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The Assassins Guild


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I question the balance and mod problems. Town didn't play badly, neither did the Assassins. The Assassins probably played a little better overall, but were also unluckier. Hence we got a close game ending with a town win. Not hugely surprising.

But Mod problems... well, there were a few, I guess :P.

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It's like a small scale version of the mistakes in my games!

speaking of which, i note how nobody seems to remember my awesome counting skills and prefers to mock me over the unbalanced role

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For reference, the one good screwup in this game was...

No, you'll have to wait for the awards.

Incidentally, nobody seemed to notice these before so I'm going to repost them:

Day 7: A new Hope

Night 7: The Assassins strike back

Day 8: Return of the Spy.

I thought it was almost amusing.

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For reference, the one good screwup in this game was...

No, you'll have to wait for the awards.

Incidentally, nobody seemed to notice these before so I'm going to repost them:

Day 7: A new Hope

Night 7: The Assassins strike back

Day 8: Return of the Spy.

I thought it was almost amusing.

I noticed the Assassins strike back and wondered, but I didn't notice the other two :(

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No clue why I haven't posted this yet.



This award goes to the player who played the best during the game. While most of you were actually stupid as hell (please don't make me bring up specific examples), a couple managed to say or do certain smart things which I think deserve some notice.

Winner: Bizz - There is an elite group of players in the SF Mafia community. I am, of course, talking about the people who take a game into their hands and win it for their faction. Tables did this as the Wolf in Train Mafia 2 and I did it in PTG for Team Rocket (I'm not trying to be arrogant when I say this because I had the town so well moled that it wasn't even funny). With the conclusion of Assassin's Guild, Bizz now joins this group since after she was the last man standing against 7 townies (that includes Proto).

Bizz played quite solidly throughout the game. She did her usual bit of lurking and nobody even came close to suspecting her of Mafia in the beginning of the game (even with her whole knife shtick on Day 1). The first two kills were pretty nice to clean up since the town lost their tracker and the one guy who could have exposed the mafia pretty badly (Strawman). Her next janned victim was Psych with his useless role so I didn't bother adding in a clue to the flavour but the WoMC kill should have been janned (Tables fucked this one up so we're even). After that, she almost managed to win by forcing a JB lynch but inactivity forced us to call the game in the town's favour. Shame too since Bizz deserved that win.

Since I know Bizz pretty well and I have a pretty good idea of what she's going to say, let me just pre-empt her. There is a reason why nobody ever suspects Bizz of being mafia. It's very hard to explain but suffice to say that Bizz has pretty much perfected the ability of appearing like she knows nothing and constantly fools all of you by acting normal. Does this mean that she's auto mafia in her next game? No. It means that scumhunting is useless when it comes to pegging her since you might be able to nail her if you ask the right questions (something here that very few people know how to do).

Honourable Mentions: Radiant Dragon - New player but easily one of the best ones here (because most of the regulars sucked ass). Couple of things fucked him over.

1. Proto idled from Night 3 onwards. Tables was taking most of the orders for the previous nights and I couldn't be assed to check if he was still playing. Had he stayed active (we didn't exactly give him a role to do so but whatever), RD possibly wouldn't have died.

2. In truth, the Mafia had his role name (Abel something) and his actual name. It was really only a matter of time but I still think that it should have happened on Night 1.

Aside from this, RD played quite well. He went public after hitting a guilty on Anouleth (shouldn't have happened but whatever) but this was long after WoMC started his antics (didn't try to counterclaim which would have been really bad) so he was in the clear for a bit. Ended up being killed once the Mafia realized that he was actually the cop.

Anouleth - Another new player (second game) and a guy who played quite well aside from me fucking up when I did updates. RD checked him and outed him since I gave RD an Assassin report when in truth I should have said Spy. This put Anouleth in a Kingmaker situation where he could support the Assassins who he was trying to fuck over or the Town who didn't deserve to win. Tables then altered his role to allow Anouleth to pick another member from the Mafia to continue on and Anouleth picked Snike, who won the game for the both of them. Thank god too since he was the only person that I was actively rooting for in the early stages of the game.

Ether - While WoMC was vigilante, it was actually Ether who was co-ordinating the kills. So rather than congratulate WoMC for vigilante kills (not going to happen), Ether is the guy who actually deserves the credit since WoMC couldn't do anything without Ether alive. It's possible that Ether almost singlehandedly won the game for the Town since he managed to pick off almost 50% of the mafia (Spike, Balcerzak and BK-201).

Term In SF Mafia That I Hate The Most And Needs To Die:

Certain terms have started really creeping into Mafia games here. And they really need to stop. Like when I showed some hilarious shit from this game to a couple of buddies on Smogon, they laughed at the stupidity of these terms. This award is dedicated to the one that grinds my gears the most. Find post 80 for good examples (not trying to pick on you, Raymond).

