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Which Characters ANGER you if they DIE?


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Well, compared to the other RAEG/quit thread, this one here, you'll tell who are the characters that you often go angry at for dying in-game...

You may say sorry to the characters you left dead in your playthroughs... XP

My list (As of now)

Clarine - Incestuous and bratty she may be, she has WTF-dodging skills and an Aircalibur to boot later on, so we can watch Wyverns committing suicide on her!

Saul - So what if he's a womanizer, he's funny! He has okay-ish stats but gets crit-blicked sometimes!

Serra - Hilarious, has reliable dodge too! Not to mention she's quite nasty for a Cleric when she reaches Bishop!

Lucius - So what? I liek traps! He's a powerful trap too!

Wolt - Get lost bashers, I always get good Wolts often....

L'Arachel - Same as Serra, except in Valkyrie form! Watch monsters go commit suicide on her!

Lilina - I have biases for her, apparently I often get SPD-blessed Lilinas in my playthrough and she has good dodgin skills, not to mention h4x hit-increasing supports!

Seth - WTF!Paladin of doom! It's blasphemy if he dies!

Franz - He's hard to HATE! But the RNG often hates him causing him to be killed often!!

Alan - Simply a bland clone of Kieran... I go axes after promotion for the lulz....

Sophia - Sure she's hard to raise, but for me it's worth the investment...

Nino - All the effort pays off, really...

Fir - Same as Nino....

Noah - Well, he supports Fir.... and I find it hard to hate this guy...

Thany - Probably way too obvious, It's just often that she ends up powerful in my playthroughs, even outclassing Tate if the RNG is in a good mood! I wish I was in the game so I can support with her and marry her in the end of the game, and we'll have h4x bonuses when together liek Pent and Louise!

Reasons why they die sometimes: Too much arena abuse or RNG-screwage...

Soon-to-join-the-list after Game download is finished:

Kieran (Hilarity ensued everyday... )

Oscar (Well, he's the COOK)

Mia (LOL!)

Astrid (So what? I like her background in PoR, not RD!)

Titania (F!Seth V 2.0 plz)

Ilyana (Pacman incarnate!)

Rolf (Hmm... He's kinda adorable, I might use him over Shinon any day)

P.S I am so sorry that I killed you Franz often in my first playthroughs, I am happy that you became the dodgiest GK in Sacred Stones when I play the game again!

Edited by Frostbite
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FE 4:

Sety (don't ask me how he's supposed to die with Holsety equipped)

FE 5:


Tanya (she's superior to Ronan in most senses)

Mareeta (no need to explain why I get angered)

Karin (archers out of nowhere when she's pretty close to finish something important)

Selfina (melee attackers)

Galzus (come on, how can't I be angry of losing someone as cool as him?)

FE 6:


Lilina (even if she's way hated by some players, I got blessed with her)

Fir (no need to explain why)

Lance (never ever send him to melee the first berserker boss)

Dieck (a powerhouse like him is needed most of the time)

FE 7:



Hector (this three mainly when I arena abuse)

Priscilla (she gets really good stats all-around when trained properly)


FE 8:




Franz (he's cool and quite useful as a paladin IMO)

Amelia (greatest general ever, no way I can lose her)


FE 9:





Jill (no need to explain why)

FE 10:

Jill (no need to explain, yet again)



Edward (awesome swordmaster, we need him alive)

Nolan (powerhouse, tank, and fast, what elses do you need?)


Sigrun (just to add someone I can think of, she's useful up to some point)



FE 1/11:


Caeda (early peg. rider and quite good)

Abel (Abel=Lance, so he's useful for a few things here and there)

Merric (his magic is quite useful early game)

Linde (her magic is useful and so is her)

Est (best peg. rider in the game)


I think it's pretty obvious I get angry and maybe curse a LITTLE BIT whne the main lord dies, but mainly because someone else got RNG blessed or I was about to end the chapter.

I also get angry and seek revenge whenever Jill/Mareeta/Lakche/Leaf/Nanna die in battle, they must be avenged.

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This makes me think of doing an animated video.... involving RAGE! XP

Then again, I have a tons of nukes to finish.... and to make another distraction video cause I'm getting spammed at my inbox often....

I'll add Marisa to teh list..

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I RAEG hard when Karin or Fee die.

EDIT: Upon further reflection, add:

Lilina, Fir, Fiora, Franz (cos that ever happens), Neimi, Vanessa, Mist, Laura, Marcia and Catria. Notice a trend?

I define HARD RAEG as beyond resetting. HARD RAEG is when I reload and swear vengeance on whoever landed the killing shot on the character, even if it involves sacrificing units to kill him and then resetting again.

EDIT2: Also, given the caps in the OP I expected something more along the lines of a MANLY POST. With CAPITAL letters to emphasize MANLINESS.

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When Shanan gets hit by more than two of those annoying Jörmungand's, I get pissed. Stupid 16% hit rates. Single RN system GAAAAAH.

The Swordfighters are okay, though. At least Shanan has existent defense versus his invisible Res.

I raeg even more when RNG hates me and stones Seth during his powertrip in C18, followed by Gorgoncrits. FUUUUUCK.

Any Lord, because... well.... Game Over.

And anybody on my main team, really.

Oh and Lucius. Number one DPS on my FE7 team. Manliest guy EVER.

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When Shanan gets hit by more than two of those annoying Jörmungand's, I get pissed. Stupid 16% hit rates. Single RN system GAAAAAH.

