. Who better than his own sister for starters. He'd fought with her in every battle since they were reunited. He knew her tactics and she knew his.

Meanwhile Conrad was busy looking through Thunderbolt's saddlebags. He didn't have time to find what he was looking for before he heard his name called. Turning around he saw the carriage and the emerging figures.

Conrad: (A wagon? I hadn't noticed ... Vera?)

Viveka looked over with a suspicious and very aggressive stare. Who was this woman? She wasn't wearing Elyisimian colors which meant she was from another military, most likely Halton. That made things a bit more uncomfortable. She quickly came over to Conrad and stood by him making sure not to take her eyes off the woman.

Viveka: Do you know her, Sir?

Conrad: Vera. My niece. Hm, of all the places.

Viveka: Indeed, of all the places.

Being polite, Conrad decided to wave to the newcomers with a friendly smile. He wasn't all there though. His head was still elsewhere. Watching the group for the longest time had let him know everything he needed to about their chances, and what needed to be done to improve them.

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Morgan sat in the rain, pondering the next course of action the group would take. I hardly thought that we would be stuck in a battlefield. People are soo foolish, squabbling over petty matters while a greater threat looms. We should certainly leave Septimus once our business with Helenos concludes.


"I think we're fine, relatively speaking of course, though a trip to a healer eventually would do us some good." Tristan said to Tas. Then it began to rain. Tristan sighed "Things just had to get worse... I'm sorry, I don't know how to make a shelter or campfire or anything." he apologized. Bellerophon rested his head against the ground. Usually he would not assume such a weak position in front of a potential enemy but he was feeling rather tired at the moment.

On the Road

Xaver cursed as it began to rain. "Are you fine to keep going?" he asked Kamilla. "I wanted to get to Urisibus today..."

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Vera and Rosy:

"Hi Uncle. I suppose I should explain why I'm here, but maybe once the rain clears up. We can discuss things over dinner later. I have some....news to tell you later." Vera turned towards Viveka. "Wait, I remember her. She was the new recruit you had spoken about long ago. Veronica, I think?

Rosy meanwhile turned from the nomad, having learned nothing. She walked over towards Viveka and Vera, before telling Vera of the news. "Ma'am! It appears that Klein is indeed traveling with this group. That means that Lieutenant is here as well."

"Hm? Oh yes. I suppose we should get them all together and discuss what has happened in the capital today later."



Pary had awoken from his nap on the back of a horse, before jumping down. He walked over towards Charlotte, before speaking with her. "The grand cleric is our next destination? I imagine we should think of something after what has happened with Jace in the capital."

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Tas frowned a little. "I'm not sure where we can find a healer... Or at least one that we can trust. That attack on the capital got me thinking. After all, it's hard to figure where all those enemies came from. Makes me think that enemies can be anywhere," mused Tas as he tied a knot in the harness he was making. A few drops of water fell on his head and back. With a sigh, he mentally acknowleged the rain that was starting to fall. He'd worried about this. "As for shelter or a campfire... Well, I don't know how to start a fire either. Though when Namid gets back we can take at least some cover in that forest to the west. If we leave before he gets back then he might not be able to find us very well since this rain makes thigns harder to see and smell. For now, the best shelter we have are these hills. If we stay down here then they can be a windbreak and we won't be too wet. Also, I'd advise you stay up against your pegasus. You both put off heat, so you can keep each other warm."

The harness wasn't even near completion, so he simply undid what he had already done and put the leather straps and iron rings back into Namid's saddlebags. He'd taken Namid's rigging off so as not to arouse too much suspicion and to enable Namid more freedom. The bundle of eggs was safely under the saddle's arch allong with Tas' other supplies to help keep them warm. Tas put the hatchling under the saddle, too, so that he would be out of the rain. He didn't expect that the little wyvern would venture out since he was showing clear signs of dislike to the rain. Tas stayed next to the saddle. He could feel the hatchling curling up against his leg for more warmth. (I have to look after them. I just hope I don't catch a cold or something...) Dispite his worries, Tas seemed very relaxed, even to the point of smiling.

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Viveka: It's Viveka. (Veronica's the insane one.)

Conrad: Right. Vera, this is Captain Viveka. Viveka, this is General Vera. She's in Halton's military.

Viveka: I figured as much. Hello.

Viveka's voice was rather apprehensive. She was clearly distrusting at the very least, relative or not.

Conrad: There is only so much to talk about what happened in Burgosas, but if you insist on a meeting then I suppose we could discuss it. (This may provide a clue to Halton's intentions which helps.)

Viveka: (As long as we don't have to get directly involved, it shouldn't be a problem ...)

Kamilla And The Gang

As the rain started, Kamilla slowed her pace. It was terribly uncomfortable. The thought of being wet and out in the rain. Knowing it was only going to get worse as time went on. The threat of catching a cold. She shivered more from the worry than the cold. That's when Xaver turned around to see if she would continue. Well she certainly didn't want to stay in that mess.

Kamilla: We have to keep going. We don't have any shelter out here, and ... and like you said, we do need to reach the Grand Cleric as soon as possible. I'll try to keep up, it's just so ... wet.

It crossed her mind to place Sanctuary over her head to block at least some of the rain, but the book was priceless and she didn't want the pages ruined even a little. In fact she'd been using herself as shelter for the book, hunching over and using one of her hands to cover the tops of the pages which were always exposed. She was missing the roof and shelter provided by Shamus' wagon already.

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With a shrug, Kelas moved back to the fire, shivering a bit. "How can this day possibly get stranger?" she sighed.

"Don't ask that question," Arrin advised. "It never has a good answer."

"True enough," Kelas admitted. "Still, getting caught in a revolution... we've just got all the luck, haven't we?"

