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Arch's random short survey for FE fans.


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I've got a project idea and I'm doing some research as I put together plans for a hack when I finish Elibian Nights. I have a few questions I'd like FE fans to answer. It may seem like a dumb survey, but it's for a good cause! And of course your input is valued.

Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

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1: Selena, Glen, Limstella... Uh... FE9!Bk, Ishtar Dammit, how the hell did I forget her?

2: Kent and Sain. Mostly because of Sain

3: Hector, I guess.

4: Raeth. The guy who answers his own questions.

5: I'd figure, what with the gods/goddesses that FE has, there would be some type of heaven and hell that each character, depending on what they did in life, would go to.

6: Dorcas. He can sit there and attract all the damage, for all I care XD

Edited by seph1212
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Q1: Camus, Ishtar, Reinhardt, Gomes, Arion.

Q2: Cain and Abel.

Q3: Sigurd, Ethlin, Cuan, Michalis in Book 2, Hardin

Q4: FE Gaiden's Saxon I guess.

Q5: To the continent of Magvell when they're reborn as Revenants and Entombed

Q6: Levin!Arthur since he'll destroy on the counter-attack.

Edited by Sirius
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Greil (He did appear as an enemy once =P), Gale, Linus and Lloyd Reed and........Ursula.

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Kent and Sain.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Greil, Cuan, Ethlin, Sigurd among many others I don't feel like listing.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

That boss from FE7, Ch 5, Lyn's Mode. IIRC, he has the least dialogue. =P

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Orson's closet. Like Seph 2.0 said, but without the inclusion of Hell.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

FE10 Sothe, but Shinon works too.

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Q1: Nedata, Seeker, Homasa, Petrine, Levail, Dheginsea.

Q2: Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Greil, Ena's fiancee (whatever his name is).

Q4: Most of them are pretty unmemorable to me, to be honest...


I'd figure, what with the gods/goddesses that FE has, there would be some type of heaven and hell that each character, depending on what they did in life, would go to.

Q6: FE9!Titania, FE10!Sothe (well, they're more "bait" than cannon-fodder, but whatever...)

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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1. Alvis, Trabant, Arion, Ishtar and Reinhart.

2. Oscar and Kieran.

3. Sigurd, Ethlin, Cuan, Alan, Canas, Karla.

4. Aightman and Tobolzark. I'll let you figure out who they are.

5. Something similar to Valhalla for Jugdral at least.

6. Marty, the man who likes to party.

Edited by Gengar
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1) Camus, Arion, Murdock, Glen, Levail

2) Oscar and Kieran

3) Almost all of Gen1 Sigurd, Cuan, Ethlin, Uther, Hector, Lyon, Shiharam, Zelgius

4) O'Neill

5) To a Vallhala-type place to continue fighting in behalf of the gods!

6) Ryan (though I wouldn't say exactly as 'cannon-fodder', more like 'tank-bait' XD)

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Q1: Trabant, Arion (as a PC rather than NPC), Camus, Eltoshan, Gale

Q2: Cain and Abel, only because of Abel.

Q3: Cuan, Ethlin, Sigurd, Eltoshan, Fado, ,Kurth, Maricle, Mananan, Hector, Uther, Glen, Ismaire, Fury, Tiltyu,Diadora,

Q4: I don't remember his name. That random boss in FE8 C2 that got oneshotted by Eirika with a critical.

Q5: Anna's castle far, far away, on a pirate ship in the clouds~

Q6: Matthis. Yay for DS Gaiden requirements. Seth is a one-man army and he just kills everything that stands in his way.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Black Knight Zelgius, Selena, Lloyd, Ishtar, Lyon.

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Lance and Alan.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Lyon, Hector, Eltoshan, Lloyd, Linus, Cuan, Sigurd, Ethlin, Selena, Greil, Shiharam.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Veld in my opinion. Maybe Gandolf too.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

If they are your units, they could go to rest in peace, since they have fought so hard to earn/gain their reward. If they are enemies they could possibly face hell, be stuck in earth with no chance to rest, or maybe the purgatory, if they were once of the good guys (see Camus, Zelgius, Lyon and Zephiel).

