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Supports that should have been

Ken Zomg

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Two more for Shinon. ShinonXTitania, the two veterans of the group. One of whom is actually good at her job of Not Betraying The ENtire Group. And ShinonxMuarim. That one would...that would end in bloodshed.

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Who wouldn't want to see Raven's reaction when it comes to Guy and Priscilla? ;)


That and they're the pair of Ogma and Navarre that can't support. The original pair has a two-way support in FE11 and 12, Ayra and Holyn are one of the two Hero Sword parings with conversations to boot, Rutger and Dieck has supports, and so does Gerik and Joshua.

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Saul and Clarine, Saul really isn't living up to his reputation. Astol and Chad, I could seriously picture some theiving tips being passed down.

Although FE4 lacked a "support" system, Alec and Noish really should have said something to each other, they are the Red and Green Cavaliers after all.

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Lowen x Guy.

Rebecca gets 3 fire-fire affinities, why not add one more for Lowen? (even though it's redundant)

Lowen could talk about being a knight of Pherae and Guy could talk about his dreams of becoming a master of the sword.

Also, Sain x Vaida. That would be hilarious. Sain: "Hey, beautif— whoaah!"

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Sheesh. . .

- Rath and Kent. They're both guys who are big on duty and have a thing for Lyn. . .and they did travel together in Lyn's part of the story!

- Guy and Wil, though I don't know if either of them will survive all those mishaps!

- Vaida and Serra. . .because if one eliminates the other, the world will be a better place.

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Sheesh. . .

- Rath and Kent. They're both guys who are big on duty and have a thing for Lyn. . .and they did travel together in Lyn's part of the story!

You want Hector X Rath and Hector X Kent supports to go along with those as well?
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Nope, just Rath x Kent, so Rath gets another support to his name, and their serious conversation can put me to sleep.

Eh, just asking since Hector does have a thing for Lyn as well. (Your milage may vary if Hector's feelings are greater than that the other two have.)

(Now I'm wondering whether or not that Rath would be to Hector as Noce Wordsworth is to Welkin Gunther.)

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Bartre x Legault.

I just have a feeling that this would be funny.


Lowen x Merlinus

This will probably be about food.

Knoll x Saleh

Talking about magic or something.

Edited by Ken Zomg
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Eh, just asking since Hector does have a thing for Lyn as well. (Your milage may vary if Hector's feelings are greater than that the other two have.)

(Now I'm wondering whether or not that Rath would be to Hector as Noce Wordsworth is to Welkin Gunther.)

Kent would probably berate Hector the entire time, and Rath would wonder what he did to deserve a support with Hector.

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I want a Seth-Ephraim support. And a Franz-Eirika support.

I mean, Seth went with Eph on his route, might as well support right? And I want a Seth-Eiri-Eph triangle. Or a Seth-Eiri-Franz triangle.

Eiri-Franz because he's Seth's subordinate and probably hung around a lot. And DEFENSE YEAH.

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I usually make a Ephraim-Eirika-Forde-Kyle square. Not the most efficient, but I like it. :D

Geitz x Farina, Farina tells Geitz that it's all about $$$.

Renault x Pent, why not?

Rath x Hawkeye, so I can build a house out of the ellipses they spout.

Kent x Oswin, seem like two guys who think alike. Also, Anima - Anima = pwn.

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I'm gonna second Ephraim and Innes. Innes even discusses Ephraim in some of his supports with other people - why don't they talk to each other and have an awesome rivalry?

I also always wanted Nephenee and Zihark to talk. They're both good, down-to-earth people, and they're both friends with Brom. Wouldn't they be cute together? Well, other than the fact that he only digs Laguz and hungry chicks.

Edited by Astelaine
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Sain x Florina. Heck yeah. Was going for that pariring before I learned they couldn't support. :(


I like sibling supports. I would've liked the convo's. So, Boyd + Rolf, Oscar + Boyd, Oscar + Rolf, Ike + Mist. Also, I would've loved Titania + Griel supports. And heck yes Largo x Calil. Zihark + Lethe would've been good, too.

Maybe Lethe met that girl from Gallia he liked?



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