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What will you do if your favorite FE character gets killed?


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What will you do if your favorite FE character dies in the course of the game?

Now, if L'Arachel, Serra or Clarine dies, expect me to blow a lot of explicit and bad words from my mouth... If Alan in FE6 dies, well... I'll go ragey than ever!

Speaking of RAGE.... Watch the 3:15 - 3:30 mark in this video, I just feel infuriated at that point.... :angry:

Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to eradicate Duke Tanas and his annoying men, and of course erase them from the face of this world!

Once I'm finished downloading my FE9 ROM....

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Just to be funny, I would stand up from my chair/bed and push Reset to start all over again.

In other cases, maybe feel sad or happy depending on who died (I wouldn't mind having Oliver and send him to his death in an instant).

Edited by Light Lord
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lol. This topic reminds me of when I was playing Fire Emblem 8 back in my noob days. I sucked so bad at FE that my characters were constantly dying. I was laying on my bed playing FE8 on the Gameboyplayer and my cousin was sitting in front of the TV playing her own game. One of my favorite characters died and I was like "DANGIT!" My cousin reached up and hit the reset button on the Gamecube without ever looking up from the gameboy. Because she knew that was what I was going to do. XD

(Nowadays, I'm much better than that lol.)

When somebody kills my favorite character, I usually make a bitter remark like "Why you little piece of no-good junk" or "Oh, no you didn't!"

...then I hit reset.

...Unless I'm playing FE8. Player Phase code to the rescue. :D (That is, if they die on the enemies' turn.)

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Yeah... exactly what I'd do.

Just to be funny, I would stand up from my chair/bed and push Reset to start all over again.

In other cases, maybe feel sad or happy depending on who died (I wouldn't mind having Oliver and send him to his death in an instant).


I like your style. "Imma reset and be funny while doing it!"

^This... except I press the load savestate button.

Though she canonically dies in the middle of everything in the story, only to plot H4X again later... XD

Yay for plot hax XD

Edited by Ein Lanford
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favorite characters: Listen to the tune playing while they die for a minute reading their death quote over and over again. then either take a break or reset

others: while their HP is still dropping to 0 first facepalm then reset or quit for a couple of days

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Seth. Dying. In a game where he powertrips over.

What is this madness.

Well, if it happens due to bad RNG (like getting stone'd at a 6% then shadowshotted at similar hit rates, critting twice, not that that's happens), probably curse then raegreset.

If... well shit, how else is Seth gonna die unless you do it on purpose?

Other characters, just reset. Not as much rage though.

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Is there really any other answer?

Truthfully, I don't rage all that muchh. Only when I'm close to finishing the map and a random RNG screwage pops up. Like when I only had one turn to go for Ike to kill Norris, when Norris switched to his Longbow and critbliked Sothe. I was like "AUGH, SOTHE YOU USELESS PARASITE". Then I reset.

Ok, maybe it was bad positioning on my part, but Sothe had enough HP to survive a hit from Norris. But a critical? Why did THAT have to happen?

Edited by El Rey León
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If Boyd dies?

Reset pretty much. Not much rage really. I just make sure that I kill the guy that killed him. (Boyd hasn't died yet so I'm just saying.)

Someone like Rolf,Oscar,Edward, or Ilyana dies then I probably cuss because I really like using them. Probably finish the map without them and reset for the lulz.

If I hate them *cough*Shinon*cough* : Their dead and I thank the RNG goddes. OR Their dead. Nuff' said.

If it's GBA then I just reset if any of my characters die.

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If any of my characters die (whether I like them or not) I reset. Thou usually I'll talk to the dead character first. "Gosh dangit, Nami! Again?! Ugh!!" *resets* <--example. Also, the ones I would want to let die off are usually the ones that you can't let die or you get a game over (Micaiah, Elincia, Caeda).

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[spoiler=long, incoherent, funny version]

Generic boss: *gets a lucky critical*

Tinny: Ugh... Mother... Zak... *dies*


Sety: Herr, ich bringe schreckliche Nachricht ... (Sir, I bring terrible news...)

Me: What is it?

Sety: Tinny, sie ... Starb in der Schlacht ... (Tinny, she... Died in battle...)

Me: ...

Sety: Herr?

Me: Send in Corple, please...

Sety: Gleich, mein Herr! (Right away, sir!)


Corple: You called?

Me: Yes. Do you have your Valkyrie staff with you.

Corple: Yes, but... *shows broken staff*

Me: Hmm... Are you promoted yet? Can you arena abuse?

Corple: Not yet. Sorry.

Me: ...

Corple: Excuse me, sir, but what about that button?


Me: Ah yes. Thank you for reminding me. Corple, you just earned yourself a raise.

Corple: :awesome:

Me: Ok, here goes. *slams button*

*later (earlier?)*

Me: Ok, you all wait here, I have some Generic boss to pwn!

FE know-it-all:Butt ur teh taktishun, u cant fite!

Me: Damn, he's right. Skasaher, Lakche, can I trust you to kill that mother ******?

Both: On it! *Run out*


Sety: Herr, glauben Sie, Ihr Plan funktioniert? (Sir, you think your plan is working?)

Me: Yes. Look at this, those two just buried the opposing army! Is Tinny safe?

Sety: So sicher wie möglich, Herr! (As safe as possible, sir!)

Me: Very good. Sety, here's your raise.

Sety: Vielen Dank, Herr! (Thank you, sir!)

Me: You're welcome. Can you send her in, please?

Sety: Gleich, mein Herr! (Right away, sir!)

Short, unfunny, non-script version:

Reset and kill that jackass who killed meh grl.

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