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.


Edited by Light Lord
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1. Dheginsea (FE10), (does Rajaion count? (FE9)), Griel (FE9), Ishtar (FE4), Eltshan (FE4), Arion (FE4) (had 6 because I wasn't sure if Rajaion counted)

2. I have to choose? D: Umm... I like them all... Uhh... I'll just go with... Forde and Kyle. They were the first red and green knights I met. :)

3. Sigurd (first one to pop up in my head allong with Azel)

4. I don't remember.

5. To the restart button.

6. Whoever could tank the best (so they wouldn't die). So, uh... Oscar (FE9) or Kieran (FE9). Usually had them team up. If we're talking about making 3~10-ranged weapons run out of uses, then I'll normally have Ike and Soren team-tank because of their avoid bonuses and defensive stats.

(edit: fixed a typo)

Edited by Mercakete
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[spoiler=My Answers]Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Ishtar(FE4/5), Eltosian(FE4), Areone(FE4/5), Bryce(FE9), and Dheginsea(FE10) (and a free sixth, Izuka, simply so that I could let him get mauled by a bunch of Laguz)

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Assuming you're not counting bosses that get rampaged through in each game: Most of FE4 Gen 1, Leila, Hector, Karla, Zephiel's father, Greil, Elena, Marquess Caelin, Uther, Athos, Ninian (technically), Ephidel (since you don't kill him in battle), King Ramon, King Ramon's wife, Fado, Ismaire, Vigarde (since he's already dead when you fight him), Orson's wife, most of the Serenes clan... and that's about all I can think of.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Beran(FE8) - Ranger in the chapter where you get Duessel.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

It's hard to be creative for this question, as there's typically a theological perspective shown in most of the recent games (FE4/5 had churches, FE6/7 had the Church of Elimine, FE8 had the Theocracy of Rausten, FE9/10 has the whole Ashera thing going on, etc.). So, the general heaven/hell consensus seems like it would fit for the majority, though it's entirely possible that there are other theological factions in the countries (like how there are many denominations in today's modern world) and that each character in-game has their own theological preference and thus goes to whatever that preference has available. (Maybe a ton of the palette swapped characters believe in reincarnation, which is why we have to keep fighting characters that look like them?)

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

I don't really throw my characters willy-nilly into the middle of a ton of enemies, especially since FE doesn't really care too much about turn limits. (Now, if this was Super Robot Taisen or something, then I'd definitely have plenty of options here...) I guess the closest I can think of would be... Ike(FE9), maybe? Or perhaps Shinon in the early levels to pull enemies for the rest of the team.

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And your point is...?

I was asked to name any FE character that canonically dies in any of the games. Now Rajaion does canonically die at the end of PoR, which means he therefore counts. I want to know what you meant when you said he's "labeled differently".

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Ephidel, Harold, Roro, Hetzel, Kempf.

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Alec and Noish.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Enemies don't count, I guess? Canas, Dorias, Boah, Lorenz.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

That's a silly question. I won't remember who the most unmemorable is, will I? I don't suppose generic monsters count? Bone.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

They respawn as faceless enemies, I guess...? I can't think of anything.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.


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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Blume, Kleine, Lloyd, Reinhardt, Zelgius

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Sain and Kent by a mile.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Leila, Brendan Reed, Cuan / Ethlin, Lawrence (FE3), Hector, Aenir

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?


Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.


Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.


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Q1: Brendan, Lloyd and Linus Reed, Gale and Arion

Q2: Kent and Sain, with Oscar and Kieran coming in a close second

Q3: I assume you mean playable characters? Aside from FE 4 generation one, there's Hector, Canas, Orson and the Black Knight/Zelgius off the top of my head.

