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Who do you think are the best Fire Emblem LPers out there?


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*Murders Cam with a DS*

You could have at least mentioned me ;~;

Even RAY thinks I'm better than him.

I did mention you. I asked you not to kill me.

Iunno. IMHO I think it's more entertaining to watch Ray raeg on his bloopers.

Fine. You do update more often than he does, I guess.

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FEWalkthroughs‎ is pretty good I think. He or she(Not sure which) has only done FE6 and 7 though. However, he/she doesn't talk in the videos. I find most people talking to have REALLY annoying voices.

I also enjoy BLSoldier00‎. However, he does more then FE and from the videos I've watched he doesn't talk.

Finally I enjoy ChristopherTheKnight‎. He's done FE4 and started on FE3 but hasn't worked on it lately. He does talk but he's funny so I can deal with it.

Edited by Guy Starwind
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BLS, Dondon, Ray (MK404), the great Interceptor, Narga, Anouleteh and DarkAndroid. And Balcerzak is to be included in this, too, of course. :awesome:

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I'd say Markyjoe1990, he's very funny and nonsensical but he also has a good sense of humor. but I've also been seeing Seph1212's LP's and they seem pretty good too

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I think I just mistaked playlogs with Let's Plays, and all of the ones I listed aside Ray and BLS have playlogs, but only Dondon has videos of them. His videos are usually descripted, yes.

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If I did talk during a video, it would be strategy talk. Not very exciting at all.

I kind of wanted to LP RD 0% but it took way too much time to practice for even one chapter, so that was a no-go.

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The only FE LP I've seen is MK404's, and the fact that he makes sound effects for combat kind of irks me.

Then again I leave animations off because I find them too tedious, so who am I to complain?

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Balcerzak is pretty good in terms of keeping things interesting, but his playstyle is a little too slow to make an exciting LP unfortunately.


Balcerzak needs to LP something exciting. And maintain him mostly calm demeanour during the fast paced bits. It would be an excellent juxtaposition.

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Honorable mention: Balcerzak's 1 LP ever was pretty good, but also somewhat slow. Then again, I really can't talk *looks at first FE4 playthrough turncounts sadly*.

#3) seph1212, who I genuinely enjoy to watch. He also did pretty much the only FE2 Let's Play ever as far as I know.

#2) MageKnight404, who introduced me to FE4 indirectly and his videos are fun to watch.

#1) Cevian, who indirectly introduced me to the FE series before I got SSBM. He's also pretty funny and enjoyable to watch.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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