The Swordfighters are okay, though. At least Shanan has existent defense versus his invisible Res.

Yeah, I just wait until Celice shows up and turns <21% hit rates into 0%. I really don't wish to test my luck with 16% hit rates on a 1RN system while being 2HKOd.

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Yeah, I just wait until Celice shows up and turns <21% hit rates into 0%. I really don't wish to test my luck with 16% hit rates on a 1RN system while being 2HKOd.

I have severe Lakche favoritism issues, so Celice moves at the pace of a snail.

Inefficient as hell, I know, but...

I'll just take the risks. Usually Shanan does it okay for me.

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Seeing as I never let any character stay dead and therefore degree of rage is linked to time spent on map I'll give you a list of characters whose death quotes I'm disproportionately familiar with:


Knoll (how? I never really used the guy)


















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Sety: I am not even sure how that happened, but he died in FE5 Ch 24x... I turned off the game and refused to play it for a while

Aless: I accidentally misjudged his strength (I still think of it as godly though), and ended up killing him when I first got him in my second playthrough. Imagine how pissed I was seeing my favorite unit die

Leaf (as a lord):...he dies so often, but it is always so annoying. He is so powerful in FE 4, how could he have been so weak one year before?

Percival: This always bugs me

Sirus: This guy isn't suppose to die, so I just threw him against a bunch of dragons, and the next thing I know his death quote came up... made me pretty amazed (especially since I was speeding through the enemy phase)

Soren: grr you are so wimpy when I first get you, but I have to keep you alive

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Aless: I accidentally misjudged his strength (I still think of it as godly though), and ended up killing him when I first got him in my second playthrough. Imagine how pissed I was seeing my favorite unit die

He can only take like 5 or 6 of the enemies he starts near, and there's 12 of them. Or something like that. Anyway, since he's got Mistoltin I generally let him have the shield ring in the nearby village so that he can do more.

Leaf (as a lord):...he dies so often, but it is always so annoying. He is so powerful in FE 4, how could he have been so weak one year before?

You call level 1 Leaf in fe4 chapter 7 powerful?

Obviously fe5 Leaf isn't going to compare to Master Knight Leaf, but it's considerably easier to compete with his level 1 fe4 self.

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Haar died? HOW?


Priscilla. GOD I HATE IT WHEN SHE GETS OWNED! Im all "ASS" AVGN style.

Florina. Oh yeah. The rage.

Fiora. She should dodge more...

Rath. Its kinda rare though...

And nearly anyone i train.




Knoll cuz he dies so easily! ARGH!




Soren. Rare but sometimes he gets a face full of death. D:

Marcia. Again rare but god do i rage!


Fiona. Cuz i like, use her.

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Sorry Wolf and Sedgar for overestimating you when you're just joining.

And I'll go a bit PEMN here and say that Barst is superior to both of you in every way.

That's not personal experience. That's TruFax.

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Thany - Probably way too obvious, It's just often that she ends up powerful in my playthroughs, even outclassing Tate if the RNG is in a good mood! I wish I was in the game so I can support with her and marry her in the end of the game, and we'll have h4x bonuses when together liek Pent and Louise!

Her only support option that has ANY hint whatsoever of the supporter and her being "together"... is Ward... which is kind of "ehh" for me.

I can pretty much say for people in this thread, I'm assuming if you have the FE character in your title, avy, and/or signature, you'll probably ragequit if they die.

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Aside from Tinny, the characters that anger me with there deaths are Sety (How the hell does that even happen!?), Hawkeye (he's the most like Knight Guy), and Lloyd (who I plan to hack over Karel in my next PT.)

Her only support option that has ANY hint whatsoever of the supporter and her being "together"... is Ward

That's because Frostbite's not in FE6 :awesome:

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Everybody except Mattis. I love everybody in the Akaneia story. But if lost in the arena and earning alot of money in it, well that's a whole different story. The arenas have no exit in this game.


Everybody. Love the Akaneia story.


Everybody except Mattis and Warren. I'm angered the most though whenever Mallesia dies. Love the Akaneia story.


Everybody except Sylvia, because she's worth offing for Sharlow and Laylea. Also, it's vital to keep everyone alive in this game since your cannot get reinforcements.


Almost everyone except Ralph and Dagdar.


Roy, *Lance, Alan, Dieck, *Clarine, Rutgar, Sue, *Lilina, Shin, *Lalum, *Miledy, *Fa, Yuuno are the only characters that I will mourn for if they die and will get me to restart.


*Florina, Serra, Erk, Kent, *Rebecca, *Priscilla, Raven, *Pent, *Louise are the only ones that get me to reset.


*L'Arachel, *Eirika, Lute, Natasha, *Joshua, Tana, *Amelia, *Myrrh, *Selena


*Ike, *Titania, *Mia, *Ilyana, *Mist, *Marcia, *Nephanee, *Zihark, *Astrid, Volke


*Laura, *Ilyana, *Zihark, *Marcia, Nephanee, *Heather, *Astrid, *Ike, *Titania, *Mia, *Soren, *Mist, *Sanaki, Volke

FE 11

Almost everyone except Darros and Mattis and hating the gaiden chapter requirements. Love the Akaneia story.

FE 12

Everyone except Mattis. Love the Akaneia story.

* Astrik represents on characters that I cannot accept to see them dead.

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