Q4: The least memorable? Umm... Kezhda, I suppose, since most people don't let their units die.

Q5: FE Valhalla sounds awesome, so I'll go with that. Reincarnation would explain FE 4's palette swap bosses, though (a palette swap of Shagaal in the second generation? Seriously, IS?).

Q6: I don't really use my units as cannon fodder often... Unless throwing a level 6 Nino into a bunch of knights so she can level up and be useful counts.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Camus, Ishtar, Lloyd Reed, Brenya, and Arion

Cain and Abel

Lets see Uther, Ninian, Sigurd, Azel, Levin (in a sense)

Everybody in FE11 (except Camus and Medeus)

Well once the RNG Goddess *****s you up she meets the losers and lead them to paradise, a paradise free of RNG :) except for the bad guys

Matthis, Castor (take that ya con artist), Marty (except for the times i ACTUALLY use him), Bord, Cord (and yes i interpret this question as which FE character(s) do you kill by throwing them into a hoarde of enemies because you hate them so)

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Levail, Izuka. Lyon, Rajaion, and Zelgius if they count, Petrine, Limstella, and Ephidel if not, in that order.

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Lyon, Pelleas if he dies canonically, I don't know which it is, Petrine, Zelgius, Levail, Vigarde, Fado, Canas, Bramimond, Athos, Selena, Ismaire, Glen, Valter, Pablo, Boah, Lorenz, Eagler, Bryce, Rajaion, Greil, Hector, Karla, Frey, Michalis, Hardin, Ashnard, Novala, Riev, Caellach, Izuka.

I don't know whether it counts if they were already dead, if it does: Misaha, Grado, Soan, Altina, Roland, Latona, Hanon, Hartmut, Barigan, Elena, Risa.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?


Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Any afterlife they believe in, if they don't believe in any, then they are reincarnated until they think of one. Except that occasionally they don't get there right, in which case they can end up as ghosts in a number of places connected more strongly to the spirit world, for example the Tower of Guidance or Lagdou Ruins.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.


Edited by SilentShaman
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Alvis, Eltosian, Arione, Ishtar, and the other Joha- brother. :(

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Kyle and Forde. They didn't rely on some ridiculous niche, they just seemed like buds.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Sigurd, Eltosian, Mahnya, Cuan, Ethlin, Hector

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?


Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

They join an orchestra and continue to play for the rest of the series, progressively getting better at it.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Jeigan, I guess?

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Generic Soldier, Eaglar, Uhai, Fargus, and Zugu (decided I didn't want a floating eyeball when I can have someone with a name that legit whocares if he sucks)

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Kent and Sain

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Hector :( , Brenden, Cuan, Ethlin, Athos, Leila, do you just want ones who die without you killing or beating them yourself

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Honestly if I can't even have the vaguest idea of who the boss is then it would be him/her, if I list someone they are obviously more memorable than someone I don't list

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Good question it depends on the game in fe6-7, 9 they go become pacman ghosts (dead pixels lol) in fe 8 they turn into monsters in fe10 if they die as blue they turn into pacman ghosts if they are anyother color they go leave for a lunch break then come back. In fe 1/11 they turn into pacman ghosts until Marth's sister Automatically Umm repixilate Magics them or AUMs them I haven't finished 4 yet or played 2,3,5 yet so how should I know they actually die unless they steal a fairy from Link

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Orson takes weapons and uses him as bait so I can pick off enemies a few at a time

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Gale (FE6), Leila (FE7), Selena Fluorspar (FE8), Zelgius (FE Tellius), Eltoshan (FE4)

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Kent and Sain

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Leila, Selena, Eltoshan, Zephiel, Brenya, Alvis, Ursula, Limstella, Sonia, Ephidel, Uther, Lyon

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Chapter 1 bandit

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

They are buried in a grave.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

I always aim for 100% survival. Though... Merlinus, I guess.

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