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"I don't think the Grand Cleric would be very happy to see us, with some us being Crimson Weapon wielders and all." Charlotte responded to Pary, frowning. "I am not sure how deep the corruption is here in Septimus, though I think we can trust the government of Directus. Perhaps we should go back there." she said. We're actually getting near Jerdon now, but going home would probably just put us in more danger. she thought to herself, sighing.


"I just never thought anything like this would happen. I mean Mother and Father are...were maybe not the most interesting people, but they were pretty good rulers from what I heard. They kept Septimus out of war, helped rebuild the nation after all that trouble with the demons, gave people jobs and refuge. I guess because Jace helped save the world once, he thinks he's fit to rule Septimus and Jerdon and whatever else. But swinging a sword or an axe or whatever doesn't make you a good leader, leaders are people who write bills and discuss policy and whatnot, not warriors. Though I suppose I have little room to talk, since I don't appear to be either." he said, leaning up against Bellerophon.

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"Brr....I hate the rain," said Alferis, shivering and getting soaked. "Uh, I guess we're stopping here for the night? Set up tents? Maybe? Anyone?"

Heading towards Reika, he whispered into her ear, keeping his voice deadly quiet.

"I have to talk to you about something later. Preferably now but..."

"Yeah yeah," she muttered, waving him away. "Go do whatever. I'm busy right now."

"So kid, you're the son of Kleine eh? Fun. How'd your mother meet him anyway?" she asked in a neutral tone, a tone best for subtle interrogation.

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"I donno my ma," Tobe replied guardedly, peering out from behind Amari's forelegs. This girl was acting rather differently than the others had; he recognized it, she wanted to hurt someone. Maybe him, maybe not. Some of the servants, some of the nobles had been like that. "Why you askin'? You en't old enough to be my ma."

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"I think you make a sound argument. Looks like you'll be following in their footsteps once you get Septimus back. It'll take a while and it won't be easy, but I don't think it's impossible," Tas replied, "You just have to get strong enough to do it if that's what you want to do. I can't say I'll help you see this to completion, though. I'm no warrior so I can only help so much. Besides, I have my own objectives. But I'm sure there are lots of people who won't stand for this, so there's nothing to worry about. In fact, the best thing you can do right now is relax. Worry too much and you won't live to see this through."

The courier chuckled a little at the irony of his words. They were similar to what he'd been told for a long time. "Everyone always told me to learn when to say 'good enough.' They also taught me how to fly. 'Flying isn't a big leap - it takes lots of flaps.' Ah, the sayings you learn when you grow up on a wyvern ranch..." Tas muttered to himself as he leaned back against the wet hill, not minding the water so much and watching the rain fall.

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"Uh huh...." said Reika thoughtfully. Well if this doesn't confirm that Halton people are bastards, then I don't know what else does.

"Hm? Why am I asking? No reason really. Oi Aiya! Take a look at the kid!"

"Oh goddammit Reika," Alferis snarled. "Uh, yeah kid...as soon as we reach a safer place, you leave. Got it? We're not safe and trust me, when you're at this age, meeting your father is less important than staying alive."

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"You're probably right." Tristan conceded. "Just so much has happened so fast-it's hard to keep it all in perspective. Thank you Tas." He cracked a smile, "Talking about flying makes me remember when Bellerophon was just a foal. He kept wanting to fly faster and farther all the time, but I kept having to stop him so he wouldn't hurt himself. I suppose you did the same thing with me. One flap at a time..." Tristan said, staring off into the stormy horizon.

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Tas actually laughed good-naturedly at this, surrpised to find the humor here. "I suppose I did, didn't I? Well, I know about young fliers. The wyvern at the ranch could tell when they were getting close to being able to fly. They would always be jumping off of things and nearly breaking their neacks! My father used to tell me that I actually used to act similarly when I was two years old. So much so, in fact, that the ranchers used to look after me along with the fledglings!" Tas couldn't help but laugh at the memory a little.

"In fact, I'm having to look after a little wyvern right now. He sometimes tries jumping off of me to test his wings. Young wyverns have no sense at all!" Though the words sounded like a complaint, Tas was smiling, laying against the hillside and basking in his memories and fondness for wyverns.

"So, you said your pegasus was named Bellero or something? He sounds like even when he was just a fledgling himself he had dreams of grandeur," Tas related the conversation back to Tristan, imagining a small pegasus trying to flap his fluffy wings and jump off a fencepost.

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Luc Altair, the Fargo and a Paul

"Damnable weather," Luc noted with scorn as the first few drops of rain penetrated the wooded area and impacted on his head. Even with the trees giving some minor protection from the rain, the information stored on the scrolls was far too valuable to risk getting destroyed from water damage. Luc carefully stored the pieces inside his saddlebag and--with some regret at not just simply memorizing the scrolls contents so he could pursue any course of action in his mind--went back to focusing his attention on searching. Not that adding Luc's eyes to the look-out was much help; if there was any evidence that the Prince and Tas had been here it wasn't presenting itself. Not that it was surprising news, Luc would be cautious of leaving a trail as well. But in this case it might work against the missing two.

A fair bit of time passed as the three from Directus searched the forest in silence. There was the occasional refugee, sometimes even a small group, but beyond that there was nothing more than wet trees and slowly becoming mud ground in sight.

Fargo broke the silence. "Looks like this area's a bust Captain."

"Indeed," Luc acknowledged. Even if they hadn't explored more than a fraction of the area, the refugees would have shown some signs of noticing the unlikely combination of a wyvern and pegasus. Instead only the weariness of the day dictated their actions. "We make break for the forest's edge and circle back," Luc commanded.

"Yes, Captain."

The two and Paul charged off once again.

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