Winner: FoS - This one deserves to die in a fire. Seriously. Instead of using this to say "I think you're mafia but I have no proof so I'm just going to say that I suspect you when in truth I'll forget about it by tomorrow", just say "I think you're Mafia for x, y and z reasons". Not only does it look retarded, it also is pointless since nobody actually gives a shit about it. If you can bring up a solid argument for why you suspect someone, do that instead of saying "FoS on you".

Honourable Mentions: Sheep - I don't think that you guys realize that you need VOTES to create a lynch. I have literally seen people here accuse a person of being mafia because they placed the second vote onto a lynch target. Which is just plain stupid for obvious reasons. It also got Furetchen lynched which was the final straw in whether I wanted the Mafia or Town to win.

Biggest Misconception:

This game was pretty straightforward with the exception of flavour (Tables wrote most of it before I started helping). And yet a good 50% of you had no idea what was going on (believe me, I was watching carefully). So this award goes to the biggest misconceptions in this game.

Winner: WoMC being an Alliance Checker (Cop) - This one is clearly the hands down winner. WoMC was in fact the vigilante and every single report he made up was bullshit. It was quite hilarious watching him troll the village with these reports as Balcerzak's death should have in fact tipped everyone off to the fact that WoMC was lying (Bal was Godfather so WoMC should have pulled a Guilty on him if he was really an insane Cop). It also amazes me that the Mafia knew that he was lying but the village just never realized it and kept following his beat. Managed to luckily lynch Spykor while fucking up the rest (Raymond and Furetchen to name a few).

Honourable Mentions: Multiple factions - This one was probably a fail on Tables' part but he wrote out the flavour and I wasn't about to redo his work. Tables decided to seperate the town into different parts based on how that person screwed over the main baddie. It didn't mean anything and yet people seemed to think that it did. Especially Psych who had to ask me if the Military was a 3rd party team.

Lawyers exist and Cop is Insane - Guys, stop playing EpicMafia and bringing those ideas here. Those set-ups work for games that are 2 days long and have IRC chatting. Not a big game like this. A game this size with no outside contact should not have ideas that will make your brains explode (as if the thought of using logic doesn't do that already to some of you).

Psych having a good role - Psych's role was fucking useless to the town. Here's how Tables described his role.

"This role I’ve chosen specially for you to try and help you improve at Mafia. The kinds of information you’ll get are exactly what’s implied - things you could find on your own. You can ask a simple yes/no question up to once each phase and get told yes, no, or not enough information (e.g. if you asked if a person was town that might happen)."

Yeah, this is better suited for someone like SlayerX. It's still fucking useless because it's a giant stamp on Psych's forehead which reads "I suck at Mafia!" or something of the sort.

Dumbest Action or Comment:

So many of these in this game. And for half the game, I wanted to badly to point out the idiocy in these moves. It just astounds me how... fuck it, the award for the Dumbest Move or Comment goes to...

Winner: Spykor admitting mafia - What the fuck, kid? It was easily possible to point out how WoMC HAD to be lying at this point in time (just needed to collect WoMC's past results). He decided to lie down and die instead without even bothering to defend himself.

I'm not going to lie when I say this. If I see any more shit even remotely like this, I will blast you for it. You're playing a game with the intention of winning (if you're not trying to win, get the fuck out of the game). Doing this is so low in my book that I have no respect for you in future games until you earn it back (if you earn it back). To say that I am disappointed is... This isn't just dumb. This is disgraceful in my opinion.

Honourable Mentions: Groner claiming a bodyguard role on Day 2 - Seriously. Don't do that again. I don't think I need to explain why this was a bad idea. Just be happy that you didn't do this in a game with IRC because I would have abused you like there was no tomorrow.

Strawman in general - When your role PM says that you can't do something, don't try to do it the first night possible. Strawman had a role where he could give out two BPVs and two Lockpicks (allowed someone to take a person's items which gave an idea of who that person was). He also had 4 scrolls about certain stuff in the game. Tables explicitly said in his role PM that trying to read one of these scrolls will result in a failure. So guess what happened on Night 1?

This was a shame since Strawman said something brilliant in the thread before he was killed (with regards to priority kills for the assassins). And the fact that everyone ignored it to talk about something pointless like WoMC's supposed sanity was just as dumb. So all in all, Strawman was an idiot for his N1 action and the village was just as stupid for not listening to him.

MLS and Hookers - I figured this one out but the reasoning is stupid.

The Assassins had two seperate roles. They had a Shadow and a Hooker. The Shadow would "follow" someone one night and appear as a psuedo hooker (hooks the next night). The truth of this was that the Shadow did shit all and this was revealed to the town thanks to Groner (post 541). The Hooker was the real hooker.

