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has anyone ever had appendicitis?


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I'm having pains in my stomach. They're all over, but sometimes I have sharper pains in the lower right abdominal area. I went to the doctor, and i had a CT scan, but the doctor says it didn't look like appendicitis. But i did research online and ALL my symptoms point to appendicitis. Should I go try another doctor?

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I spent almost a whole day with a pain in my stomach. I can't remember if there was a specific place that hurt, i do know however that i got pale and my lips purple according to my parents after which they took me to the hospital. I know it hurt alot, if you are not sure, and its not going away with medicine or something, go to another doctor i suppose, and get other test like to check if you have parasites or something.

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It's not appendicitis. If the pains are mostly gone and you only sometimes have pains in your abdominal area, I highly doubt it is, anyway. The pain should be pretty much constant.

Also, if you have appendicitis for long enough then it should perforate at some point if you don't get it removed earlier. That sounds bad but it really just translates into even more pain than before and the surgeons have a more interesting time getting the pieces. So if you have appendicitis and don't get surgery for a day or two your pains should increase drastically. Depending on when this started, if that hasn't happened yet then this can't possibly be appendicitis.

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It is a constant pain. And the all over pain has been happening for about a week. But the sharper, more pointed towards the lower right side pains just started happening today.

Neat. You could try getting an ultrasound or something and see if they can even find your appendix. After mine burst (perforated), they couldn't even find it anymore until surgery.

An increase in pain does sound like it fits the pattern, though for me the difference between the start of pain and increase in pain was like 12 hours, not a week. It went from fine to perforated in under 24 hours, so I can't say 100% that your problem is appendicitis if it took a week for the pain to increase.

oh, and I interpreted this

They're all over

incorectly the first time. I thought you meant they stopped, not that they were everywhere.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I'm having pains in my stomach. They're all over, but sometimes I have sharper pains in the lower right abdominal area. I went to the doctor, and i had a CT scan, but the doctor says it didn't look like appendicitis. But i did research online and ALL my symptoms point to appendicitis. Should I go try another doctor?

First, why do you turn to the Internet for medical advice?

Did the doctor see your appendix in the CT scan? I've had really severe stomach pain in that area, but my appendix was all right. Someone else in my family did have appendicitis, but the onset of the pain was sudden, and his appendix burst within two days.

Can you keep food down? Are you running a fever?

If the answer to the two questions above is no, and the fever's high, get your ass to the nearest emergency room.

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First, why do you turn to the Internet for medical advice?

Did the doctor see your appendix in the CT scan? I've had really severe stomach pain in that area, but my appendix was all right. Someone else in my family did have appendicitis, but the onset of the pain was sudden, and his appendix burst within two days.

Can you keep food down? Are you running a fever?

If the answer to the two questions above is no, and the fever's high, get your ass to the nearest emergency room.

Because i've got no one else to turn to of course.

I can keep food down, but I don't have much of an appetite, mainly because it hurts worse when I eat. I've been having fevers, but not severe ones.

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I can keep food down, but I don't have much of an appetite, mainly because it hurts worse when I eat. I've been having fevers, but not severe ones.

Yeah, I managed to throw up an apple, then later threw up pepto bismol. Well, not the actual stuff, but no name pink stuff. Probably about the same. I don't know what you may have, but I'd be a little surprised to hear you have appendicitis if you can still hold anything down 7 days after the pain started. It is still possible, though. Appendicitis probably hits everyone in different ways.

As for a fever, I don't think that's necessary. I don't remember whether I had one (it was a while ago), but I don't actually think so.

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Because i've got no one else to turn to of course.

I can keep food down, but I don't have much of an appetite, mainly because it hurts worse when I eat. I've been having fevers, but not severe ones.

Sounds more like a bad stomach flu (or whatever the hell landed me in the hospital a few years back). . .but go see a doctor about this anyway.

The fever's more of an indication that the appendix burst, and the body's trying to fight the infection.

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Sounds more like a bad stomach flu (or whatever the hell landed me in the hospital a few years back). . .but go see a doctor about this anyway.

Yeah, chances are even if it's not appendicitis you might need some sort of treatment anyway.

The fever's more of an indication that the appendix burst, and the body's trying to fight the infection.

I think it's also an indication you took too long getting to the hospital. A fever probably wouldn't start for a while even after the appendix bursts.

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