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So basically

shit is happening

and I'm going to ##vote: nobody because it's a day start and (more) shit always happens when people lynch on a day start.

So yeah guys.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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Well all it says is this: He’s one of our best agents, but we’re going to pull him out after about one week, at which point we’ll transport him to safety and he can tell us what he knows.

Whatever, you know what i meant to do when i quoted BK the first time and add something was to say that he would only know one person. That's all. I quoted the flavor, the part where the assasins are talking that they are all separated into groups so the spy would only know 1 other person. Unless the spy they are alking about is not the sameone as the mole. I don't see how i'm the one not understanding. To me its clear, and what i meant by the "Assasins aren't supposed to know", see that aren't supposed to? It means that they can only think of the possibility of a mole. Hence the "so even if" from the flavour part of Nicolas.

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Just something to throw out: It says that only 1 member will be known to the spy. Maybe that means that the assassins are split up into pairs, like what happened to TR in Pokemon Tactical?

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Just something to throw out: It says that only 1 member will be known to the spy. Maybe that means that the assassins are split up into pairs, like what happened to TR in Pokemon Tactical?

What I've been tryong to say.

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Also according to the credits, it seems tha mafia could be sparated in some way.

General Spoon, for the idea of a segmented mafia (even though mine is implemented completely differently) and also, erm, attempting to check the game for balance (he gave up after seeing how stupidly disorganised my notes were, I don’t blame him). Also for many other ideas.
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Life, I hate you. I get afraid to say things if I risk being called an idiot in any way, shape, or form.

I'll kill you along with the other sheep.

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Life, I hate you. I get afraid to say things if I risk being called an idiot in any way, shape, or form.

I'll kill you along with the other sheep.

You won't be called an idiot. I promise. Slayer's just infuriating me with the fact that he thinks that he's being smart when he completely misreads the obvious clue in red and then tries to pass it off as fact.

I can't say anymore since I'll end up giving away shit. But after the game, I'll explain fully why I think he's an idiot since he still hasn't corrected the point that I went after (which was me being ambiguous, sorry).

Day has 27 hours left and we have 6 votes for No Lynch and 1 for MLS (from WoMC). 12 votes is a majority.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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I think he basically is saying that you're comment that assassins don't know that there is a mole is stupid due to the fact that the it's posted on the first post visible to both town and scum and is highlighted in a red color so that everyone can see it.

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Ok then, so will anyone within the game explain the obvious red clue?

Okay, you know when it says, in red, that there is a mole inside the Assassins Guild? That means that there is a mole, or spy, or double agent, or undercover policeman, or whatever you want to call it, inside the Assassin's Guild.

And the assassins are permitted to read and post in this topic like regular townies. So they must also know about the presence of a spy. Unless, of course, the assassins are all as dense as you are, in which case the spy is going to have a real easy time of it.

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I think he basically is saying that you're comment that assassins don't know that there is a mole is stupid due to the fact that the it's posted on the first post visible to both town and scum and is highlighted in a red color so that everyone can see it.

I didn't say they didn't know, i said they aren't supposed to know. I mean if you have a criminal organization in your town, and you send a mole you aren't going to tell them. Obviously they know because this is a game and it says in the flavour.

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Okay, that's super cool. Now, let's ignore all that for a second except for the part where it says "they're supposed to know because it's a game". Who CARES if they would realistically know? That's completely missing the point.

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First of all, we're going to spend the whole day arguing about this and get nothing done.

... <___<

Let's not let this become a Choral Mafia where, if I hadn't changed the voting rules, there wouldn't have been a single lynch yet and it's already on day 7

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The reason i said that was to explain the "so even if we had a spy" Which is part of the assasin's speech. To which Raymond said i was mindscrewing them or something because it sounded like i was saying the assasins didn't have a spy.

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As in, no lynch is fine and dandy but not when you gather no information in a day for future lynches and cause consecutive no lynches for days on end. And so far all we have for this day is "Psych is a troll, Weapons wants a lynch, JB is acting kind of strange and Slayer had poor reading comprehension"

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...okay, I'm going to replace my FOS on Slayer with a :facepalm:.

I'm now fairly positive that both Slayer and Psych are town. As Assassin wouldn't possibly be that stupid. If he was, his buddies would have stopped him long before Life did.

I think I'm going to ##Vote: JB25 for the time being. I already FOS'd him before for sheeping and he didn't bother to justify it in any way. None of his following posts were any more helpful than his previous, either.

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