MLS mixed the two together and believed that the Hooker not only hooked one night but did some other shit the next if you followed through on your night action. The BROKEN thought apparently never crossed through his mind... especially AFTER the Shadow died.

Best Troll:

Winner: WoMC - Once again, he was the hands down winner here. WoMC told both Tables and myself that he was just doing random shit and it's hilarious how he ended up trolling the town so badly. While the Mafia knew that he was lying by something like Day 4 (maybe even earlier, I kinda forget right now and I'm not going to check), very few people in the town could piece the puzzle together, which was a real shame since it showed a real lack of thinking on the town's part. It was probably the most and only entertaining thing in this game until Bizz disposed of him.

Honourable Mention: The Usual Gang Of Idiots - This one goes out to Psych and SlayerX in specific. I don't know if it's because they're too young to use proper thinking (Psych's something like 15 but I forget Slayer's age) or what but these two kids definitely need a lesson in reading comprehension.

And that's it for the awards. I'd give out more in a game with Outside Contact since people are able to do more there but whatever.

Edited by King Russell Hantz
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My thoughts on the Endgame:

- Why Proto, Why?!

- I have no doubt Ether won the game for the Town. In addition to killing half of the Mafia, one of them I had 'cleared', and if Balcerzak had stayed alive to see the last couple days, I do not believe the Town would've won.

- I was investigating Bizz the night I died... I was going to investigate her the night before if Anouleth's comment hadn't led me to investigate Mikethfc instead.

- I apologize to Groner for kind of using him as bait on the night he died just so I could live longer and out one more report. But it was his fault for claiming Bodyguard, I suppose.

- Why did everyone think MLS was the Vigilante?

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And Bizz always posts "I don't know" like stuff as mafia.

I actually truly honestly didn't know this time because madrigal season, ugh

But I'm mafia so often that I don't even know anymore, aaa

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- Why Proto, Why?!

I apologize, Radiant Dragon, but I was moving to a different country, which made me extremely busy and also cut off my internet access for quite a while.

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Sorry everyone for being so damn slow to post. I'll make he document and the spreadsheet available now.

Also flavour:

"Ha... so you finally worked it out? It took you long enough. If only that Spy hadn't been there... this would have ended differently" Katana jeered at the mysterious man, the "Guardian" of New Novo, and the now exhausted Courtney, from the tree they'd tied him to. "I shouldn't have been surprised... you were a coward, weren't you, Courtney?"

Courtney, slightly surprised, began stammering back, "Uh, well, I did what I needed. And now we're rid of one more scum, once we hand you to the police. And it's over. So you shouldn't look so happy."

"But, why not? Don't you realise what you've done? All the murders here, all the death, all the tragedy... you know, the only reason the police haven't intervened more is that they didn't want to scare us off... you're all going to get scapegoated, you know. You might have stopped the New Novo assassins guild, but the people are crying for answer, for justice, for the innocent murders lead by people in authority... people like you, Courtney." Katana smiled. Courtney was getting scared now, and Katana wanted to end this. "You know what I'm trying to say? You're getting the death penalty as well, and be a shameful memory to your family!"

"No!" Courtney shouted back. "I won't... I'll leave my family thinking I'm an hero... I WAS a hero, if it wasn't for me, your twisted dreams would have been fulfilled." And with that, she drew the knife from her coat, and lunged into the defenceless Katana, stabbing him again and again in a fit of rage. As she finished, with blood everywhere, she looked at the blade. Police sirens were closing in. Did she want to die an undignified death at the hands of the state, she wondered to herself? Was that better than the alternative?

"He was lying." Lashay Curcuru aka Proto told her, "He wants you to kill yourself. Don't do it." Courtney looked up at him, then back down at the mutilated body. "I... I know he does. But he wasn't lying. I know the system. I work in it, after all. Tell my family... tell them, it wasn't my fault, and I love them." Tears began flowing from her eyes, as she raised the blade up to her neck, and in an instant, took her own life and any shame they could have placed on her.


An independent tribunal later found Courtney and everyone else involved in the incident innocent of murder. Whether that was motivated by many of the families of people involved and their wealth, or was their honest decision, is unknown to everybody.

Nicolas Le Povidevin discovered that his revenge mission was a success only hours before he was due to be killed. Because of that, and despite everything else, he died happy.

Lashay, the sole survivor of the incident, made himself scarce in the city as she always had. Later, she turned her effort towards supporting the innocent families of those affected by the Assassins Guild - both those in the Nicolas incident and those before.

The was on Kanari was eventually won, especially after Povidevin Incorporated strangely pulled out all it's secret funding towards the Kanari government in support of the war.

I'll post up character bio's etc. soon, but they're all in the document above. I'm going to include notes etc. as well.

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Quick thing to note: Proto couldn't have saved you that night. I was lead killer.

Also, Tables, I died too?

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